
Terms for subject Microsoft containing строка | all forms | exact matches only
адресная строкаaddress bar (A navigational element, usually appearing at the top of a window, that displays, and allows users to change, their current location)
аргумент события строкиrow event argument (ssn)
бегущая строкаmarquee (Moving text that is used on a data access page to draw the user's attention to a specific page element, such as a headline or an important announcement)
бегущая строкаmarquee component (A control or component on a page that displays moving text)
бегущая строкаMarquee component
блокировка на уровне строкиrow-level lock (Ding_an_sich)
блокировка строкиrow lock (ssn)
Буфер командных строк диалогового окна слишком малDialog command string buffer too small (Word 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
висячая строкаwidow (The last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top of a page)
Возникает при двойном щелчке заголовка строкиOccurs when a row header is double-clicked. (.NET Framework 4 Rori)
выборка данных строкfetching row data (напр., из набора строк возвращающего табличное значение параметра ssn)
выполненная строкаhit (ssn)
данные переполнения строкиrow-overflow data
Добавить строки или маркеры, чтобы устранить дисбаланс?Add rows or markers to correct the imbalance? (Office System 2010 Rori)
заголовок строкиrow header (Rori)
задача workflow-процесса по строкеline item workflow work item (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
заказ позиции строкиLine Item Order (The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of contract line items)
Замените на строку команды набораReplace with dialing command String (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Заменить подстроку в строкеReplace substring in string (Visio 2013 Rori)
запретить нумерацию строкSuppress line numbers (Word 2007 Rori)
знак возврата каретки в исходной строкеcarriage return character in source line (ssn)
изменение строки командыEdit Command String (Office System 2010 Rori)
изменённые строкиchanged lines (Vertical lines appearing next to text that has been added, deleted, or changed by using tracked changes. You can specify that changed lines appear to the left or right of text. You can also hide changed lines)
класс аргумента события строкиrow event argument class (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
командная строкаcommand prompt (An interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types command language strings of text that are passed to the command interpreter for execution)
командная строкаprompt (Text or symbols indicating that a computer program is waiting for input from the user)
командная строкаcommand line (A string of text written in the command language and passed to the command interpreter for execution)
командная строка с повышенными привилегиямиelevated command prompt (A command prompt that is run in a privileged administrator security context that allows actions that would normally be restricted. Without elevation, command prompts in Windows Client and Windows Server run in a restricted state)
командная строка события перед построениемpre-build event command line (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 ssn)
командная строка события перед построениемprebuild event command line (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
критическая строкаhot line (In a profiler performance report, a source code line that is marked as a code segment that performed the most work)
лучшие результаты в адресной строкеAddress Bar Top Result (The feature that allows users to navigate directly to the webpage of the top-ranked search result when a search is performed in the address bar)
макрос строки менюmenu bar macro (A macro containing AddMenu actions that you can use to create a custom menu bar or shortcut menu)
маркер конца строкиend of line marker (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
метод доступа для выборки данных строкaccessor for fetching row data (напр., из набора строк возвращающего табличное значение параметра ssn)
набор строкrowset (A set of rows in which each row has one or more columns of data)
набор строк схемыschema rowset (A specially defined rowset that returns metadata about objects or functionality on an instance of SQL Server or Analysis Services. For example, the OLE DB schema rowset DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS describes columns in a table, while the Analysis Services schema rowset MDSCHEMA_MEASURES describes the measures in a cube)
набор строк только для добавленияAppend-Only Rowset (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
названия строкRow Labels (An area in the layout section of a PivotTable field list to which fields can be added in order to display them as rows on the side of the report)
не выполненная строкаmiss (A line of code that was not executed by a test)
не удалось интерпретировать строку форматаFailed to interpret format string (Windows 8 Rori)
недопустимая строка с указанием интерфейсаinvalid interface string (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
недопустимое смещение строкиString offset is invalid. (.NET Framework 4 Rori)
Недостаточно памяти для создания командной строкиthere was not enough memory to create the command string (SQL Server 2008)
Необходимо выбрать исходный счёт для строки журналаyou must select a source account for the journal line. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
неожиданный маркер конца строкиunexpected end of line marker (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
неожиданный маркер конца строки в значении строкового литералаunexpected end of line marker in string literal value (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
неразнесённые строки журналаNon-Posted Journal Lines (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
нижняя строкаbottom row (Office System 2010, Excel 2013 Rori)
номер строкиrow reference (e.g. in MS Excel tables Aiduza)
Номер строки, указывающий на размещение ошибки в памятиthe Row number of the memory error location (Windows 7)
область выделения строкиrow selector (A small box or bar that, when clicked, selects an entire row in table or macro Design view, or when you sort and group records in report Design view)
область строкrow area (The part of PivotTable view that contains row fields)
Обработать строки деталейProcess detail lines (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
общая скидка для позиции строкиTotal Line Item Discount Amount (Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
общая скидка по строкеTotal line discount (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
общая строка менюglobal menu bar (A special custom menu bar that replaces the built-in menu bar in all windows in your application, except where you've specified a custom menu bar for a form or report)
объединение неподходящих строкconcatenating mismatched strings (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
одноэлементный массив, содержащий строку с именем собственного типа данныхsingle element array containing the string name of the native data type (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Ожидаемая сумма валюты для строки заказа на продажуthe anticipated currency amount for a purchase order line (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
окно командной строкиcommand prompt window
ориентация строкиrow orientation (ptraci)
отменить преобразование строк в комментарийuncomment lines (Rori)
отображаемая строкаdisplayable string (PAYX)
отступ сжатия строкcompact row axis indent (Excel 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
офсайдная строкаoffside line (" The column that determines the context for a coding construct, for example, a "try…with" construct. Code that appears to the left of this line is offside, i.e. outside of the context of that construct, and the compiler assumes that that construct has ended. ")
Оценивает стандартное отклонение по всей совокупности значений, созданной в результате вычисления выражения для каждой строки таблицыEstimates standard deviation based on the entire population that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Ошибка: командная строка содержит лишние маркерыError: Extra command line tokens (Rori)
Ошибка при интерпретации формата строкиFailed to interpret format string (Windows 7 Rori)
параметр командной строкиcommand line switch (In operating systems such as MS-DOS, an argument used to control the execution of a command or an application, typically starting with a slash character (/))
параметр командной строкиcommand-line option (A string that is recognized by a shell command and modifies the way the command executes)
параметр командной строки компилятораcompiler switch (из кн.: Рихтер Дж. CLR via C#. – 4-е изд. – СПб.: Питер, 2013 Alex_Odeychuk)
параметризованный фильтр строкparameterized row filter (A row filter available with merge replication that allows you to restrict the data replicated to a Subscriber based on a system function or user-defined function (for example: SUSER_SNAME()))
переносить строкиwrap lines (Rori)
переносить строки, превышающие ширину терминалаwrap lines that exceed terminal width (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
переставить строкуTranspose Line (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
плоский набор строкflattened rowset (A multidimensional data set presented as a two-dimensional rowset in which unique combinations of elements of multiple dimensions are combined on an axis)
подводить итог по столбцам и строкамcross-foot (To add amounts across a row (horizontally). The resulting total can be checked against a total obtained by footing (adding amounts vertically))
подменю адресной строкиoverflow crumb (A subfolder in the breadcrumb bar's overflow menu)
подстановочная строкаcaret symbol (Andy)
поле строкиrow field (A field that's assigned a row orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a row field are displayed as row labels)
Получение или установка ширины столбца заголовков строк.Gets or sets the width of the row header column. (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
получить скидку строкиGet Line Discount (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
превышающие размер страницы данные строкиrow-overflow data (varchar, nvarchar, varbinary, or sql_variant data stored off the main data page of a table or index as a result of the combined widths of these columns exceeding the 8,060-byte row limit in a table)
программа командной строкиcommand-line tool (A program that runs from the command line. Rori)
программа командной строкиcommand-line utility (Ding_an_sich)
программа командной строки "Диспетчер серверов"Server Manager command line tool (A command line tool that automates the deployment of roles and features on computers running Windows Server)
пропускать пустые строкиSuppress blank lines (Office System 2007 Rori)
workflow-процесс по строкеline item workflow (A workflow created for each line item in a workflow document)
пустая строкаblank row (Andy)
пустая строкаzero-length string (A string that contains no characters)
разделитель строкstring delimiter (A text character that sets apart a string embedded within a string)
разрыв строкиline break (The point at which one line ends and another begins)
разрыв строкиmanual line break (A nonprinting mark you insert to end the current line and continue the text on the next line)
редактор набора строкstring collection editor (An editor that enables users to view and change the list of strings for controls such as list boxes and combo boxes)
Сведения о формате заголовка строки по умолчаниюDefault row header format info (Office System 2010 SP1, PerformancePoint Server 2007 Rori)
свойство строкиline property (A code that specifies which transactions in a journal are chargeable and which are non-chargeable)
сжатие строкcompact row axis (A feature that enables the user to compact or collapse rows when viewing several levels of data)
символ перевода строкиnew-line character (Ding_an_sich)
скидка по строкеline discount
событие строкиrow event (ssn)
Создание строкового литерала из трёх строкConstructs a string literal that is three lines long (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Созданная системой строка заголовка, используемая для обработки преобразований.System generated heading row used for processing transformations. (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
сопоставление строк с учётом регистраCase-sensitive string match (Andrey_Koz)
список, разрешающий несвязный выбор нескольких строкmultiple-selection list box (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
среднее число строк в результирующем набореAverage number of rows per result set (Office System 2010 Rori)
средство развёртывания на базе командной строкиcommand line deployment tool (A tool used to add, remove, import and export assemblies, import and export bindings, and install or uninstall assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC). Rori)
Стиль границ для ячеек заголовков строк.the border style of the row header cells. (.NET Framework 4)
строка агента пользователяuser agent string (A string that identifies a user's web browser and provides details about the user's computer system to web servers hosting the websites that the user visits)
строка в формате JSONstring that is in the JSON format (Alex_Odeychuk)
строка вызова однорангового узлаpeer challenge string (в работе протокола MS-CHAP v2 microsoft.com bojana)
строка действияaction row
строка журналаjournal line (An entry in a journal)
строка заголовковheader row (The first row in a spreadsheet. The header row contains category labels that describe the contents of the columns)
строка заказаorder line (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
строка заказа на обслуживаниеservice order line (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
строка заказа на перемещениеtransfer order line (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
строка заказа на продажуsales order line (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
строка, заканчивающаяся пустой ссылкойstring terminating in a null reference (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
строка запроса предложенияRFQ line (The part of the RFQ that specifies the detailed information about an item)
строка затратcost line (The part of a cost template that specifies one or more categories that form the basis of a cost estimate)
строка исключенияexception string (A string that contains information about an abnormal condition or error that occurs during the execution of a program)
строка итоговtotal row (A special row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions useful for working with numerical data)
строка итоговtotals row (A special row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions useful for working with numerical data)
строка итоговtotal row (A special row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions useful for working with numerical data. Rori)
строка итоговtotals row (A special row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions useful for working with numerical data. Rori)
строка кодаline of code (An executable line of text that excludes white space, comments, type declarations, and namespace declarations)
строка командыcommand string (Office System 2010, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
строка "Кому"line (The part of a message header that contains the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
строка "Кому"line
строка конструктораconstructor string (An initialization string that is administratively specified for a component. It is possible to specify a constructor string when a component has been written specifically to recognize the string)
строка контрактаcontract line (The specific description in a contract of the service support to be provided, including pricing and how support is to be allotted)
строка "Копия"Cc line (Text box located on the Compose page. Provides space for users to type the e-mail address(es) of those who will be the secondary recipient(s) of an e-mail message. Derives from the term carbon copy)
строка кэшаcache line (The smallest unit of memory than can be transferred between the main memory and the cache)
строка масштабируемой таблицыScalable Table Row (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
строка менюmenu bar (A rectangular bar displayed in an application program's on-screen window, often at the top, from which menus can be selected by the user. Names of available menus are displayed in the menu bar; choosing one with the keyboard or with a mouse causes the list of options in that menu to be displayed)
строка навигацииbreadcrumb bar (Arkadi Burkov)
строка описанийDescriptor row (Windows 8.1 Rori)
строка ответа на запрос предложенияRFQ reply line (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item)
строка ошибкиerror string (A string from the system or a program advising the user of a problem that may require human intervention in order to be solved)
строка подключенияconnection string (Ding_an_sich)
строка подключения к базе данных размещенияHosting Database Connection String (Azure Windows Azure Antares Rori)
строка подписиsignature line (A control that allows users to digitally sign a form or document)
строка проверки подлинностиAuthentication string (Alastriona)
строка производстваproduction line (The part of a production order that specifies detailed information about the components included in the order)
строка производственного заказаproduction order line (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
строка промежуточных итоговSubtotal Row (Excel 2013 Rori)
строка распределения для компании-получателяdestination distribution line (The distribution line for the destination company on an allocation transaction)
строка распределения по бухгалтерским счетамaccounting distribution line (The subline of a source document line documenting the financial consequence of an economic transaction that documents the distribution of an aliquot portion of the financial consequence to a ledger account)
строка с именем классаclass-name string (Alex_Odeychuk)
строка с именем собственного типа данныхstring name of the native data type (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
строка с кодом TSIDtransmitting station ID string
строка с указанием интерфейсаinterface string (ssn)
строка с учётом регистраCase Sensitive String (Andrey_Koz)
строка сервисного заказаservice order line (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service. Rori)
строка символовcharacter string (A set of characters treated as a unit and interpreted by a computer as text rather than numbers. A character string can contain any sequence of elements from a given character set, such as letters, numbers, control characters, and extended ASCII characters)
строка событияevent string (Windows 8 ssn)
строка соглашения на обслуживаниеservice agreement line (An itemization of tasks that are covered by a service agreement)
строка состоянияstatus bar (A horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar can be divided into parts to display more than one type of information)
строка темыsubject line (The part of a message header that is used by the sender to indicate the object of the message)
строка управления фильмомmovie controller bar (A bar that allows a user to pause, play, back up or rewind a movie as well as to adjust the volume)
строки аннулированных покупокVoided purchase lines (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
строки без совпадающих элементов в эталонном наборе данныхrows without matching entries in the reference data set (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
строки сальдо банковского счетаBank Account Balance Lines (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
строковый литерал из трёх строкstring literal that is three lines long (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
сумма отклонения стоимости по строкеline price variance amount (The currency amount of the price variance between a vendor invoice line and the corresponding purchase order line, calculated as follows:(Invoice net unit price – Purchase order net unit price) Update invoice quantity)
Сформировать строки для финансового отчётаCompose financial statement rows for use with financial statements. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Укажите непустую строку командыyou must supply a non-empty command string (Windows 8 Rori)
уникальный идентификатор сопоставления строкиunique identifier of the string map (Rori)
управление версиями строкrow versioning (Ding_an_sich)
фантомная строкаghost row (Row in the leaf level of an index that has been marked for deletion, but has not yet been deleted by the database engine)
частично выполненная строкаpartial (A line of code that was partially executed by a test)
чистая сумма строки заказа на покупкуpurchase order line net amount (The expected currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) – Trade agreement discount + Purchase miscellaneous charge)
чистая сумма строки накладнойinvoice line net amount (The actual currency amount that is represented by an invoice line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) – Trade agreement discount + Item miscellaneous charge)
шаблон строкиrow worksheet (A worksheet template that contains links to the general ledger and/or external worksheets and other row worksheets. It also contains report row descriptions and calculations and defines the structure of each row in a Management Reporter report. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks)
шаблон строкиrow building block (A worksheet template that contains links to the general ledger and/or external worksheets and other row worksheets. It also contains report row descriptions and calculations and defines the structure of each row in a Management Reporter report. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks ssn)
шаблонная строкаtemplate string (Alex_Odeychuk)
шаг строки расширяемой таблицыScalable Table Row Step (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
ширина строкиline width (The length of a line of type measured from the left margin to the right margin on a piece of paper or on a computer screen. On a typewriter, line width is usually measured in terms of the number of monospace alphanumeric characters that can fit on the line; on a computer monitor or printer, line width is normally measured in inches, centimeters, points, or picas)
Элемент VEVENT, "<0W>", определённый около строки <1D>, содержит пустую запись в свойстве RESOURCES.the VEVENT, "<0W>", defined near line <1D>, has a blank entry in the RESOURCES property (Outlook 2007, Office System 2010)
элемент управления "Строка состояния"status bar control (A standard Windows control that provides the functionality of a status bar)