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rep [rep] n
mil., lingo repairman (MichaelBurov); reprimand (MichaelBurov)
Rep [rep] n
mil., lingo Replacement Center (MichaelBurov)
REP [rep] abbr.
abbr. Recognizing Excellent Performance; Relevance Expectation And Perception; range error probability; repair; repeat; represent; Reserve Exploitation Program; Registered Education Providers (Johnny Bravo); range probable error
abbr., avia. Siem Reap, Cambodia; reporting point; range estimating programme; reference eye position (point); report reporting point; repository; reproducer
abbr., avia., med. patellar reflex
abbr., comp., net. robot exclusion protocol
abbr., earth.sc. reasonable evaluation process; Resources Exchange Project
abbr., econ. request for proposals
abbr., ed. Remedial Education Program; Research Experience Program (Yanamahan)
abbr., el. relative error probability; reliability evaluation program
abbr., energ.syst. retail electric provider (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Reply file (Qwk Reader)
abbr., genet. repetitive extragenic palindrome
abbr., IT Read, Evaluate, Print; Remotely Executable Program; Reply file; Report file
abbr., karate. reliability estimation program
abbr., med. Replication Protein; retrograde pyelogram
abbr., mil. Repeat; Reply; Representative; Repulse
abbr., mil., avia. radar enhancement phase
abbr., mil., WMD radiological emergency planning
abbr., oil raw external pressure; request for proposal; residual electromagnetic parameter
abbr., org.name. Public Affairs Service
abbr., patents. Request for extension of protection (la_tramontana)
abbr., physiol., med. Roentgen Equivalent Physical
abbr., police Radio Emergency Patrol
abbr., polit. Republicans For Environmental Protection
abbr., radio repetitive flight plan (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., scottish Rendezvous Evaluation Pod
abbr., space rocket engine processor
abbr., sport. Repetition Each Press; Repetitions; Rubbing Eases Pain
abbr., st.exch. Repsol International Finance, S. A.; Repsol, S. A.
abbr., tradem. Republic Engineered Products, LLC
energ.ind. reducing emissions report; roof-mounted electrostatic precipitator
meteorol. reporting
mil. radial error probable; range error probable; recovery and evacuation program; research project; reserve enlisted program
tech. radar evaluation pod; radiological emergency plan; reentry physics program; repeater; resonance escape probability; roentgen equivalent physical
rep [rep] abbr.
abbr. reparation; representative
abbr., med. roentgen equivalent, physical; reciprocal translation
abbr., nucl.phys. roentgen-equivalent, physical; röntgen-equivalent, physical; röntgen, physical
abbr., oil repairedings; report (er); replaceed
abbr., sport. repeat
biol. roentgen-equivalent-physical
cartogr. reported
mil. report (MichaelBurov)
mil., lingo rep dep (MichaelBurov)
O&G replace; replaced; replacement
school.sl. repetition
Rep. abbr.
abbr. Reporter; Reports; Representative; repair; republic
abbr., earth.sc. report
law repealed; Coke's King's Bench Reports; Report (s, er)
Rep [rep] abbr.
abbr. receptor; Republic; replication initiator protein (Millie)
rep. abbr.
abbr., busin. repetition; reprint; represent
Rep [rep] abbr.
abbr., busin. representation
rep. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. range probable error; repeat
abbr., econ. representation
Rep [rep] abbr.
abbr., el. reproducibility
abbr., med., lat. repetatur
rep. abbr.
abbr., phys. repulsion
rep rep
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects