
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing scales | all forms
back kip to support scale at ring height后上成水平十字
elbow support scale平衡
free front scale直臂水平自由支撑
free front support scale水平支撑
free front support scale crossways俯平衡两臂侧举
free horizontal support scale俯撑平衡
free knee scale跪撑平衡
free support scale水平支撑
free support scale水平 十字支撑吊环动作
free support scale吊环动作水平十字支撑
free support scale sideways侧撑平衡
front horizontal scale燕式平衡
frontward horizontal hanging scale前水平悬垂
frontways horizontal hanging scale前水平悬垂
front-ways horizontal hanging scale前水平悬垂
hang-scale backward后水平悬垂
hang-scale sideways侧水平悬垂
hanging scale sideways侧水平悬垂
horizontal hanging scale水平悬垂
horizontal hanging scale frontways前水平悬垂
horizontal hanging scale rearways后水平悬垂
K scaleK 形平衡
knee scale跪撑平衡
needle scale屈体分腿站立
needle scale分腿站立体前屈
scale backward仰平衡
scale backward一腿起踵另一腿前举仰平衡
scale backward后水平
scale backward in balance起踵仰平衡
scale forward燕式平衡一腿起踵另一腿后举俯平衡
scale forward燕式平衡
scale forward in balance起踵俯平衡
scale forward with full split单腿站立体前屈
scale forward with full split单腿站立体后屈
scale frontways燕式平衡
scale of marks评分标准
side scale平衡
standing scale frontways燕式平衡
standing scale frontways俯平衡
standing scale rear-ways仰平衡
standing scale rear-ways后水平
standing scale rearways仰平衡
standing scale rearways with body bent backward体后屈平衡
standing scale sideways侧平衡
support scale水平支撑