
Terms for subject United Nations containing S | all forms | exact matches only
accommodation of the individual’s requirements满足个人需要
Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大会特设全体委员会
advocacy for Africa’s development对非洲发展的宣传
Alzheimer’s disease阿尔兹海默病
arbitral award s仲裁裁决
Child's Environment Programme儿童环境方案
Children's Conference on the Environment国际儿童环境会议
Children's Conference on the Environment儿童环境会议
contingent-owned equipment means major equipment, and minor equipment and consumables deployed, and operated by the troop/police contributor’s contingent in the performance of peacekeeping operations特遣队自备装备是指部队/警察部队派遣国的特遣队在从事维和行动时部署和操作的主要装备、次要装备和消耗品
Curtain of troops along the borders (Idea in SG’s report帏幕
diplomatic "Rubik's cube"外交上的"魔方"
Founder’s Day Bernuda开国元勋日
Guidelines on Integrating Women's Concerns in Development Planning将妇女关切问题纳入发展规划的指导方针
Indo-China Seminar on Promoting Women's Participation in Economic Development印度支那促进妇女参与经济发展讨论会
International Children's Conference on the Environment国际儿童环境会议
International Children's Conference on the Environment儿童环境会议
International Strategy for Action in the field of Environmental Education and Training for the 1990s1990年代环境教育和训练领域国际行动战略
jacks, driver’s tools, spare tire千斤顶、司机工具、备用轮胎等
Koch's bacillus科氏杆菌
Lord's Resistance Army上帝抵抗军
Meeting to Evaluate Guidelines on Integrating Women's Concerns in Development Planning将妇女的关切纳入发展规划指导方针评价会议
New Partnership for Africa's Development非洲发展新伙伴关系
Old Problems, New Issues: Women's Health in Latin America and the Caribbean老问题,新问题:拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女保健
Open-Ended Working Group on the Revision of WFP's General and Financial Regulations修订世界粮食计划署总条例和财务条例不限成员名额工作组
operational readiness inspection: must be carried out at least once in every six month period of the contingent’s deployment in the mission area, and anytime the mission believes the equipment or services do not meet the standards行动准备状态检查:特遣队在任务区部署期间,至少每6个月进行一次该检查,或者在特派团认为装备或服务不符合标准时随时进行该项检查
preserve the Organization’s option to borrow the $1.2 billion from the host country without binding the United Nations to borrow any part of the $1.2 billion保留联合国向东道国借12亿美元的选择权,但又不要求联合国一定要借任何数额
Programme Fund for the 1990s Goals1990年代目标方案基金
readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成
Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Darfur秘书长达尔富尔问题特使
Senior Women's Advisory Group on Sustainable Development可持续发展问题高级妇女咨询组
soldier’s kit士兵装具
special Interpol international notice for persons on the Committee’s consolidated list就委员会综合名单上的人拟定特别的刑警组织国际通知
Sudan People’s Liberation Army苏丹人民解放军
Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army苏丹人民解放运动/解放军
Sudan’s Interim National Constitution苏丹《临时国家宪法》
Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority支持妇女谋生:对多数妇女可行的小额供资
suppression of the body's immune system抑制人体的免疫系统
Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the United Nations Environment Programme's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Global Environment Facility联合国环境规划署执行全球环境基金所资助的活动技术合作信托基金
Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Interim Multilateral Fund Established under the Montreal Protocol环境规划署实施根据蒙特利尔议定书设立的临时多边基金资助的活动技术合作信托基金
Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Multilateral Fund Activities环境规划署执行多边基金活动技术合作信托基金
Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to UNEP's Global Resource Information Data Base向环境规划署全球资源信息数据库提供专家技术合作信托基金
United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联非新议程
United Nations Women's Bank联合国妇女银行
UPDF Ugandan People’s Defense Force乌干达人民国防军
UPDF Ugandan People’s Defense Force乌干达人民抵抗力量
Viet Nam Women's Union越南妇女联盟
WB DGF = World Bank’s Development Grant Facility世界银行发展赠款机制
Women's Information System妇女信息系统
Women's Programme Unit妇女方案股