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RBF abbr.stresses
el. радиальная базисная функция (сокр. от "dial basis function" Alex_Odeychuk); алгоритм обучения искусственных нейронных сетей с использованием радиальных базисных функций; RBF-алгоритм; искусственная нейронная сеть с обучением на основе радиальных базисных функций; RBF-сеть
slang вечно недовольная рожа ("Resting bitch face" (RBF) refers to a facial expression that unintentionally appears annoyed, irritated, or judgmental when the face is at rest. The term "resting" is used because the expression occurs without the person intentionally conveying any particular emotion; it's simply their default or neutral facial expression. RBF is a colloquial term, often discussed in a humorous context, but can also lead to misunderstandings in social interactions, as observers might misinterpret the person's mood or attitude. vogeler); вечно недовольная физиономия ("Resting bitch face" (RBF) refers to a facial expression that unintentionally appears annoyed, irritated, or judgmental when the face is at rest. The term "resting" is used because the expression occurs without the person intentionally conveying any particular emotion; it's simply their default or neutral facial expression. RBF is a colloquial term, often discussed in a humorous context, but can also lead to misunderstandings in social interactions, as observers might misinterpret the person's mood or attitude. vogeler); постоянно перекошенное лицо ("Resting bitch face" (RBF) refers to a facial expression that unintentionally appears annoyed, irritated, or judgmental when the face is at rest. The term "resting" is used because the expression occurs without the person intentionally conveying any particular emotion; it's simply their default or neutral facial expression. RBF is a colloquial term, often discussed in a humorous context, but can also lead to misunderstandings in social interactions, as observers might misinterpret the person's mood or attitude. vogeler); перекошенное лицо ("Resting bitch face" (RBF) refers to a facial expression that unintentionally appears annoyed, irritated, or judgmental when the face is at rest. The term "resting" is used because the expression occurs without the person intentionally conveying any particular emotion; it's simply their default or neutral facial expression. RBF is a colloquial term, often discussed in a humorous context, but can also lead to misunderstandings in social interactions, as observers might misinterpret the person's mood or attitude. vogeler)
RBF' abbr.
chem. круглодонная колба (round bottom flask dzimmu)
telecom. коэффициент блокирования функции повторного использования частот (Лена55)
 English thesaurus
RBF abbr.
abbr. Retired Boxers Foundation; Rockefeller Brothers Fund
abbr., avia. Big Bear, California USA; retort brazing fixture
abbr., comp. read bit feedback
abbr., corp.gov. results-based framework
abbr., dril. roller-ball-friction
abbr., earth.sc. radial basis functions
abbr., el. radial basis function; receive buffer full; remote basic frame
abbr., immunol. renal blood flow
abbr., IT Rbase Datafile; report by forms (Лорина)
abbr., mil., air.def. radial base function; remote batch facility
abbr., physiol. Rat-Bite Fever
abbr., physiol., med. Rat- Bite Fever
abbr., psychol. resting bitch face (rusputin)
abbr., relig. Rochester Bible Fellowship
abbr., scottish Remove Before Flight
abbr., tradem. Reel Big Fish
mil. retarded bomb fuze
tech. radial basis/bias functions; report-by-form
rbf abbr.
abbr. rail baron fanatic
abbr., med. regional blood flow; regional bone mass; renal blood flow
BF-алгоритм с равным
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Neural networks3