
Terms for subject Microsoft containing множество | all forms
неизменяемое множествоfrozen set (it does not allow any changes to keys and values once it created microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
объединение множествset union (In set theory, the smallest combination of two sets that contains all elements of both sets)
пересечение множествset intersection (The collection of elements in a first set that also appear in a second set)
процент несущего множестваSupport Percentage (A dynamic option that displays the percentage of rows in which the determinant column determines the dependent column)
разность множествset difference (The collection of elements in one set that do not appear in the other set)
фиксированное множествоfrozen set (it does not allow any changes to keys and values once it created microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
число несущего множестваSupport Count (A dynamic option that displays the number of rows in which the determinant column value determines the dependent column)