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PBX abbr.stresses
gen. многоканальный (телефон Alexander Demidov); единый телефон (Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik учрежденская телефонная станция (private branch exchange)
chem.ind. БКК (Alexander Oshis)
comp., MS УАТС (A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers)
comp., net. учрежденческая телефонная станция с исходящей и входящей связью; телефонная система частного пользования; офисная АТС; частная телефонная станция с выходом в общую сеть
Gruzovik, tel. офисная автоматическая телефонная станция (private branch exchange); телефонный коммутатор (private branch exchange)
O&G, sakh. учрежденческая телефонная станция
 English thesaurus
PBX abbr.
abbr. Private Branch eXchange; Private Branch Exchanges
abbr., avia. public broadcasting exchange
abbr., chem.ind. Potassium butyl Xanthate (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., commun. primary or master or main station; private automatic branch exchange
abbr., food.ind. Peanut Butter Xtra
abbr., HF.electr. personal branch exchange
abbr., IT Private branch exchange
abbr., media. Punctuation
abbr., mil. Private Branch Exchange
abbr., mil., avia. pillbox
abbr., multimed. private branch telephone exchange
abbr., oil plastic bonded explosive
abbr., radio private branch exchange (Alexander Demidov)
abbr., scottish Polymer Bonded Explosive
abbr., tech. private branch-exchange
abbr., telecom. pick-up service
mil. plastic-bonded explosive
pbx abbr.
abbr. pillbox
: 93 phrases in 11 subjects
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