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VI [vaɪ] nstresses
chem. шестивалентный (после названия хим. элемента; напр., Chromium VI / Chromium (VI) – шестивалентный хром yesley)
Vi [vaɪ] n
gen. Вай (женское имя)
dril. виола (Viola; свита верхне-среднего ордовика)
neurol. первая ветвь V тройничного черепного нерва, n.ophthalmicus (doc090)
vi [vaɪ] n
comp. визуальный редактор текстов
tech. ИВ
VI [vaɪ] abbr.
gen. с нарушением зрения (visually impaired KPbICMAH)
pharm. вирусная инактивация (viral inactivation LILIANNA)
product. индекс уязвимости (Vulnerability Index; риск-менеджмент Sintey)
textile вискоза (Yuriy83)
 English thesaurus
VI [vaɪ] abbr.
abbr. Very Inquisitive; Vietnamese; Vitramon; Vector Identifier; VIsual editor; vegetation index; vested interest; авто. viscosity index
abbr., AI. Variable Interval schedule
abbr., auto. purple; viscosity improves
abbr., automat. versatility indicator
abbr., avia. vertical incidence; heading to a course intercept; variable inlet; variable intake; velocity inertial; ventral inlet; video image; heading to a course intercept ventral inlet; Volga Dnepr Airlines (Cargo)
abbr., Canada Vancouver Island
abbr., cartogr. vertical interval
abbr., chem., scient. Viscosity Index
abbr., commun. videotex interworking
abbr., comp.graph. variable information (translator911)
abbr., ed. Visual Impairment
abbr., ed., scient. Very Intuitive
abbr., el. valid data indication; variable interval; vector interrupt; VHDL International Inc.; video integrator; VLAN identifier
abbr., el., scient. Virtual Instrumentation; Visual Input; Visual Interface
abbr., file.ext. Watcom editor script (VI.EXE Vosoni)
abbr., forestr. ventilation index
abbr., IT LabView File; Virtual Interface; virtual instrument; virtual interface
abbr., med. vascularization index (harser); volume index
abbr., med., lat. virgo intacta
abbr., media. Visual Instrument
abbr., mil. Visual Information; Visual Inspection
abbr., mil., avia. variable-incidence
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. instrument air
abbr., physiol., med. Viral infection; Visually Impaired
abbr., polit. British Virgin Islands
abbr., polym. vacuum infusion (bajituka); viscosity index
abbr., progr., IT Vi Improved; Virtually Impossible
abbr., scottish Visual Identification mode
abbr., securit. value index
abbr., sport. Very Intimidating
abbr., textile Virus I
abbr., tradem. Village Inn
abbr., vet.med., med. Veterinary Ireland
mil. vendor item; visual identification; visual indicator; visual information; visual inspection; voluntary indefinite
mil., abbr. vendor item; visual identification; visual indicator; visual information; visual inspection; voluntary indefinite
polit. Virgin Islands
polit., abbr. Virgin Islands
Vi [vaɪ] abbr.
abbr. 1/2 (когда этот символ не прописывается в кодировке 4uzhoj); volume inside a tubular; Vickers number; ionization voltage
abbr., avia. indicated air speed
abbr., earth.sc. virgin
abbr., genet. epistatic variance
abbr., med. virginium; virulence; virulent
abbr., oil Viola; volume inside a tubular
vi [vaɪ] n
O&G velocity inside a tubular; violet
.vi n
file.ext. Virgin Islands (USA)
VI [vaɪ] abbr.
abbr., adv. visual identity (Technical)
abbr., avia. virtual image
abbr., busin. vide infra
abbr., earth.sc. variability index
abbr., fish.farm. viscera index ((weight of viscera/gutted body weight) x 100 iwona)
abbr., oil analysis of least squares velocity inversion; vertical line; viscosity indicator; visual index; volume indicator; velocity of light phase
abbr., space visual ident mode
: 93 phrases in 28 subjects
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