
Terms for subject Wrestling containing Bars | all forms
arm bar臂杠杆
arm-bar and half Nelson锁肩下握颈
arm-bar and near half Nelson锁臂肩下握颈
arm-bar and reverse body-lock锁握臂
bar arm反夹臂
bar arm with grapevine锁臂缠腿
bar hammerlock杠杆锁臂
bar Nelson握臂压肩颈
bar Nelson握臂压颈肩
double arm bar to pancake双杠杆锁臂
double bar arm双杠杆锁臂
double bar arm from side侧面双肩下抱颈压桥
double bar arm-lock双杠杆锁臂
double-arm bar from side侧面双肩下抱颈压桥
double-arm bar to pancake双杠杆锁臂
further bar half Nelson侧面肩下杠杆压颈
further bar half-Nelson侧面肩下杠杆压颈
further bar half-Nelson侧面杠杆半纳尔逊
locked double bar lock back双杠杆锁臂
locked double bar over back双杠杆锁臂
reverse double bar lock反双杠杆锁臂
reverse double bar lock双杠杆锁臂
reverse head-lock and arm-bar圈臂反抱肩颈压桥
single bar and groin pry握臂穿腿
single bar over back握臂穿腿
sit-back with reverse headlock and arm-bar圈臂反抱肩颈过桥摔
sit-back with reverse headlock and bar arm-lock圈臂反抱肩颈过桥摔
turn over with body hold and arm-bar锁臂后抱躯干过桥翻
turn over with body hold and arm-bar锁臂翻身成站立平衡