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deliver a barrage of criticismобрушить волну критики (China is the biggest foreign holder of US debt and the country's state-run media have delivered a barrage of criticism of Washington's handling of the debt crisis, which they have described as a "ticking time-bomb." 4uzhoj)
deliver a barrage of criticismобрушить вал критики (China is the biggest foreign holder of US debt and the country's state-run media have delivered a barrage of criticism of Washington's handling of the debt crisis, which they have described as a "ticking time-bomb." 4uzhoj)
deliver directly to the doorstepподавать в готовом виде (sankozh)
deliver directly to the doorstepпредоставлять в готовом виде (sankozh)
deliver directly to the doorstepподавать на блюдечке (sankozh)
deliver goods by orderвыдавать товары по чеку (Yeldar Azanbayev)
deliver passengersдоставлять пассажиров (Yeldar Azanbayev)
deliver the goodsвыполнить свои обязательства (True, the tougher portion of the audience had been sedulously stood beers over a period of days and in return had entered into a gentleman's agreement to be indulgent, but nevertheless it was unquestionably up to Esmond Haddock to deliver the goods. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
deliver the goodsдовести начатое дело до конца (True, the tougher portion of the audience had been sedulously stood beers over a period of days and in return had entered into a gentleman's agreement to be indulgent, but nevertheless it was unquestionably up to Esmond Haddock to deliver the goods. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
results deliveredопределившийся сухой остаток (Alex_Odeychuk)