
Terms for subject Microsoft containing сбалансированный | all forms | exact matches only
куча или сбалансированное деревоHoBt (vlad-and-slav)
куча или сбалансированное деревоheap or B-tree (A table structure whose index configuration can be either a heap or a b-tree. Rori)
методология сбалансированной системы показателейbalanced scorecard methodology (A scorecard system that adheres to the framework and components established by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative)
сбалансированная иерархияbalanced hierarchy (A dimension hierarchy in which all leaf nodes are the same distance from the root node)
сбалансированная система показателейbalanced scorecard (A business-oriented scorecard that conveys key metrics related to the service and business of providing service. A balanced scorecard contains a balance of operational, financial and quality driven metrics)
сбалансированное деревоB-tree (A tree structure for storing database indexes)
сбалансированный профиль питанияbalanced power profile (Rori)
сбалансированный учётinterunit accounting (An accounting process where due-to and due-from account entries are automatically created to ensure that an accounting entry is balanced for one or more specified financial dimensions in a legal entity)