
Terms for subject Project management containing 比高 | all forms
不过、闪存通常较为便宜、它随机读取的速度最高可比典型硬盘快10倍Flash memory, however, is generally cheaper and can service random reads up to 10 times faster than a typical hard disk
它使用鲜明的对比、更高速度的屏幕刷新、在你快速移动光标时不会丢失光标也称潜水provides sharp contrast, speedier screen refresh and doesn't lose your cursor when you move it fast also knowing as submarining
显示器和图形宽度对其高度的比率aspect ratio
比较基数偏高high base of comparison
结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency