
Terms for subject Microsoft containing рекомендации | all forms | exact matches only
анализатор соответствия рекомендациямBest Practices Analyzer (Windows 7 Rori)
анализатор соответствия рекомендациям, BPABPA (A tool which examines a system configuration and the settings against a set of pre-defined rules to generate a list of issues outlining any best practice violations it finds)
анализатор соответствия рекомендациямBest Practices Analyzer (A tool which examines a system configuration and the settings against a set of pre-defined rules to generate a list of issues outlining any best practice violations it finds)
анализатор соответствия рекомендациямBPA (Best Practices Analyzer sas_proz)
Значение интервала обновления данных анализатором соответствия рекомендациямRefresh interval value for best practices analyzer data (Windows 8 Rori)
не удаётся инициализировать объект рекомендацийFailed to initialize advisory object (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
не удаётся создать объект рекомендацийFailed to create advisory object (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
объект рекомендацийadvisory object (ssn)
правило рекомендацийbest practice rule (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design)
правило рекомендацийbest practice rule (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design. Rori)
проверка анализатором соответствия рекомендациямBPA scan (A scan that is run by the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA) to identify any issues that violate a pre-defined set of best practices)
режим рекомендацийadvisory mode (An option for Active Directory replication that specifies that lingering objects should be displayed, but not deleted)
рекомендации по безопасностиsecurity best practices (microsoft.com bojana)
служба классификаций и рекомендаций данныхMicrosoft Data Categorization and Recommendation Service (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you; Майкрософт)
служба рекомендацийRecommendation Service (A feature in the PowerPivot add-in for Excel that identifies the categories of data in your Excel workbook (such as cities, sports teams, or animals), sends those data categories online to Microsoft, and recommends other sets of similar data that might interest you. Rori)
ядро анализатора соответствия рекомендациямBPA engine (The engine that captures and processes the results of the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA))