
Terms for subject Informal containing обратиться | all forms | exact matches only
вы правильно сделали, что обратились, пришли ко мнеyou've come to the right man
к кому здесь можно обратиться?who is in charge here?
на его отсутствие не обратят вниманияhe wouldn't be missed
никто даже не обратит вниманияno one will be any the wiser (Take the label off the jar and say you made it yourself. No one will be any the wiser. Val_Ships)
обрати вниманиеhey
обрати вниманиеlook (pelipejchenko)
обратить на себя чьё-либо вниманиеgrab one's attention (Corey Sturrock and his wife had been out for a walk when they spotted something very large in the water.(...) "I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. (...) He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'. "We saw the water rippling as if something was swelling, and that is what grabbed our attention," he said. "We then saw this thing, that looked like a massive eel rise from the water, and then go back under again. There was a large swell." – именно это привлекло наше внимание / именно поэтому мы и обратили на него внимание unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюtap (Country-rock pioneer Bob Halston was tapped to lend a hand and helped tremendously with the release of the band's first album. ART Vancouver)
обратиться к воспоминаниямtake a stroll down memory lane (if you take a stroll down memory lane, you talk about the past Val_Ships)
обратиться к врачуseek care (4uzhoj)
обратиться к старшемуgo over someone's head (по званию/должности в обход его подчинённого Ant493)
совет обратить внимание на риски, связанные с покупкой или участием в каком-либо предприятииbuyer beware (plushkina)
ты обратился по адресуyou've come to the right place (Technical)