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NBS abbr.
abbr. National Budget System; National Button Society; New Bike Syndrome; Narrow Band Socket (Intel, Nokia); natural black slate; New British Standard; No Bull Shit; US National Bureau of Standards (from 1988 - NIST Vosoni); National Building Specification; National Broadcasting Service; night bombardment, short (distance)
abbr., astr., scient. Next Bright Star
abbr., BrE National Boarding Standards (алешаBG)
abbr., busin. National Bureau of Standards Handbook
abbr., chem. N-oxydiethylene-2-benzothiazol sulfenamide
abbr., clin.trial. Nijmegen breakage syndrome (eugeene1979)
abbr., comp., net., IT Networked Business Solutions
abbr., corp.gov. net base salary
abbr., dril. near-bit size (MichaelBurov); near bit stabilizer
abbr., earth.sc. New British Standard Wire Gauge; Norwegian and Barents Seas
abbr., el. narrow band system; navigation and bombing system; negative bias stress; neighboring station; network bus system; night bombardment-short distance; no buffering shaping; numeric backspace character
abbr., el., scient. Nothing But Signal
abbr., file.ext. Narrowband Socket
abbr., fin. National Bureau of Statistics
abbr., genet. nucleotide-binding site
abbr., IT Numeric BackSpace; National Bureau of Standardization (USA)
abbr., med. Neuroblastoma Supressor; Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome; Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome; No Bacteria Seen; Normal Blood Serum; Normal Bowel Sounds; Normal Brain Stem; Nystagmus Blockage Syndrome; newborn screening (Гера)
abbr., media. National Broadcasting System
abbr., mil. National Bureau of Standards; NarrowBand Sounder; NarrowBand Superheterodyne
abbr., mil., avia. narrow-band superheterodyne
abbr., mol.biol. nucleotide binding site (Игорь_2006)
abbr., nautic., scient. National Biological Survey
abbr., oil National Bureau of Standard
abbr., physiol., med. Normal bowel sounds; Normal Breath Sounds
abbr., scottish Narrow Beam Sounder
abbr., space neutral buoyancy simulator
abbr., sport. NASCAR Busch Series; National Brotherhood of Skiers
abbr., tradem. Nederland Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten
mil. navigation bombing system; night bombardment, short distance
tech. N-bromosuccinimide; nickel dibutyldithiocarbamate
NbS abbr.
abbr. nature-based solutions (asia_nova)
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Earth sciences1
Textile industry2