
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
X光x-ray table
发射平Launch platform
可同前方医疗队联系的甚高频/超高频无线电VHF/UHF radio for communication with forward medical teams
风委员会Typhoon Committee
风委员会执行区域合作方案技术工作组Typhoon Committee The
风委员会执行区域合作方案技术工作组Typhoon Committee Technical Working Group on the Implementation of the Regional Co-operation Programme
流动平Mobile platform
灌注perfusion stands
生物多样性 和生态系统 服务政府间 科学政策平 问题特设政府 间和多方利 益攸关者会议Ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services
生物多样性 和生态系统 服务政府间 科学政策平 问题第二 次特设政府 间和多方利 益攸关者会议Second ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services
生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平 问题特设政府间和多方利益攸关者会议Ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services
电子员额配置服务e-staffing help desk
私人电"怀旧无线电台Radio Nostalgie private radio station
诊察examination couch