
Terms for subject Microsoft containing смена | all forms | exact matches only
Отсутствовал код авторизации для смены регистратораAuthorization code was missing from the registrar transfer (Windows Live Admin Center W4MQ Rori)
поставщик смены выпуска DISMDISM Transmogrify Provider (The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) provider that exposes the ability to transmogrify an edition)
при смене представленияon Switch Views Event (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012)
процедура закрытия сменыend of shift procedure (A retail accounting procedure for the end of a cashier's shift)
смена ключейkey rollover (The process by which an existing cryptographic key is replaced with a new cryptographic key and associated signatures are updated)
смена пароляpassword reset (The act of setting a password to a new value. Rori)
смена слайдовslide transition (Jespa)