
Terms for subject Microsoft containing сбор | all forms | exact matches only
автономный сбор данных о пользовательской средеoffline user state capture (A type of user state capture that can be performed within Windows Preinstallation Environment phase without needing to boot into full OS)
атака с целью сбора действующих адресовdirectory harvest attack (An attempt to collect valid e-mail addresses from a particular organization so that the e-mail addresses can be added to a spam database)
банковские сборыbank fee (A charge made by a bank based on account status or activity such as minimum balance, overdrafts, or nonsufficient funds)
журналы событий для сбораevent logs to collect (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
зонд сбора данныхcollection probe (A function that collects timing and other performance data in an instrumented module)
Идёт сбор сеансов событийGathering event sessions (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
инструменты сбора данных о производительностиPerformance Collection Tools (A set of tools that allow developers to measure, evaluate, and target performance-related issues in their code. Rori)
мастер сбора данных о событиях Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server Playback Capture Wizard (A wizard that supports the capture of information about an event for later analysis)
набор элементов сбораcollection set (A group of collection items with which a user can interact through the user interface)
объект сбора данныхcollection object (Andy)
операция по сборамfee transaction
пакет сбора данныхdata collection package (A self-extracting executable (.exe) created by the Application Compatibility Manager (ACM) for deploying to each of your client computers. Each data collection package can include one or more compatibility evaluators, depending on what you are trying to evaluate)
полученный в процессе сбора файлcollected file (Any file that is copied from SMS/Configuration Manager clients during software inventory. After the files are collected from clients, they are stored on the site server)
проводка по сборамfee transaction (A transaction that registers revenue with no matching cost)
программа ведения журнала сбора данныхdata collection logger (Software that logs profiling data to a performance data file)
сбор адресов электронной почтыe-mail harvesting
сбор адресов электронной почтыe-mail address harvesting
сбор данныхdata collection (The process of gathering information by sending and receiving HTML forms or InfoPath forms from Access)
сбор данных SQMSQM Data Collection (A system job that collects quality and performance information and sends it to Microsoft for analysis)
Сбор данных журнала событийCollect Event log data (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
сбор данных о пользовательской средеuser state capture (Capability to use default settings and algorithms of Windows Easy Transfer to capture user files and settings. This capability includes logic to determine additional file types that may have been created or modified by users. Without default logic, capture is based on defined manifest of where to look for and what file formats to look for)
сбор данных о протестированном объёмеcoverage collection (Information collected at run time about which blocks or lines of an application are executed at least once. Rori)
сбор данных о протестированном объёмеcoverage collection (Information collected at run time about which blocks or lines of an application are executed at least once)
сбор данных о событияхevent collection (System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 ssn)
сбор данных о состоянииstate capture (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
сбор данных об использовании и исправностиUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
сбор данных по электронной почтеCollect Data Through E-mail (A feature that allows an end-user to collect data via E-mail using Access, Outlook, and InfoPath)
сбор за инкассирование переводного векселяcollection expenses fee (A fee that is charged to a customer for the collection of a bill of exchange remittance)
сбор за письмо-напоминаниеcollection letter fee
сбор изменившихся данных инвентаризацииdelta inventory
сбор почты по протоколу POPPOP aggregation (A feature that enables users to access their other POP3 enabled e-mail accounts from within their central e-mail account. Rori)
сбор почты по протоколу POPPOP aggregation (A feature that enables users to access their other POP3 enabled e-mail accounts from within their central e-mail account)
Сбор сведений о состоянии средства записиGather writers' status (Windows 8 Rori)
сбор сеансов событийgathering event sessions (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
сбор файловfile collection
способ, использованный для сбора данных профилированияmethod used to collect profiling data (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
среднее время между созданием события и сбором данных в миллисекундахaverage time between event generation and collection in milliseconds (System Center Operations Manager 2012 ssn)
средство сбора данныхgatherer (Software that manages the content crawling process and has rules that determine what content is crawled)
типы событий для сбораevent types to collect (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
устройство сбора данных по здравоохранениюhealth device (A variety of health and fitness devices that can be connected with HealthVault, including blood pressure monitors, peak flow meters, blood glucose meters, pedometers, and scales)
функция управления сбором данныхdata collection control function (An API function that provides sophisticated control over the data collection logger)
хранимые процедуры сбора событийevent collection stored procedures (System-generated stored procedures that an application can call to submit events to the event table in the application database)
элемент сбораcollection item (An instance of a collector type that is created with a specific set of input properties and collection frequency, and that is used to gather specific types of data)
явный сбор данныхexplicit profiling (An information collecting process in which customers visiting a Web site supply profile data about themselves)