
Terms for subject Music containing group | all forms | exact matches only
chamber groupкамерный ансамбль (bookworm)
folk music groupфольклорный коллектив (Andrey Truhachev)
folk music groupнародный музыкальный коллектив (Andrey Truhachev)
folk music groupмузыкальная группа в стиле "фолк" (Andrey Truhachev)
folk music groupфолк-группа (Andrey Truhachev)
folk music groupансамбль народной музыки (Andrey Truhachev)
folk music groupфольклорная группа (Andrey Truhachev)
folk music groupфольклорный ансамбль (Andrey Truhachev)
group mutingвыключение звучания группы
key groupгруппа клавиш
leave the groupпокинуть группу (Alex_Odeychuk)
member of "the Mighty Group"кучкист (Balakirev, M[o]ussorgsky, Borodin, Rimski-Korsakov, and Cui)
micro tuning groupтемперированный звукоряд
MIDI data groupгруппа MIDI-данных
multi-racial groupгруппа, состоящая из представителей разных рас (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
music groupмузыкальная группа (The Cowsills music group enjoyed great success during the late 60s and into the 70s, not only with their music but appearing as guests on many television shows and even hosting their own TV special. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
music groupвокально-инструментальный ансамбль (The Cowsills music group enjoyed great success during the late 60s and into the 70s, not only with their music but appearing as guests on many television shows and even hosting their own TV special. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
music groupгруппа (The Cowsills music group enjoyed great success during the late 60s and into the 70s, not only with their music but appearing as guests on many television shows and even hosting their own TV special. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
rock groupрок-группа (Юрий Гомон)
sound color groupкомбинация тембров
sound groupкомбинация тембров
string groupструнные инструменты (katarina2311)
the Mighty Groupмогучая кучка (name given to the distinguished composers Balakirev, M[o]ussorgsky, Borodin, Rimski-Korsakov, and Cui)
touring groupгастролирующая группа (Technical)
wind groupДеревянные духовые музыкальные инструменты (katarina2311)