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adjective | abbreviation
SSD abbr.
abbr. subsoil drain
abbr., AI. Sum of Squared Difference
abbr., auto. stopping sight distance; system self-diagnostics
abbr., automat. system specification document (ssn)
abbr., avia. Safety and Service Design; system safety deficiency; Seattle Services Division; significant structural detail; solid state detector; solid state storage device; structural safety design; system safety documentation; system specification development; system summary display; system support data
abbr., el. secondary storage device; seize signal detector; selective silicon deposition; selective surface doping; sequence switch driver; silicon-surface barrier detector; single side disk; single station DOVAP; soft-sectored disk; software support design; solid solder deposition (process); solid-state delay; solid-state detector; solid-state display; spot size detection; spread source/drain; static shielding diode; structural syntax diagram; structured system design; super-Schottky diode; synthesis solute diffusion method
abbr., fin. Security and Safety Document
abbr., genet. single seed descent; single seed descent method
abbr., med. Social Services Department; speech sound discrimination
abbr., mil. strategic studies detachment
abbr., mil., air.def. solid state device
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite system development
abbr., nautic. Slow Speed Diesel engine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nucl.phys. source-surface distance
abbr., tech. shutter speed dial
energ.ind., abbr. source-skin distance; standard for sulfur dioxide
law, Hong.Kong. Special Stamp Duty (Special Stamp Duty (SSD): This tax is introduced to curb property speculation activities such as quick turnover transactions. It is charged on top of the AVD. – any properties resold within specific ‘holding periods' shall be charged. – only applicable for residential properties acquired on or after 27 October 2012. : Homeowners no longer need to pay a Special Stamp Duty (SSD) if they sell their homes within two years. 'More)
mil., abbr. Secret Service division; signal search and development; special security detachment; special services division; specialized storage depot; station supply depot; stock storage depot; supply and services division; surveillance situation display; survival support device; system status display; systems support division
tech., abbr. safe shutdown; single station Doppler; solid-state disk; space shuttle display; spacecraft software division; stabilized ship detector; steady-state distribution; system specification document
SSD abbr.
abbr. Social Security Disability; solid-state drive (A solid-state drive (SSD) (also known as a solid-state disk or electronic disk, though there are no actual "disks" present) is a data storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently. WAD Alexander Demidov); safety shutoff device (Ася Кудрявцева); solid state disk; Space System Division; synthesis solute diffusion
abbr., avia. System description document - спецификация системы (geseb); service support data; shared security data; structure safety design; system safety document
abbr., busin. super-super duralumin
abbr., comp., MS SSD (A primary storage device based on solid-state memory, such as flash memory, that provides nonvolatile storage with benefits of performance, reliability and power saving)
abbr., comp., net. server signal degrade
abbr., comp., net., IT Start of Stream Delimiter
abbr., construct. saturated surface-dry (HelenDZ)
abbr., earth.sc. saturated sample density; Scientific Services Division; Sea-State Dependent Method; scanning spectrodensitometry; special sensor D; sum of squared differences
abbr., ed. Special School District
abbr., el. synthesis, solute diffusion
abbr., el., scient. Switching Sequence Detection
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Super Star Destroyer
abbr., file.ext. SHARE Secretarial Distribution
abbr., HF.electr. simultaneous signal detection
abbr., IT SAS/PC Datafile; single-sided disk; solid state drive (Alex Lilo); system sequence diagrams
abbr., math., scient. Sum of Squares Distances
abbr., med. Source-skin Distance; Syndrome Ofsudden Death; source-skin-distance (подразумевается расстояние от источника излучения, сокращение используется в радиотерапии Slawjanka)
abbr., med.appl. shaded surface display (harser)
abbr., met. Steel Safety Day (amorgen)
abbr., mil. Scandinavian Slash Defenders; Software Support Date; Solid State Drive (forerunner of HSSR)
abbr., mil., WMD Safety and Surety Division
abbr., nautic. Slow Speed Diesel (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., scient. Scientific Support Division
abbr., O&G sliding side door (MichaelBurov); sliding side-door (vbadalov)
abbr., oil sliding sleeve (andrushin); shared service drilling; sum of square deviation; sum of squares of differences
abbr., physiol., med. Source Skin Distance
abbr., progr., IT Standard Signature Delineator
abbr., radiobiol. source-to-surface distance (расстояние от источника радиации до поверхности, чаще всего, фантома Slawjanka)
abbr., railw. Union Pacific Railroad Company
abbr., scottish Ship Self-Defence; System Security Database; Systems & Simulation Division (USAF)
abbr., semicond. subsurface damage (шлифовка полупроводниковой пластины Yakov)
abbr., space Space Service Division; Space Systems Division; status source document; System and Simulation Division
abbr., sport. Single Single Double
abbr., st.exch. Simpson Manufacturing, Inc.
abbr., tech. safety disconnection device (Nimeria); semi-submersible suction dredger
abbr., tradem. Stuart Spector Design
abbr., UN, AIDS. Strategic Support Division
mil. scrap salvage division; software system design; specialized supply depot