
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 标准 | all forms | in specified order only
中华人民共和国铁路标准列车活载Standard Railway Train Live Load Specified by The People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国铁道部标准Standards of Ministry of Railways of P. R. C.
中国工业标准Chinese Industrial Standards
中国钢结构标准技术委员会China Technical Committee for Standards of Steel Structures
主要技术标准principal technical standards
主要技术标准main technical standards
企业标准company standards
企业标准enterprise standards
作用标准characteristic value of action
作用标准standard value of action
公路工程技术标准technical standard of highway engineering
公路桥梁标准规范standard specifications for highway bridges
公路桥设计标准highway bridge design standards
公路车辆荷载标准standards for highway vehicle load
内河通航标准inland navigation standards
几何参数标准nominal value of geometrical parameter
分析标准analytic standard
制造 厂标准manufacture's standards
合格的质量标准acceptable quality level
噪声控制评价标准criteria for noise control
国家标准national standards
国家标准化组织International Organization for Standardization
国家标准学会National Standard Institute
国家标准机构national standards organization
土工试验方法的标准standards for soil test method
土的分类标准standards for soil classification
基本标准basic criterion
定性标准qualitative criteria
定量标准quantitative criteria
工艺标准proces standard
工艺标准technological standard
建筑标准building standards
强度标准characteristic value of strength
强度的标准criterion of strength
技术等级标准grading standards of skill
材料性能标准characteristic standard value of a property of material
材料性能标准standard value of material
标准criterion (复 <-> criteria)
标准standardized element
标准standardized parts
标准公路净宽standard highway clearance
标准养护standard curing
标准养护条件standard curing condition
标准冻深standard frost penetration
标准加速度谱normalized acceleration spectrum
标准化杆件standardized member
标准协会Standard Association
标准单位standard units
标准standard form
标准型钢standard steel section
标准型钢standard section steel
标准委员会standard committee
标准孔径standard aperture dimension
标准宽度normal width
标准 90 度弯钩standard 90 degree hook
标准弯钩standard hook
标准强度standard strength
标准技术规范standard technical specifications
标准断面standard section
标准方法standardized procedure
标准构件standard element
标准构件standardized-shape member
标准格式normal format
标准模板standard form
标准横截面standard cross-section
标准正态分布函数standard normal distribution function
标准正态密度函数standard normal density function
标准水泥standard cement
标准水泥normal cement
标准活载standard live load
标准湿度standard humidity
标准standard sand
标准砂浆normal mortar
标准砂浆standard mortar
标准standard mesh screen
标准筛号standard sieve series
标准级配standard grading
标准荷载standard load
标准荷载谱standard load spectrum
标准表示法standard expression method
标准规格basic size
标准设计modular design
标准设计standardized design
标准设计图typical design drawing
标准设计图standard design drawing
标准设计更改通知notice for standard design change
标准设计更改通知standard design change notice
标准设计风压强度intensity of wind pressure for standard design
标准试件standard specimen
标准详图typical detail drawing
标准详图standard detail drawing
标准贯入standard penetration
标准贯入仪standard penetrometer
标准贯入器standard penetration test apparatus
标准贯入试验锤击数blow count of standard penetration test
标准贯入阻力standard penetration resistance
标准跨度standard span
标准standard rail
标准轨距standard rail gauge
标准轨距轨道standard gauge track
标准轨距铁路standard gauge railway
标准轨距铁路建筑限界structure gauge for standard gauge railway
标准锤击数blow count of standard penetration
标准长度钢轨standard length rail
标高基准点bench mark
桥梁标准活载standard live load for bridge
桥梁标准设计standard design of bridge
桥梁标准跨度standard span of bridge
桥梁地震设计标准seismic design standard for bridges
桥梁设计标准bridge design standards
桥梁设计标准standards for bridge design
桥涵洪水频率标准standards of flood frequencies of bridge and culvert
水准标尺levelling staff
水准标石level mark
涵洞标准孔径standard aperture of culvert
混凝土标准圆柱体concrete standard cylinder
混凝土标准立方体concrete standard cube
特定标准specific criterion
现行标准standards in force
现行标准current standards
英国标准学会British standard Institution
英国标准规范British standard specifications
行业标准professional standards
设计标准criterion for design
评定标准evaluation criterion
质量标准standards of quality
通用设计标准general design criteria
标准ministerial standards
部定标准standard set by a ministry
部颁标准ministerial standard
部颁标准departmental standard
钢结构标准技术委员会technical committee for standards of steel structures
铁路标准活载的换算均布活载conversion uniformly distributing live load of standard live load of railway
铁路主要技术标准main technical standards for railway
铁路工程技术标准technical standards for railway engineering
铁路桥梁标准跨度standard spans of railway bridges
铁路桥涵标准规范standard specifications for bridges and culverts of railway
防护标准protective standards
防洪标准criterion of flood control
限速标准standards for limited velocity
标准non-standard beam
标准设计nonstandard design
验收标准acceptance level