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noun | verb | to phrases
salvage ['sælvɪʤ] n
gen. Altmaterial n; Bergung f (auf See); Rettung f; aufbereiten; ein Schiff bergen (a ship); bergen; Raubarbeiten f
busin. Bergelohn m; Bergungslohn m
construct. anfallender Abfall; Altstoff m; verwertbarer Altstoff
econ. Bergungsgut n; Bergegeld n; Wert geretteter Waren; Wiederverwertung f; Wiederverwendung f; wiedergewonnenes Gut; wiedergewonnenes Material; wiederverwertetes Gut; wiederverwertetes Material; Bergung f (z.B. Schiff)
ed. wiedererlangen
emerg.care Bergung f
insur. Provenue f
law, ADR Altmaterialverwertung f
microel. Rettung f (z. B. von Daten)
mining. Lettenbesteg m; Materialgewinnung f (aus aufzulassenden Gruben)
shipb. geborgenes Gut
tech. Gueter vor Vernichtung retten; Wrackbergung f
transp. geborgene Ladung
salvage The act, process, or business of rescuing vessels or their cargoes from loss at sea ['sælvɪʤ] n
environ. Bergung f
salvage ['sælvɪʤ] v
gen. erretten; retten; wiedergewinnen
econ. Altmaterial wiederverwerten
mining. fangen (Bohrwerkzeug); wiedergewinnen (Verrohrung)
tech. ausbessern; Ausschuss durch Nacharbeit; gebrauchsfaehig machen
tech., amer. ausschlachten; reparieren; rueckgewinnen
salvage! v
gen. birg!
salvages v
gen. birgt; rettet
 English thesaurus
salvage ['sælvɪʤ] n
mar.law a compensation allowed to persons by whose assistance a ship or its cargo has been saved (in whole or in part, from impending danger, or recovered from actual loss, in cases of shipwreck, derelict, or recapture. In the older books of the law, (and sometimes in modern writings,) the term ia also used to denote the goods or property saved thelaw.com)
mil., logist. Allied or enemy materiel including ships, craft or floating equipment which is recovered for reuse. (FRA); To remove assemblies, subassemblies or components from an unrepairable item of equipment for reuse. (FRA); Operation consisting of taking one or more sub-assemblies or spare parts from unrepairable equipment for supplies. It can also be done on enemy equipment for technical intelligence purposes. (FRA); Collection and recovery, on the battlefield, of the equipment, spares or ammunition, whether friendly or enemy, which are discarded, damaged or condemned, in order to place them within the logistic system for further treatment. This function comprises three sub-functions with, generally speaking, three various responsibilities: picking-up, sorting and evacuation. (FRA)
USA Property that has some value in excess of its basic material content but is in such condition that it has no reasonable prospect of use for any purpose as a unit and its repair or rehabilitation for use as a unit is clearly impractical; The saving or rescuing of condemned, discarded, or abandoned property, and of materials contained therein for reuse, refabrication, or scrapping. (JP 4-0)
: 139 phrases in 28 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
American usage, not spelling1
Earth sciences1
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering1
Mineral products1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation9
Notarial practice2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1