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gen. modèle PRIMES
econ. environ. energ.ind. modèle énergétique PRIMES; modèle énergétique européen PRIMES
fin. prime
gen. imprégner; passer une couche de fond; nombre premier
agric. industr. construct. hors-choix
comp. originel; prime
| d
coal. el. antigrisouteux
arret definitif
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
prime [praɪm] n
gen. imprégner; passer une couche de fond; nombre premier (number)
agric., industr., construct. hors-choix m
chem. amorcer (pumps)
comp. originel; prime f (sign)
construct. peinture d'impression ou d'apprêt; appliquer une couche de fond
transp. bras m
gen. modèle PRIMES
econ., environ., energ.ind. modèle énergétique PRIMES; modèle énergétique européen PRIMES
Prime [praɪm] n
fin. prime f
prime [praɪm] v
met. apprêter
priming ['praɪmɪŋ] v
gen. amorçage
agric., tech. épamprage; épamprement
chem. primérisation
coal. amorcage
commun., el. apprêtage
construct. imprégnation
cultur., chem. impression
life.sc. gain; revif
met. appliquer un primer
Priming ['praɪmɪŋ] v
gen. amorçage d'une pompe
prime [praɪm] adj.
chem., mech.eng. faire des injections
cultur. imprimer; mouvement original
ling. primaire
mech.eng. amorcer
met. donner une couche de fond
scient. nombre premier
transp. levier
to prime [praɪm] adj.
coal. amorcer
mech.eng. primer
 English thesaurus
PRIME [praɪm] abbr.
abbr., ocean. Plankton Reactivity in the Marine
prime [praɪm] abbr.
abbr. prm
abbr., agric. p
pharm. PRIority MEdicines (inn)
PRIME [praɪm] abbr.
abbr. Pierre Renewable Integrated Meat And Energy; Prescribed Right To Income And Maximum Equity; Pride And Responsibility In My Environment; Privatize Retain Innovate Modify And Eliminate; Process Reengineering For Increased Manufacturing Efficiency; Panel of Recognised International Market Experts in Finance (inn); Presbyterian Refugee And Immigration Ministry Efforts; Pride Radiates In Music Education
abbr., auto. preinjection measure
abbr., ed. Partnerships And Reform In Mathematics Education; Personal Responsibility In My Education
abbr., el. photorefractive intermodal exchanger; positive resist image by dry etching process
abbr., med. Prospective Randomized Study Of Ibopamine On Mortality And Efficacy In Heart Failure; Prospective Epidemiological Study of Myocardial Infarction
abbr., mil. Precision Range Integrated Maneuver Exercise
abbr., mil., avia. precision integrator for meteorological echoes
abbr., police Problem Solving in Multi-agency Environments
abbr., scottish Precision Recovery Including Manoeuvring Entry
abbr., space precision recovery including maneuvering entry; program independence/modularity/economy
invest. prescribed right to income and maximum quality
mil. priority improvement effort; priority improvement management effort; priority management efforts; priority management engineering; priority management evaluation
Nasdaq PrimeHoldings.Com, Inc.
PRiME [praɪm] abbr.
abbr., fin. Portfolio Risk Margining System
prime d
: 1 phrase in 1 subject