
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Дары | all forms | exact matches only
Божий дарgift from above (Mira_G)
бойся данайцев, дары приносящихgifts from enemies are dangerous
бойся данайцев, дары приносящихI fear Greeks even when bringing gifts
бойся данайцев, дары приносящихfalse friends are worse than open enemies
бойтесь данайцев, дары приносящихbeware of Greeks bearing gifts (Meaning: Don't trust your enemies. Origin: An allusion to the story of the wooden horse of Troy, used by the Greeks to trick their way into the city. It is recorded in Virgil's Aeneid, Book 2, 19 BC:)
дар боговgift from the Gods (a george serebryakov)
дар боговgift that keeps on giving (For the press, the Profumo affair was a gift that kept on giving. george serebryakov)
дар свышеgift from above (Mira_G)
дар свышеtrue sign of faith (Mira_G)
дар словаgift of the gab (shergilov)
дар убежденияgift of the gab (shergilov)
дары данайцевa Greek gift (ср: бойся данайцев и дары приносящих Aly19)
иметь дарhave a knack for something (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
иметь дарhave a knack for (к чем-либо Andrey Truhachev)
лишиться дара речиbe struck dumb (with something, e.g. i was struck dump with astonishment at the sight of her Lady_Ales)
потерять дар речиbe at a loss for words (Andrey Truhachev)
сравнить божий дар с яичницейcompare apples to oranges (jouris-t)