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ESR abbr.stresses
electr.eng. эквивалентное последовательное сопротивление (Equivalent series resistance makryak); Требования электробезопасности (Electrical Safety Requirements artoffighters)
Gruzovik, econ. государственный складской запас сырой нефти (early storage reserve); стратегический запас сырой нефти (early storage reserve)
Gruzovik, softw. программа обработки событий (event service routine)
Makarov. электронный парамагнитный резонанс
med. СОЭ (erythrocyte sedimentation rate Drozdova); СОк (Westergen method; по Вестергрен Andrey250780); РОЭ (Hiema); реакция оседания эритроцитов (РОЭ MichaelBurov); скорость оседания эритроцитов (СОЭ MichaelBurov)
met. электрошлаковый переплав
oil заявка на техническое обслуживание (engineering service request)
phys. электронный спиновый резонанс
telecom. отношение ошибок к повреждённым секундам (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
ESR abbr.
abbr. Emergency Sun Reacquisition; Eric S Raymond; ELINT Summary Report; equivalent series resistor (Lena Nolte); electron paramagnetic resonance
abbr., auto. ecological science research; energy storage system; electric sunroof
abbr., avia. El Salvodor, Chile; Employment Systems Review; equivalent service resistance; enroute surveillance radar
abbr., BrE East Surrey Regiment
abbr., busin. Environmental and Social Risk (https://www.ing.com/Newsroom/All-news/Sustainability-news/Snws-1/Now-online-INGs-Environmental-and-Social-Risk-Policies.htm BabaikaFromPechka)
abbr., commun. Edge Switch Router (Alcatel 7420 ESR)
abbr., earth.sc. echo sounding room
abbr., ecol. Environmental sensitive receptor (Atenza)
abbr., ed. English For Selected Readers
abbr., ed., scient. Environmental And Scientific Research
abbr., el. edge stabilized ribbon; electronic send/receive; electron storage ring; errored block seconds ratio; errored seconds ratio; error status register; event storage record
abbr., el., scient. Effective Series Resistance; Electron Spin Resonance; Equivalent series resistance
abbr., electr.eng. effective series resistance; excitation system response
abbr., file.ext. Event Service Routine
abbr., genet. estrogen receptor
abbr., lab.eq. erythrocyte blood sedimentation rate
abbr., Makarov. equivalent series resistance
abbr., med. Electric Skin Resistance; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrosyte sedimentation rate (faddyfeme); electron spin resonance spectrometry
abbr., met. electro-slag remelting (process)
abbr., mil. Electronic Scanning Radar; Emergency Situation Report; external supported recovery
abbr., mil., avia. effective signal radiated
abbr., O&G Energy Sector Report (MichaelBurov); energy sector report (MichaelBurov); existing substances regulations (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil echo-sounding room; electron spin resonance spectroscopy; electronic surface recorder; equivalent radial stress; expected success risk
abbr., opt. electrical substitution radiometer; electron spin resonance
abbr., phys. electro spin resonance
abbr., physiol., med. Endonasal Sphenoid Release
abbr., polym. electron-spin resonance; electroslag remelting
abbr., R&D. Early Stage Researcher (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., scottish Effective Sonar Range; Electro-Slag Refined steel; European Staff Requirement
abbr., space earth science research; electro-slag refined; electro-slag remelt
abbr., sport. Extreme Speed Racing
abbr., telecom. errored second ratio (MichaelBurov); errored second
abbr., transp. Eat Sleep Ride; Electric Start And Reverse
energ.ind. energy sector regulations
med., abbr. erythrocyte sedimentation rate (СОЭ, скорость оседания эритроцитов ADol)
mil. engineering summary report; engineering support request; equipment status report; equivalent service rounds; European security region; expeditious shipping request
oncol., med. Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate
tech. early site review; effective signal radiation; electro slag remelting; electronic scanning recorder; electronic spin resonance; engineering service request; estimate scope of revision; experimental superheat reactor
esr abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. equivalent spherical radius
: 44 phrases in 9 subjects
Optics branch of physics1