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IV abbr.
abbr. current-voltage characteristics; Import Value; Intravenous therapy (finita); intravenous therapy (finita); investment venture
abbr., anim.husb. Index Veterinarius
abbr., auto. inlet hydraulic pressure solenoid valve; input valve; interceptor-valve
abbr., avia. interface vector; invoice value; isolation valve; integrated vehicle; interrupted view; intermediate visit
abbr., biol. intravenous injection
abbr., busin. instrumental variable estimators
abbr., chem., scient. Iodine Value
abbr., cryptogr. initialization vector (синхропосылка Toria Io)
abbr., data.prot. initialization value
abbr., earth.sc. inclusive value; initial vapor; Institute of Volcanology; instrumental variable; inversion voltammetry method
abbr., econ. implied volatility (kotechek)
abbr., el. interactive video (system); force current/measure voltage technique; input voltage; intensifier vidicon; intermediate valence (semiconductor); intermediate voltage; initializing value
abbr., fin. investment value; agent-based model
abbr., idiom. (OLGA P.)
abbr., IT 3D object
abbr., Makarov. independent verification; intercept valve
abbr., math., scient. Image Value
abbr., med. intravenously; intraventricular; intravenous; Endometrial Carcinoma Extending Outside The True Pelvis Or Involving The Bladder And Rectum (International Federation Of Gynecologists And Obstetricians (FIGO) Classification); intravertebral
abbr., obst. intravaginal (внутривлагалищный Дюнан)
abbr., oil increment value; initial vapour; inlet valve; instrumented vehicle; insurance value; interceptor valve; interval velocity
abbr., oncol., med. Intravenous - into a vein
abbr., physiol., med. In Vitro
abbr., polit. Ivory Coast
abbr., polym. independent variable; intrinsic viscosity; iodine value
abbr., radiol. irradiated volume (Katejkin)
abbr., scient. Independent Variable
abbr., sec.sys. identity verification
abbr., securit. intrinsic value
abbr., st.exch. Mark IV Industries, Inc.
abbr., telecom. Initial Value
invest., abbr. increased value
mil., abbr. initial velocity; interval; intravehicular
IV. abbr.
abbr. insurance value
abbr., electric. inverter
IV! abbr.
energ.ind. independent viscosity index
Iv abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. ilvaite
abbr., oil inverter
iv abbr.
abbr. insured value
: 2 phrases in 1 subject