
Terms for subject Software containing точка зрения | all forms | in specified order only
критичный с точки зрения функциональной безопасностиsafety-critical (корпорации AdaCore Alex_Odeychuk)
Safety-Critical Application Development Environment-оболочка для разработки приложений, критических с точки зрения безопасностиSCADE (geseb)
приложение, критичное с точки зрения функциональной безопасностиsafety-critical application (корпорации AdaCore Alex_Odeychuk)
с точки зрения динамической верификацииfrom a dynamic verification point of view (types can be associated with constraints, such as value ranges or arbitrary boolean predicates. These types, ranges and predicates will be verified at specific points in the application, allowing early detection of inconsistencies; корпорации AdaCore Alex_Odeychuk)
с точки зрения разработчикаfrom the developers' viewpoint (Alex_Odeychuk)
с точки зрения статической верификацииfrom a static verification point of view (each type is associated with a representation and a semantic interpretation. Two types with similar representations but different semantics will still be considered different by the compiler. The developer is responsible for deciding where and how type conversion should be made; корпорации AdaCore Alex_Odeychuk)