
Terms for subject International trade containing AS | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance qualified as to place对付款地点有限制的承兑
acceptance qualified as to time付款时间有限制的承兑
account as recorded in a ledger总分类账
act as amiables compositeurs担任友好调解人
act recognized as commencing judicial proceedings视为构成起诉的行为
allow make good a loss as general average作为共同海损补偿的损失
amount to be made good as general average作为共同海损补偿的金额
as a matter of course依法当然地
as a private person以私人成分
as agreed照约定 (contracted)
as agreed按照合同 (contracted)
as agreed L/U经首席承保人同意 (as agreed by the leading underwriter)
as appropriate视情况而定
as approved by the state经国家批准
as customary按照惯例
as far as can尽快租船合同用语
"as if" statistics"假定"统计
as is按现状
as is认明现况
as is概不保证
as is现况为此
as near thereto as the ship can safely get船只能安全到达的附近地点
as of right依法当然取得的
as original如原样
as original如原保险
as per根据
as per按照
as per account rendered根据发送的账单
as per list enclosed见附表
as per sample与样品相符
as previously defined如前所述之定义
as requested要求
as required按照规定
as soon as possible shipment迅速装船
breach as to an installment delivery or payment不履行分批交货或分期付款的义务
buy as required现用现买
cash deposit as collateral押金
cash deposit as collateral保证金
certain translation adjustments as a result of currency depreciations and appreciations因货币贬值或升值而进行的某些货币换算调整
conditions as to the time of shipment有关装船时的条件
conditions as to time of shipment有关装船时的条件
damage allowed as general average可作共同海损的损失
debt service as a % of exports of goods and services债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%
debt service as a % of GNP债务偿还占国民生产总值的% (gross national product)
disbursed debt as a % of GNP已拨款债务占国民生产总值的%
engage in contango operations as a taker in期货溢价交易
"Euro" is used to refer to "offshore" markets outside, as well as inside, Europe"欧洲" 一词指欧洲"海外"市场,也指欧洲内部市场
evidence as to the quality of goods有关货物品质的证据
except as otherwise noted除非另有记载
fast as can尽快租船
fast as canf.a.c.尽快装卸
freight as per charter party运费按租船合同办理
freight paid as arranged按照约定运费已付
good as aval作为票据上的保证
guaranteed to exchange if returned as unsuitable包退包换
invoke a right as a defense for the purpose of set-off提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权
loss allowed as general average作为共同海损的损失
loss allowed as general average作为共同海损得到的补偿
loss made good as general average作为共同海损予以补偿的损失
loss made good as general average作为共同海损得到补偿的灭失、损害和费用
notes receivable as collateral以应收票据担保
object given as a pledge抵押物
pay as may be paid依约照付
pay as you cam发薪时扣交所得税
pay as you earn预扣所得税
pay as you earn发薪时扣交所得税
pay as you see见货后即付款
payment which operates as a discharge起消灭债务作用的付款
plea as to arbitral jurisdiction否认仲裁庭管辖权的抗辩
plea as to the arbitrator's jurisdiction否认仲裁员管辖权的抗辩
plea as to the jurisdiction of the court否认法院管辖权的抗辩
provisions as to arbitration仲裁的规定
quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample交货品质和样品大体相符
raise a plea as to the arbitrator's jurisdiction提出有关仲裁人管辖权的抗辩
read as follows内容如下
receive as a receiver保管
registration as a patent专利注册
remedies as regards delay of delivery对于延迟交货的法律救济
remedies as regards the date of delivery关于交货日期的法律救济
remedies as regards the place of delivery对于交货地的法律救济
said sample shall be treated as an integral part of this contract, the quality of the goods delivered shall not be lower than the sample该样品应视为本合同不可分割的部分,所交货物的品质不得低于样品
sale as per origin凭产地买卖
sale as per specifications凭规格买卖
sales as per origin凭产地买卖
sales as per specifications凭规格买卖
service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比
severally liable as guarantor分别负担保责任
shipment as soon as possible尽速装运
shipment as soon as possible尽速装船
standard as technical barrier to trade贸易技术性壁垒标准
subject to adjustment as described below须按下述予以调整
such as it is现状条件卖方只负责装运时货物品质,运输途中一切耗损由买方负担
take effect as from this day’s date今天起生效
take something as a pledge以…为抵押
take something as a pledge以物为押
taken as final and binding upon both parties对双方均有最终约束力
terms as usual条件照旧
terms as usual按以前条件
transferee as a result of negotiation经背书的受让人
transferee as a result of simple transfer经一般的债权让与手续的受让人
valid as from自... 起生效
value as in original policy价额照保保单
with variation as to the burden of proof负有不同的举证责任