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gen. Gipfel
astr. Erdapex
gear.tr. Kegelscheitel
life.sc. agric. Apex, Vegetationspunkt
paleont. Spitzenregion des Rostrums; Apikalfeld; Apikalsystem
phys. Apex; Gipfelwert
racing Kurvenscheitelpunkt
| der
austral. die
- only individual words found

noun | noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
apex ['eɪpeks] n
gen. Gipfel m
agric. Zopf m; Wipfel m
anat. Ende n; Kuppe f
astr. Erdapex m
bot. Vegetationspunkt m; Vegetationskegel n
construct. Scheitel m (Bogen, Gewölbe); Scheitelpunkt m (höchster Gebäudepunkt); Anfallpunkt m (Dach); Knoten f
gear.tr. Kegelscheitel m
life.sc., agric. Apex, Vegetationspunkt
math. Scheitelpunkt m (Kurve)
met. obere Auschlagbühne
paleont. Spitzenregion des Rostrums; Apikalfeld n; Apikalsystem n; Scheitelschild m; Schnabelspitze f
phys. Apex m; Gipfelwert m
racing Kurvenscheitelpunkt m
tech. Scheitel m
apex ['eɪpeks] n
gen. Kegelspitze f; Kernreiter m; Scheitelpunkt m; Kulminationspunkt m
chem. Peakmaximum n; Peakspitze f; Spitze f (Gipfel/Scheitelpunkt/ Höhepunkt)
earth.sc. Kegelhals m
meas.inst. Spitze f (e.g. of a cone)
tech. Spitze f
apices of apex ['eɪpɪsi:z] n
gen. Spitzen n
apex ['eɪpeks] adj.
emerg.care Apex; Spitze
geol. Sattelhöchstes; Sattelscheitel; höchster Punkt (z. B. eines Flözes, einer Schicht); Bremsbergkopf; Haspelberqkopf
geol., sampl. Unterlaufdüse (Zyklon)
weap. Scheitelhöhe
 English thesaurus
APEX ['eɪpeks] abbr.
abbr., AI. Adaptive Principal component Extraction
abbr., avia. advanced passenger excursion fare; advanced project for European information exchange; airline performance system
abbr., ecol. agricultural policy environmental expansion
abbr., med. advance-purchase excursion
abbr., mil., avia. advance purchase excursion fare
abbr., photo. Additive System of Photographic Exposures
apex ['eɪpeks] abbr.
abbr. ap (Vosoni)
APEX ['eɪpeks] abbr.
abbr. Achievement Professionalism Excellence And Xtraordinary; APEX, Inc.; Advanced Packet EXchange; Argonne Plasma Engineering Experiment
abbr., astronaut. Ariane Passengers Experiment (programme)
abbr., automat. advanced productivity exposition (ssn)
abbr., avia. advance purchase excursion fare
abbr., commer. agricultural production and export
abbr., el. applied expert system; automated planning and execution control system
abbr., IT Advanced Processor Extension
abbr., mil. Adaptive Planning and Execution
abbr., qual.cont. analysis of performance and expenditures
abbr., railw. Apex Tank Car Line
abbr., scottish Advanced Photovoltaic & Electronics Experiment (USA)
abbr., transp. Advanced Performance Experimental X
mil. analysis of performances and expenditures; automated procurement planning, execution and control
ocean., nautic., scient. Arctic Polynya Experiment
tech. accelerator fuel producer and fission product exterminator; advanced peripheral extension bus; Advanced Plant Experiment
Apex ['eɪpeks] abbr.
abbr. Advanced Purchase Excursion
abbr., exhib. advance purchase excursion
APEX ['eɪpeks] abbr.
abbr. adaptive path index
abbr., busin. advanced-purchase excursion fare
abbr., earth.sc. acid precipitation experiment
abbr., IT advanced project for information exchange; assembly process exhibition and conference
abbr., neur.net. adaptive principal components extraction (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., oil accelerated program of exploration; amplitude and phase extraction; apparatus for pore examination
abbr., space active plasma experiment; Ariane passenger experiments; advanced photovoltaic and electronics experiment
abbr., textile analysis of performance and expenditure
: 192 phrases in 26 subjects
Earth sciences1
Gear train10
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Mechanic engineering5
Medical appliances1
Natural sciences2
Optics branch of physics9