
Terms for subject Swimming containing | all forms
身体曲线不佳线poorly streamlined
两脚做弧外蹬夹水的动作rounded and outward sweep of feet
倒问号划水路线inverted question mark pull
双 S 划水double S pull
蝶泳双"S"划水路线double "S" pull
反问号划水路线inverted question mark pull
Y 字划水buggy whip pull
T 字转身标志turning T target
小 S 划水路线zigzag pull
bow wave
波底部bottom of the bow wave
波的底部波谷bottom of the bow wave
划水rounded and outward pulling
向外划水rounded and outward pulling
推水round out
弹道线移动ballistic movement
S 划水S pattern pull
S划水路线S pattern pull
S 划水路线zigzag pull
转身标志turning TT
变速度打腿kick locomotor
变速打腿kick locomotor
变速游pyramid swimming
变速游swim locomotor
变速游locomotive swimming
变速游技术训练pyramid techniques training
变速游训练pyramid technique of training
swim a pyramid build-up
continuous swim with alternating slow and fast laps
游训练法locomotive technique of training
沙漏划水路线hour-glass pull
分析器wave analyser
流线体形fine body
漏斗划水路线hourglass pull
线动作line movement
自由泳梯练习freestyle ladder
钥匙洞划水路线keyhole pull
锯齿划水路线zigzag pull