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com [kəm-,kam] nstresses
gen. приставка, означающая с; приставка, означающая у; приставка, означающая против
adv. комиссионное вознаграждение
el. связь; установление связи; коммуникация; система связи; способ связи; сообщение
com- n
gen. ком- (pref.; означает полноту, завершённость действия); со- (pref.; означает полноту, завершённость действия)
lat. ком- (перед согласными "b", "m", "p"; в словах происхождения со значением: 1. совместности, соединения; 2. сходства, соразмерности; 3. завершённости, окончательности; напр., комиссия – commission, смешивание – commixture, соревноваться – compete)
COM [kəm-,kam] n
progr. объектная модель компонентов (сокр. от "component object model" Alex_Odeychuk)
CoM [kəm-,kam] n
AI. комитет нейронных сетей (сокр. от "committee of machines" Alex_Odeychuk)
com [kəm-,kam] adj.
media. в Internet — имя домена верхнего уровня, которое используется для корпораций и в деловой сфере, имена доменов верхнего уровня идут последними в конкретном имени компьютерного домена (напр., www.apple.com)
COM [kəm-,kam] abbr.
gen. модель компонентных объектов Microsoft
avia. руководство по эксплуатации кабинной системы (Cockpit Operating Manual Seofunny)
comp., MS модель COM (An object-based programming model designed to promote software interoperability; it allows two or more applications or components to easily cooperate with one another, even if they were written by different vendors, at different times, in different programming languages, or if they are running on different computers running different operating systems)
electr.eng. общий контакт (SAKHstasia); нормально открытый / нормально закрытый общий контакт (drag)
formal коммюнике (ffynnon.garw)
Gruzovik, el. выходной компьютерный микрофильм (computer-output microfilm)
Gruzovik, IT модель компонентных объектов (component object model); модель общих объектов (common object model)
IT модель с общими объектами; компонентная объектная модель; общая объектная модель
polit. Общая Организация Аграрных Рынков (Common organisation of agricultural markets mazurov)
progr. компонентная объектная модель (сокр. от "component object model"; в кн.: Орлов С.А. Программная инженерия)
SAP.tech. объектная модель программных компонентов
sec.sys. клемма общего провода; последовательный порт
 English thesaurus
com [kəm-,kam] abbr.
abbr. comedy; comma; command; commandant; commander; commercial; commercial traveller; committee; common; commune; community; compiler; complement
abbr., oil commerce, commercial
IT communication; commutator
sport. commission
theatre. comedian
com. abbr.
abbr. commanding; communication; commerce (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. common
abbr., econ. communication Verbindung; Verkehr; Nachrichtenwesen
abbr., libr. comedy; comma; commentary
lat. Coma Berenices (the Veronica's Hair, Волосы Вероники Vosoni)
polym. commercial
.com abbr.
abbr., adv. dot-com
file.ext. Command (file name extension); Commercial Business (Domain Name, Internet)
COM [kəm-,kam] abbr.
abbr. Communication Organization And Management; Customer's Own Material; Collection Operations Management; Computer Output on Microfiche; Computer Output on Microfilm; Computer Output to Microform; Control Of Mom; Council of Ministers; Crappy Object Model; common compiler; computer output microform
abbr., avia. aeronautical telecommunication service; certification of manufacturer; company organization manual; cost of money
abbr., bank. commission (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp. communications port
abbr., comp., net., IT Collecting Others Money
abbr., cust. country of manufacture (13.05)
abbr., dat.proc. computer output microfiche
abbr., dril. crown-o-matic (противозатаскиватель талевого блока под кронблок empusa23)
abbr., econ. costs of manufacture; computerized operations management
abbr., ed., scient. College of Osteopathic Medicine
abbr., el. cassette operating monitor; centralized operations and maintenance; classical optical microscope; communication operating module; communications; computer output micrographics; configuration object manager; connection-oriented mode; constant current modulation; controller module; core object model; coupling of modes; computer output to microfiche
abbr., file.ext. Command binary file (Vosoni)
abbr., fin. Communications Department
abbr., food.ind. skim milk powder (сухое обезжиренное молоко antoxi)
abbr., health., med. Cardiac Output Monitor
abbr., inet. Candle Of The Month; Commercial Firm
abbr., IT Common Object Model; Compressed unix file archive; Computer Output Microfiche; Computer Output on Microfilm; COMmunication port (Bricker); computer output microfilmer; Computer-On-Module (модульный компьютер nikolkor)
abbr., med. Chronic Otitis Media; College Of Osteopathic Medicine; Component Object Model; Computer-output Microfilm; calcium oxalate monohydrate (harser); Cyclophosphamide, Oncovin, Methotrexate
abbr., mil. Center of Mass; Character-Oriented Messages; Command; Computer Output to Microfilm; chief of mission; collection operations management
abbr., mil., avia. checkout operations manual
abbr., opt. Center for Optical Manufacturing
abbr., org.name. Communications Division
abbr., pharm. lamivudine/zidovudine combination tablet (фиксированная комбинация ламивудина и зидовудина Dimpassy)
abbr., progr., IT Component Object Module
abbr., scottish Compact Optronic Mast; Computer-Output Microfilm
abbr., shipb. Check-out Operation Manual
abbr., tech. orbital maneuvering system
comp., abbr. Compressed unix file archive (compact)
energ.ind. computer output on microfiche
IT Continuation of Message
mil. change order modification; check-out operations manual; Chief of Mission (U.S. Embassy); commissioned officers' mess; computer operator's manual
tech. center-of-mass system; coal-oil mixture; code-division multiplexing; computer output microfilm; computer output microfilming; continuous delta modulation
telecom., abbr. Continuation of Message (DQDB, SMDS)
USA Communications
Com. n
geogr. Comoros (Vosoni)
Com [kəm-,kam] abbr.
abbr. compensated; Commodore
O&G AVL-G compensated acoustic velocity log, gamma ray log; AVL-N compensated acoustic velocity log, neutron log
CoM [kəm-,kam] abbr.
abbr. coefficient of merit
abbr., genet. coenzyme M
abbr., sport. centre of mass
COM+ An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management abbr.
abbr., comp., MS COM+‎‏
.COM n
inet. Commercial Business (Domain Name)
Comm [kəm-,kam] n
insur. Commission
COM [kəm-,kam] abbr.
abbr. cold rubber oil black master batch
abbr., avia. Cockpit Operating Manual; conceptual object model; computer operation manual
abbr., busin. commence; commerce; commissioner; commonwealth; compression
abbr., commer. commodity
abbr., earth.sc. Committee on Metrication; compensation; composition
abbr., econ. computer output micro-filming system
abbr., oil combustion; combustibility; combustible; Commodity Options Market; Commission on Ore Microscopy; common-offset migration; Comoros; component object mode; computer-output micro-film; connecting module; connection operating module; counts per minute
abbr., space centre of mass; computer-output microfilmer; computer-output micrograph; controlled carrier modulation
abbr., telecom. curve of merit
oil, abbr. coal oil mixture
Com. abbr.
abbr. command; commander; community
abbr., earth.sc. commission; committee
abbr., electric. commutator
Com [kəm-,kam] abbr.
abbr., oil Comanchean; Comley
COM+ abbr.
abbr., comp., MS COM+‎‏ (An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management)
com >
: 185 phrases in 38 subjects
Animal husbandry2
Automated equipment1
Computer networks1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2
Fantasy and science fiction3
Information technology22
Mass media5
Oil / petroleum1
Textile industry2
Water resources2
Wood processing1