
Terms for subject Microsoft containing синхронизация | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическая синхронизацияautomatic synchronization (The automatic exchange and update of information between a device and a desktop computer or server according to a preset schedule or criteria, so that the information is the same in both places)
агент синхронизации клиентаClient Sync Agent (The synchronization agent between the SQL Server database and the SQL Azure hub database. Rori)
веб-синхронизацияWeb synchronization (In merge replication, a feature that lets you replicate data by using the HTTPS protocol. Rori)
вектор синхронизацииclock vector (A collection of clock vector elements that represents updates to a replica. Any change that occurs between 0 and the tick count is contained in the vector)
время ожидания синхронизацииsynchronization timeout (Andy)
время последней синхронизацииLST (The time when the most recent synchronization process was successfully completed. The last synchronization time determines when the next automatic synchronization will take place. The next automatic synchronization is performed at predefined points in time starting from the last synchronization time)
время последней синхронизацииLast Synchronization Time (The time when the most recent synchronization process was successfully completed. The last synchronization time determines when the next automatic synchronization will take place. The next automatic synchronization is performed at predefined points in time starting from the last synchronization time)
группа синхронизацииsync group (A collection of databases that are configured for mutual synchronization by the synchronization service)
диспетчер синхронизацииsynchronization manager (A tool used to ensure that a file or directory on a client computer contains the same data as a matching file or directory on a server)
диспетчер синхронизацииSynchronization Manager (A tool used to ensure that a file or directory on a client computer contains the same data as a matching file or directory on a server)
диспетчер синхронизацииSync Manager
добавочная синхронизацияincremental synchronization (In e-mail migration, the stage when the mailboxes in the on-premises Exchange organization and the corresponding cloud-based mailboxes are synchronized every 24 hours, after the initial synchronization. This means that any new messages sent to the mailboxes on the Exchange server are copied to the corresponding cloud-based mailboxes. Incremental synchronization continues until the administrator completes the overall migration)
дополнительные параметры синхронизацииadvanced sync settings (ssn)
единица синхронизацииconsistency unit (The minimal unit of data synchronization. Because all changes that have the same consistency unit are sent together, synchronization can never be interrupted with part of a consistency unit applied)
журнал синхронизацииsynchronization log (A hidden file, stored on a protected volume, in which the DPM File Agent records changes to data since the last synchronization job)
задание синхронизацииsync job (A scheduled synchronization task. Rori)
задание синхронизацииsynchronization job (A scheduled synchronization task. Rori)
задание синхронизации социальных рейтинговSocial Rating Synchronization Job (A timer job that synchronizes rating values between the social database and content database. Rori)
инкрементная синхронизация EdgeSyncincremental EdgeSync (Bob&Alice)
интернет-синхронизацияInternet synchronization (A feature in Microsoft Jet and Microsoft Access that allows replicated information to be synchronized in an environment in which an Internet server is configured with Microsoft Replication Manager, a tool included with Microsoft Office 2000 Developer)
исключение синхронизацииsynchronization exception (A setting in the Navision Synchronization add-in that defines which categories of Outlook items should not be synchronized)
конфликт синхронизацииsynchronization conflict (A conflict that occurs when data differences between data stored in one location and a version of the same data in another location cannot be reconciled)
конфликт синхронизацииsync conflict
мастер синхронизацииSync Wizard
модуль синхронизации платформы RSSRSS Platform Sync Engine
начальная синхронизацияinitial synchronization (The first synchronization for a subscription, during which system tables and other objects that are required by replication, and the schema and data for each article, are copied to the Subscriber)
непосредственная синхронизацияdirect synchronization
обработчик синхронизацииsynchronization engine (A software system that retrieves information from a source data store and synchronizes (pushes) to a target data store. Examples of synchronization engines are the ILM 2007 and FIM 2010 synchronization engines, and the service that synchronizes data rows in the SQL Server Express database with objects in the Microsoft Office Outlook data store)
объект синхронизацииsynchronization entity (A Navision or Outlook object containing data to be synchronized. Navision objects are tables and fields; Outlook objects are items, collections, and properties)
оптимизация синхронизацииoptimize synchronization (An option in merge replication that allows you to minimize network traffic when determining whether recent changes have caused a row to move into or out of a partition that is published to a Subscriber)
открытие центра синхронизацииOpen Sync Center (A button that opens Sync Center)
отчёт о синхронизацииSynchronization report (A DPM report that provides statistics on the success or failure of synchronization jobs, and illustrates patterns of failure)
ошибка синхронизацииsync error
ошибка события центра синхронизацииsync center event error (Windows 8 ssn)
пакет синхронизации времениTime Synchronization Packet (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
панель синхронизацииSync Pane
параметры синхронизацииsync settings (ssn)
петля синхронизацииsync loop (A series of synchronizations that is repeated until a terminating condition is reached)
петля синхронизацииsynchronization loop (A series of synchronizations that is repeated until a terminating condition is reached)
повторная синхронизацияresynchronization (An SMS/Configuration Manager inventory process that is triggered automatically whenever an inventory file tries to update data that does not exist in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database. This can happen when the inventory data is corrupted)
ползунок синхронизацииSync Slider (A feature that allows an Outlook user to limit the amount of email data that is synchronized locally in their offline Outlook Data File (.ost), based on the age of the items. This approach helps maximize Outlook performance on devices that have a very limited amount of local storage)
пользователь синхронизации OutlookOutlook Synchronization user (A person whose permissions are limited to setting up, viewing, and filtering synchronization-related data. The user cannot modify or remove any synchronization-related objects)
пользователь синхронизации OutlookOutlook Synchronisation user (A person whose permissions are limited to setting up, viewing, and filtering synchronization-related data. The user cannot modify or remove any synchronization-related objects)
портал синхронизации AzureAzure Sync Portal (The web UI that you use to interact with the Azure Sync Service)
приложение синхронизацииsynchronization application (A software component, such as a personal information manager or music database, that hosts a synchronization session and invokes synchronization providers to synchronize disparate data stores)
прямая синхронизацияdirect synchronization (A method used to synchronize data between replicas that are connected directly to the local area network and are available through shared network folders)
расписание синхронизацииsync schedule (The times that will trigger automatic synchronization between a device and Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is modified in Exchange Server. Rori)
режим "Инструмент синхронизации каталогов"Directory Synchronization Tool mode (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Directory Synchronization Tool. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. It automatically synchronizes the on-site e-mail address list with the organization's hosted services. Rori)
сеанс синхронизацииsynchronization session (A unidirectional synchronization in which the source provider enumerates its changes and sends them to the destination provider, which applies them to its store)
синхронизация глобального списка адресовglobal address list synchronization (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
синхронизация данныхdata synchronization (The process of reconciling the differences between data stored in one location and a copy of the same data stored in another location)
синхронизация данных SQLSQL Data Sync (The capability or feature of SQL Database that shares data across multiple SQL Database instances and SQL Server databases)
синхронизация данных SQLSQL Data Sync Preview (An initial version of SQL Data Sync; предварительная версия)
синхронизация задач для управления работойWork Management Task Sync (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook. Rori)
синхронизация измененийchange propagation (The process of applying changes from one replica to another)
синхронизация на стороне сервераserver-side synchronization (To perform synchronization between records in CRM and in email systems on the CRM server side (in the cloud, without dependency on the client being up and connected. Rori)
синхронизация папокsyncing folders (ssn)
синхронизация папок и параметров программSyncing folders and program settings (The list item for reporting that the syncing folders and program settings feature is problematic. The list is displayed in the problem reporting utility built in to beta versions of Windows Live Sync)
синхронизация папок и параметров программsyncing folders and program settings (ssn)
синхронизация паролейpassword propagation
синхронизация паролейpassword synchronization
синхронизация ПК-ПКPC-to-PC Sync (The process of reconciling the differences between a file stored on one PC and a copy of the same file stored on another PC)
синхронизация ролейRole Sync (A feature that synchronizes SAP roles and SharePoint user profiles, which enables administrators to secure SharePoint objects such as sites, lists and items using SAP roles)
синхронизация с карманным ПКPocket PC synchronization (A function that allows the user to synchronize Address Book and Calendar information with a PC)
синхронизация с проверкой согласованностиsynchronization with consistency check (A feature that enables the user to check for and correct inconsistencies between a protected volume and its replica. Rori)
синхронизация с проверкой согласованностиsynchronization with consistency check (A feature that enables the user to check for and correct inconsistencies between a protected volume and its replica)
синхронизация сайта Project Web AppProject Web App Site Sync (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to the Project Web App site)
синхронизация сайтов проектаProject Site Sync (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to project sites throughout a site collection Rori)
синхронизация службы каталоговdirectory synchronization (The process of matching user accounts and mail-enabled contacts and groups from the local Active Directory directory service)
синхронизация удостоверенийidentity synchronization (ssn)
синхронизация ядраkernel synch (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
служба синхронизацииsynchronization provider (A software component that allows a replica to synchronize its data with other replicas)
служба синхронизации AzureAzure Sync Service (The synchronization service running behind the Azure Sync Portal)
событие центра синхронизацииsync center event (ssn)
состояние синхронизацииsync state (Windows 8 ssn)
средства синхронизации удостоверенийidentity synchronization tools (ssn)
средство синхронизации Windows Azure Active DirectoryWindows Azure Active Directory Sync Tool (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
средство синхронизации Microsoft Online Services со службой каталоговMicrosoft Online Services Directory Synchronization Tool (The application that provides one-way synchronization from an organization's on-premises Active Directory directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
точка синхронизации аналитики активовAsset Intelligence synchronization point (microsoft.com bojana)
точка синхронизации каталога аналитики активовAsset Intelligence synchronization point (A Configuration Manager site system role that connects to System Center Online to download Asset Intelligence catalog information and upload uncategorized titles so that they can be considered for future inclusion in the catalog)
узел синхронизацииsynchronization host (microsoft.com bojana)
управление синхронизацией платформыPlatform Clocking Control (Windows 8 Rori)
уровень синхронизацииsynchronization level (A hierarchical structure consisting of Navision entities and specific Outlook items that they should be mapped to)
фильтр синхронизацииsynchronization filter (" A filter to prevent objects in the metaverse from being transferred to the ILM "2" database.")
фоновая синхронизацияBackground Sync (A feature that synchronizes offline files in the background, ensuring that the server is frequently updated with the latest changes)
Центр синхронизацииSync Center (An item on the Control Panel that provides user a comprehensive view over all roamed content, as well as ability to check on the synchronization progress of individual items)
центр синхронизацииSync Center
элемент вектора синхронизацииclock vector element (A pair of values, consisting of a replica key and a tick count, that represents a change to a replica)