
Terms for subject Informal containing city | all forms | exact matches only
a real nice area of the cityочень хороший район (города; It's a real nice area of the city, with cobbled streets, right near the waterfront. ART Vancouver)
Bluff Cityг. Мемфис (As the pilot episode of "Bluff City Law" aired Monday night, some viewers might wonder how the nickname was coined for the city of Memphis. Memphis got its nickname because of the city's physical location, according to former Shelby County Historian Jimmy Ogle. There are several bluffs along the Mississippi River near Memphis. Located 60 miles away from downtown Memphis is the High Bluff in Fort Pillow, Tennessee. Forty miles north of Memphis is the Chickasaw Bluff, a high ground rising 50 to 200 feet above the Mississippi River. The closest bluff to downtown Memphis is located at Madison Ave. near the University of Memphis Law School. Taras)
city crewsкоммунальщики (или просто crews – работники городских служб, посыпающие солью дороги, убирающие снег, ведущие ремонт теплотрасс, электросетей после отключения эл-ва, ремонт водонабжения и п.д. – *не путать с теми, кто осуществляет подачу utilities населению ART Vancouver)
city slickersдети асфальта (City slicker is a person raised in the city and accustomed to life there. This often leads to naivety in certain matters, and sometimes unusual prejudices. Most of them though are quite decent folk who just don't know that you can change your car's oil yourself. 4uzhoj)
do the cityпогулять по городу ("Since you two have a lot to catch up on, why don't we do the city tomorrow?" Tommy suggested – by Kylia Quilor Tamerlane)
got a fat-cityкак сыр в масле кататься (nicknicky777)
in that distant cityу чёрта на куличках (Ольга Матвеева)
no mean cityнеслабый городок (sophistt)
populous cityгустонаселённый город (densely populated. Val_Ships)
sprawling cityбеспорядочно застроенный город (SvlLana)
tent cityвременное поселение (бездомных; tents or makeshift accommodations set up by homeless people Val_Ships)
the city was flooded by a wind-driven waveгород заливало нагонной водой