
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing nose | all forms | exact matches only
as plain as the nose on your faceкак дважды два (Taras)
brown-noseлебезить перед (кем-либо; Nobody in the office likes him very much. He's always brown-nosing the boss. acebuddy)
camel's noseто, что приведёт к нежелательным последствиям (Interex)
can't see beyond the end of your noseне видеть дальше своего носа (Yeldar Azanbayev)
cut off one's nose to spite one's faceсделать себе же хуже (votono)
cut off one's nose to spite one's faceпричинить вред себе пытаясь причинить вред другому (To harm oneself as a result of attempting to harm an adversary. Interex)
cut off one's nose to spite one's faceназло маме отморозить уши (to do something that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms the person who does it: You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face. КГА)
get someone's nose out of jointрассердить кого-либо (To make someone angry. Interex)
get up someone's noseраздражать (кого-либо)
get up someone's noseраздражать (to annoy or irritate someone КГА)
get up someone's noseнадоедать
get up someone's noseдосаждать (КГА)
get up someone's noseдокучать (В.И.Макаров)
get up someone's noseраздражать (В.И.Макаров)
get up someone's noseдокучать (кому-либо)
get up someone's noseзлить
get up the noseдействовать на нервы (Баян)
get up the noseраздражать (get up one's nose Баян)
hard-noseрысь битая (Alex_Odeychuk)
have a nose forиметь нюх на
have a nose forиметь нюх на (Austin police's new recruit has a nose for money and guns)
have a nose forчуять (4uzhoj)
have a nose for somethingиметь нюх (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a nose for somethingобладать инстинктивным чувством выбора или находки (что-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
have a nose for somethingобладать собачьим нюхом (Yeldar Azanbayev)
have one's nose in a bookуткнуться в книгу (читать книгу younenari)
have the nose to the windдержать нос по ветру (Faststone)
he doesn't keep his nose cleanу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
his nose is not clean in that matterу него рыльце в пуху (VLZ_58)
it is as plain as the nose on one's faceэто ясно как день (LiBrrra)
it was as obvious as the nose on one's faceа ларчик просто открывался (VLZ_58)
keep one's nose cleanне лезть в чужие дела (I warned you to keep your nose clean, shamus, didn't I? ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose cleanне соваться в чужие дела (I went back to my desk and sat down and spent a little time wondering why a fairly important local racketeer like Menendez would think it worth his time to come in person to my office and warn me to keep my nose clean, just minutes after I had received a similar though differently expressed warning from Sewell Endicott. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose cleanдержаться от греха подальше (Anglophile)
keep one's nose cleanдержаться подальше от неприятностей ("if I kept my nose clean, I'd be a stackboy before the Thanksgiving break." Clasmys)
keep one's nose cleanне совать нос в чужие дела (I warned you to keep your nose clean, didn't I? ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose in the windдержать нос по ветру (Keep your nose in the wind and your eyes along the skyline Tamerlane)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneгнуть спину (VLZ_58)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneработать не покладая рук (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions... ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneуходить в работу с головой (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneтрудиться не покладая рук (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions... ART Vancouver)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneпропадать на работе (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep one's nose to the grindstoneполностью отдаваться работе (Vadim Rouminsky)
keep one's nose to the grindstone"пахать" (z484z)
keep nose to the groundдержать ушки на макушке (Himera)
keep nose to the groundбыть начеку (Himera)
keep nose to the groundне расслабляться (Himera)
look down noseотноситься с пренебрежением (Баян)
look down one's noseсмотреть свысока (look down: one's nose upon smb Баян)
look down one's nose at smb.относиться с презрением (They always looked down their noses at anyone who couldn't speak French – Они всегда относились с презрением ко всем, кто не умел говорить по-французски Taras)
make someone pay through the noseсодрать последнюю шкуру (ART Vancouver)
meet nose to noseмеж четырёх глаз (z484z)
meet nose to noseбеседовать тет-а-тет (z484z)
meet nose to noseвстретиться лицом к лицу (z484z)
nose aboutлюбопытствовать (Азери)
nose aroundлюбопытствовать (Азери)
nose intoсовать свой нос
not keeping one's nose cleanрыльце в пушку (VLZ_58)
not see past the end of one's noseне видеть дальше своего носа (Баян)
not to see further than the tip of one's noseне видеть дальше своего носа (Drozdova)
on the noseоткровенно (Баян)
pay trough the nose for somethingвлететь в копеечку (z484z)
pay trough the nose for somethingпереплатить за что-то (z484z)
poke his nose in everythingвезде совать свой нос (Andrey Truhachev)
poke his nose in everythingсовать свой нос в каждую щель (Andrey Truhachev)
poke his nose in everythingсовать свой нос в каждую дыру (Andrey Truhachev)
poke one's noseсовать свой нос (into something, etc.: As agile as a cat, he is continually on the lookout for something, poking his nose everywhere, wanting to know the why and the wherefore of everything)
poke one's nose in everythingсовать свой нос в каждую щель (Andrey Truhachev)
poke one's nose in everythingвезде совать свой нос (Andrey Truhachev)
poke one's nose in everythingсовать свой нос в каждую дыру (Andrey Truhachev)
put one's noseсовать свой нос (не в свои дела, куда не следует В.И.Макаров)
put one's nose to the grindstoneзасучить рукава (VLZ_58)
put one's nose to the grindstoneналечь на работу (4uzhoj)
put one's nose to the grindstoneусердно трудиться (4uzhoj)
put one's nose to the grindstoneналечь на учёбу (She kept her nose to the grindstone all year and got the exam results she wanted. 4uzhoj)
put one's nose to the grindstoneвзяться за работу (get back to work or resume a chore vogeler)
put one's nose to the grindstoneтрудиться не покладая рук (The mayor should be putting his nose to the grindstone to fix this problem right now. ART Vancouver)
put one's nose to the grindstoneвернуться к работе (vogeler)
Put one's nose to the grindstoneБыть занятым, погружённым в работу (в течение длительного времени Olgert)
put one's nose to the grindstoneне разгибать спину (4uzhoj)
put one's nose to the grindstoneприлежно трудиться (4uzhoj)
rub someone's nose in somethingтыкать носом (Andrey Truhachev)
rub someone's nose in somethingткнуть носом (Andrey Truhachev)
stick one's noseсовать свой нос (во что-либо – into something: I never liked the way my neighbours stuck their noses into each other's business. – ...суют (свой) нос в чужие дела ART Vancouver)
stick one's nose where one doesn't belongлезть своим носом куда не следует (ART Vancouver)
thrust one's noseсовать свой нос (не в свои дела, куда не следует В.И.Макаров)
thumb one's noseвести себя вызывающе (контекстуально 4uzhoj)
thumb nose atоткрыто проявить неуважение (chilin)
turn up one's nose atворотить морду от
turn up one's nose atворотить рыло от
turn up one's nose atважничать (someone Johnny Bravo)
turn up one's nose atс отвращением отказаться (от чего-либо sixthson)
turn up one's nose atдержаться высокомерно (someone Johnny Bravo)
turn up one's nose atотноситься с презрением к
turn up one's nose atотнестись с презрением к
turn up one's nose atзадирать нос перед (кем-либо)
turn up one's nose atзадрать нос перед (кем-либо)
turn up one's nose atотказаться (от чего-либо; часто с отвращением или будучи недовольным от предложенного sixthson)
turn up one's nose atзадирать нос (someone)
under one's very noseпод носом (у кого-либо)