
Terms for subject Informal containing pound | all forms | exact matches only
begin to poundзатолочь
eighth of a poundвосьмушка (in weight)
eighth of a poundвосьмуха (in weight)
eighth of a pound in weightосьмушка (= восьмушка)
fist poundприветствие "кулак о кулак" (Lyubov_Zubritskaya)
he put away a pound of steak at one mealв один присест он уничтожил бифштекс в целый фунт весом
he put away a pound of steak at one sittingв один присест он уничтожил бифштекс в целый фунт весом
one pound weightфунтовик
pack on the poundsполнеть (VLZ_58)
pack on the poundsнабирать вес (I've been packing on the pounds lately. VLZ_58)
pound atмолотить (по чему-либо ART Vancouver)
pound awayработать усиленно (Sylvester)
pound downутопывать (impf of уто́пать)
pound downуто́пать
pound on for a certain timeпроколотить (pf of проколачивать)
pound on for a certain timeпроколачивать (impf of проколотить)
pound in additionподтолочь
pound onнаседать (давить на кого-либо Abysslooker)
pound sandстараться зря (2sven)
pound the alarmбей тревогу (Dilnara)
pound the needleвсадить иглу (под кожу: "He said he's noticed an increase in homelessness in Vancouver, particularly with younger people addicted to drugs. Priestley, who takes Suboxone to manage his addiction, said he is equipped with two naloxone kits. 'I see kids pounding needles into their arms,' he said, noting about 80 per cent of the people he meets on the streets are from back East. 'I don't know why they come out here. They think they're coming to the promised golden land, or something.' " (Vancouver Courier) ART Vancouver)
put away a pound of beefслопать фунт мяса (a whole pie, lots of ice-cream, etc., и т.д.)
put away a pound of beefумять фунт мяса (a whole pie, lots of ice-cream, etc., и т.д.)
put on poundsпоправиться (Doesn't it look like he's put on a few pounds? VLZ_58)
put on poundsрасполнеть (4uzhoj)
shed poundsсхуднуть (VLZ_58)
shed poundsсбросить вес (I want to try to shed a few pounds and get back in shape. VLZ_58)
weighing one poundфунтовик