
Terms for subject International relations containing measures | all forms | exact matches only
Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism – MONEYVALКомитет экспертов Совета Европы по оценке мер противодействия отмыванию денег и финансированию терроризма (coe.int 'More)
mirror measuresзеркальные меры (The Kremlin has repeatedly promised that it would take “mirror measures” against British media bureaus in Russia if RT was banned in the UK. (The Times) • However, in the meantime, the increasing opening upof the European market to imported agricultural products risks undermining the effectiveness of those initiatives. Inthis context, some Member States and the civil society have been calling for so-called ‘mirror measures’ aiming atextending some EU standards to imported products. In the agricultural field, this is particularly acute in relation to pesticides, animal feed and animal welfare as the diver-gence in standards with EU commercial partners is wide, which raises health, environmental and moral concerns. (WTO) • The introduction of mirror measures in EU rules on imports should, on the one hand, ensure the same protection for consumers regardless of the origin of the products and, on the other hand, limit economic distortions for European operators. 'More)
restrictive measuresрестрикции (русское слово встречается в значении "ограничительные меры" (возможно, в силу того, что журналисты избегают повтора одного и того же слова): Песков пояснил, почему называет антироссийские санкции словом "рестрикции" 'More)
Special Economic Measures /Russia/ RegulationsРегламент об особых экономических мерах в отношении России (Канада justice.gc.ca 'More)