
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing scale | all forms | exact matches only
aerial photographic scale航摄比例尺
Beaufort scale for wind蒲福风级
Beaufort wind-scale蒲福风级
big-scale works大型工程
Celsius thermometer scale摄氏温标
centigrade scale百分刻度百分标
conventional scale惯用比例尺
dimension scale尺寸比例尺
diminishing scale缩尺
drawing to scale按比例绘图
earthquake intensity scale地震烈度
full scale experiment足尺试验
full scale model实尺模型
full scale model足尺模型
full-scale model全尺寸模型
full scale templating足尺放样
full scale test原型试验
graphic scale图示比例尺
graphical scale图示比例尺
half-size scale二分之一比例尺
honeycomb and scale蜂窝麻面
inch scale英制比尺
land Beaufort wind scale陆地蒲福风级
large scale大缩尺
large scale大比尺
large-scale blasting大爆破
large scale construction大规模施工
large scale manufacture大批生产
large scale map大比尺地图
large scale model大缩尺模型
large scale site大型建筑工地
large scale topographic map大比例尺地形图
log scale对数比例尺
log scale对数标尺
logarithmic scale对数比例尺
logarithmic scale对数标尺
log-log scale重对数比尺
magnitude scale of earthquake地震震级
metric scale米制比例尺
modified-Mercalli intensity scale修正麦卡里地震烈度表
photo scale像片比例尺
plotting scale paper绘图方格纸
reduced scale proto type model test缩尺真型试验
reduction scale三棱尺
representative scale惯用比例尺
Richter scale里氏索级
scale designation尺寸标记
scale-down test模拟试验
scale drawing缩尺图
scale drawing缩图
scale map比例图
scale of a construction item建设规模
scale of earthquake intensity地震烈度表
scale of seismic intensity地震烈度表
scale of turbulence湍流尺寸
scale-up factor比例系数
scale value标度值
seismic intensity scale地震烈度级
seismicity scale地震烈度表
sliding scale计算尺
small scale小比例尺
stratigraphic time scale地层年表
water level scale水位尺