
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing cracks | all forms
crack a bookоткрыть книжку (с целью позаниматься Yeldar Azanbayev)
crack the doorприоткрыть дверь (crack the door (open) – To open a door slightly.: It's so hot in here—can we at least crack the door open? 'More)
fall in the cracksупускать из виду, оставлять незамеченным (Little details often fall in the cracks. artkot7)
slip through the cracksостаться незамеченным (With other issues like drug addiction and unemployment taking priority for the government, the welfare of children in the foster system very often slips through the cracks. VLZ_58)
slip through the cracksбыть проигнорированным (VLZ_58)