
   Serbian Latin English
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law lat. placet
gen. blubber; cry; weep; whimper; whine
obs. poetic plain
scottish greet
| in
excl. shoo
- only individual words found

verb | verb | verb | to phrases
plakati v
gen. blubber; cry; weep; whine
obs., poetic plain
scottish greet
slang blub; pipe; blart; scrike (She scrikes that much she actually takes a box of tissues to the cinema — Toliko place da nosi punu kutiju maramica u bioskop); skrike (She scrikes that much she actually takes a box of tissues to the cinema — Toliko place da nosi punu kutiju maramica u bioskop)
plah v
gen. chicken-hearted; coy; faint; pudent; skittish; timid; wild (divljač)
tiho plakati v
gen. whimper
placet v
law, lat. placet
: 2 phrases in 1 subject