
Terms for subject Microsoft containing назначение | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическое назначение частных IP-адресовAutomatic Private IP Addressing (A TCP/IP feature in WindowsXP and Windows Server2003 that automatically configures a unique IP address from the range through with a subnet mask of when the TCP/IP protocol is configured for dynamic addressing and a DHCP server is not available. The APIPA range of IP addresses is reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use on a single subnet, and IP addresses within this range are not used on the Internet)
автоматическое назначение частных IP-адресовAPIPA (A TCP/IP feature in WindowsXP and Windows Server2003 that automatically configures a unique IP address from the range through with a subnet mask of when the TCP/IP protocol is configured for dynamic addressing and a DHCP server is not available. The APIPA range of IP addresses is reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use on a single subnet, and IP addresses within this range are not used on the Internet)
владелец назначенияassignment owner (An enterprise resource who is responsible for entering progress information in Project Web Access. This person can be different than the person initially assigned to the task)
документ назначенияdestination document (Andy)
единицы назначенияassignment units (The percentage of a work resource's time, or units, that the resource is assigned to a task)
задержка назначенияassignment delay (The amount of time between the scheduled start of a task and the time that the assigned resource is to start working on the task)
каталог назначенияdestination directory (Andy)
код целевого назначенияpurpose code (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Команда, единственным назначением которой является передача собственной функциональностиA command whose sole purpose is to relay its functionality (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
компания назначенияdestination company account (The legal entity that is the recipient of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
Места назначенияDestinations (A feature of the Bing Travel app that highlights world travel destinations)
место назначения архивацииbackup destination (Andy)
набор назначенияdestination set (A set into which a resource moves because of a request that changes that resource's attributes)
назначение голосов узловnode vote assignment (microsoft.com bojana)
назначение печатиprint destination (Andy)
назначение ролейrole assignment (The assignment of a specific role that determines whether a user or group can access a specific item and perform an operation on it)
назначение роли на уровне элементаitem-level role assignment (A security policy that applies to an item in the report server folder namespace)
назначение сайтаsite assignment
назначение системной ролиsystem role assignment (Role assignment that applies to the site as a whole)
назначение формыform assignment (Assignment of responsibility, by a contributor, to submit data, review data, or approve data on a data entry form)
назначения клавишkeyboard mapping (A set of keystroke combinations that you can use while working in the integrated development environment. You can choose from several predefined schemes or define your own)
налог по месту назначенияdestination-based sales tax (A sales tax levied in some states in the United States on a product based on the destination in which the buyer takes ownership or receives the product)
Обратная запись отправки назначения выполненаan assignment submission write back is done. (PerformancePoint Server 2007 Rori)
Обратная запись отправки назначения завершенаan assignment submission write back is done. (Rori)
оператор назначенияassignment statement (A programming language statement used to assign a value to a variable. It usually consists of three elements: an expression to be assigned, an assignment operator (typically a symbol such as = or :=), and a destination variable. On execution of the assignment statement, the expression is evaluated and the resulting value is stored in the specified destination)
опубликовать назначенияpublish assignments (To notify resources of new and changed assignments to tasks)
освоенный объём назначенийAssignments Earned Value (Office System 2010 Rori)
панель назначенийassignment pane (In PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel, the pane that is used to open assignments, view assignment details, and access process scheduling actions such as save and submit)
папка назначенияtarget location (Alex_Odeychuk)
папка назначения для скачивания файловmedia download target location (Alex_Odeychuk)
подробности назначенияassignment details (Rori)
политика назначения ролейrole assignment policy (A collection of one or more end-user management roles that enable users to manage the settings of their Outlook Live account and public groups)
поставщик назначенияdestination provider (A synchronization provider that provide its current knowledge, accept a list of changes from the source provider, detect any conflicts between that list and its own items, and apply changes to its data store)
правила назначения сайтаsite assignment rules (A group of boundaries that an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator defines for an SMS/Configuration Manager site. SMS/Configuration Manager uses these rules to determine which resources and clients are assigned to the site)
представление назначенийassignment view (A view that shows the resources assigned to each task as well as the total and timephased work and cost information for each assignment. The two assignment views are the Task Usage and Resource Usage views)
принудительное назначение ключейkey dictation (The action by a Trusted Intermediary Agent of determining the key that will be used in an IPsec connection)
профиль назначенияdestination profile (Andy)
путь к назначению экспортаexport destination path (Windows 7 Alex Lilo)
сведения о назначенииassignment details (Rori)
склад назначенияdestination inventory location (An inventory location where materials required by a final kanban production activity or transfer activity are received)
Скопировать структуру папок пакета в место назначения для выбранных пакетовDuplicate package folder structure on destination for selected packages (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
состояние назначенияdestination state (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
Страница сведений о назначенииAssignment Details Page (Rori)
схема назначений клавишkeyboard mapping scheme (A set of keystroke combinations that you can use while working in the integrated development environment. You can choose from several predefined schemes or define your own)
условия назначения задачи в очередьwork item queue assignment expression (A statement that conditionally assigns work items to specific work item queues)
установка меток времени в папку назначенияTime-Stamping Destination Directory (Windows 8 Rori)
файл назначенияdestination file
экземпляры Пакетной службы общего назначенияGeneral Purpose Batch Instances (The service type of the Batch service for general batch processing. Rori)