
Terms for subject Project management containing government | all forms | exact matches only
A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源
America's regulatory system works through government inspections on the one hand and class action lawsuits on the other美国的监管系统依靠两个方面、 一方面是政府检查、 另一方面是集体诉讼
Citi will begin a conversion of preferred shares into common stock held by the US government and other shareholders this week本周、花旗将启动把美国政府及其他股东所持优先股转换为普通股的计划
direct debit authorization for payment of government rent缴纳地税直接付款授权书
expenditure for the services of the government政府服务开支
government buyers政府采购者
government commitment政府的承诺
government consumption expenditure政府消费开支
government conveyancing政府产权转易
government decree政令
government department政府部门
government lotteries政府奖券
government mortgage institution政府按揭贷款机构
government owner政府业主
government property assets政府物业资产
government reserve政府储备
government revenue政府收人
government securities consultant政府证券业顾问
government security证券担保
government trading department参与商业活动的政府部门
government utility政府公用事业
local government当地政府
marketable government debt有价公债
One of the last key variables for 'world markets that responds to government control is the Chinese exchange rate中国的汇率是世界市场上对政府控制作出反应的最后几个关键变量之一
quasi-government corporation半官方机构
The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美元
The Government has launched the e-form project to provide the public with greater convenience in electronic submissions to the Government政府推行电子表格计划、 是希望方便市民以电子方式向政府提交资料
The government uses a special cipher so that official messages are kept secret政府使用一种特殊密码、 官方电讯因此得以保密
The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year政府希望把外汇储备多元化:在今年、政府对于新的国库券的购买已经急速下降
total government revenue政府总收人