
Terms for subject Hydrology containing sediment | all forms | exact matches only
annual sediment transport年产沙量
annual sediment yield年产沙量
area-specific sediment yield年输沙量
area-specific sediment yield单位面积产沙量
sediment basin沉淀槽
sediment concentration curve泥沙含量曲线
sediment delivery ratio泥沙输移比
sediment discharge输沙量
sediment discharge排沙量
sediment laden torrent挟沙洪流
sediment load输沙量
sediment pool沉砂池
sediment pool沉沙池容积
sediment pool拦沙坝
sediment pool capacity沉沙池容积
sediment regime泥沙状况
sediment routing输沙路线
sediment storage dam沉砂池
sediment storage dam拦沙坝
sediment transport输沙
sediment transport rate输沙率
sediment transport rate输沙量
sediment transport rate排沙量
sediment trap蓄淤地
specific sediment discharge单位面积输沙量
specific sediment yield年输沙量
specific sediment yield单位面积产沙量
zone of sediment deposit沉积区
zone of sediment deposition泥沙沉积区