
Terms for subject Microsoft containing специальные возможности | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
поддерживать специальные возможностиsupport accessibility services (financial-engineer)
приложения специальных возможностейEase of Access applications (Windows 7 Rori)
специальная возможностьaccessibility aid (A utility that makes a computer easier to use for people with disabilities. Examples of accessibility aids include screen readers, speech recognition programs, and on-screen keyboards)
специальные возможностиaccessibility
специальные возможностиEase of Access (напр., для людей с ослабленным зрением Andy)
специальные возможностиaccessibility aids
специальные возможностиassistive technology (Technology that provides enhancements to other technology so that people with disabilities can use it. Rori)
специальные возможности телефонаphone accessibility (Built-in accessibility features that can make it easier to see, hear, and use the phone)
API специальных возможностейAccessibility API (An API that contains controls and features that facilitate accessibility)
средство проверки специальных возможностейAccessibility Scope Viewer (The tool that helps designers and developers visualize the accessibility information of UI elements, as seen by a screen reader)
функция специальных возможностейaccessibility feature (A set of techniques that you can use to make your Microsoft Silverlight-based applications more accessible)
центр специальных возможностейEase of Access Center
Центр специальных возможностейEase of Access Center (An area within the Control Panel that provides accessibility options and settings to help users interact more easily with the computer)