
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing cocking | all forms
cock a snookпоказывать кому-либо длинный нос (thumb one's nose, as in "As soon as the teacher turned her back, the boys cocked a snook at her." This expression was first recorded in 1791 and the precise source of snook, here used in the sense of “a derisive gesture,” has been lost. It is more widely used in Britain but is not unknown in America Taras)
cock a snookбросить вызов (кому-либо или чему-либо Taras)
cock a snookпоказывать длинный нос (at someone; делать презрительный жест (cocking a snook at the establishment); то же, что и см. thumb one's nose, thumb nose, cock a snoot Taras)