
Terms for subject Microsoft containing контроль | all forms | exact matches only
аналитика бюджетного контроляbudget control dimension (A combination of active financial dimensions values used to allocate budget funds to pay for planned activities)
базовый модуль контроля использованияLPM (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that is hosted within a Secured Execution Environment (SEE) and carries out provisioning, metering, and enforcement for pay-as-you-go and subscription computers)
базовый модуль контроля использованияLower Provisioning Module (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that is hosted within a Secured Execution Environment (SEE) and carries out provisioning, metering, and enforcement for pay-as-you-go and subscription computers)
быть добавленным под контроль версийbe checked into source control (Alex_Odeychuk)
быть положенным под контроль версийbe checked into source control (Alex_Odeychuk)
бюджетный контрольbudget control (A practice of authorizing expenditure only when budget funds can be reserved to meet future payment commitments)
виртуализация контроля учётных записейUser Account Control UAC Virtualization (Windows 7 Rori)
динамический контроль доступаdynamic access control (The ability for IT pros to define how users access a system based on dynamic qualities, such as a user's location or role)
дополнительный модуль контроля использованияUpper Provisioning Module (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that manages the provisioning of the computer from within the operating system or software)
дополнительный модуль контроля использованияUPM (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that manages the provisioning of the computer from within the operating system or software)
классификационный номер экспортного контроляExport Commodity Classification Number (A five character alpha-numeric classification used in the Commerce Control List to identify items for export control purposes as defined in licensing information by the US government)
Контроль данныхData Sense (A pre-loaded system app that will allow a user to better monitor and manage their data usage on their phone. It can notify users when they are close to their cellular data limit and change the phone's settings to switch to Wi-Fi use if needed)
контроль допуска звонковcall admission control (A service that manages media quality over a wide area network (WAN) connection by either rerouting traffic or by denying connection requests when bandwidth is approaching saturation)
контроль достоверности оптического распознавания символовOCR reference control (A service from BGC that confirms the validity of an OCR reference number in the BG Max file. The user can confirm only the digits or also confirm the character length)
контроль загрузки контентаcontent scoping (The ability to control (on a folder basis) which file contents are downloaded to document tools on user devices)
контроль использованияProvisioning (Arkadi Burkov)
контроль использования программных продуктовsoftware metering (A feature that monitors program usage on client computers)
контроль использования программных продуктов диспетчера конфигурацииConfiguration Manager software metering
контроль конфигурацииconfiguration control (The process of ensuring that the product sent to the customer is designed and arranged as the customer specified)
контроль прерыванийinterrupt moderation (Windows 10 ssn)
контроль проверки подлинностиauthentication assurance (A Windows Server feature that provides the ability to determine which logon method was used by a user from his Kerberos token)
Контроль событийEvent Spy (Windows 7 ssn)
контроль учётных записейUser Account Control (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
контроль учётных записей, UACUAC (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
контроль учётных записейUAC
контроль функцийfunctional check (Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 ssn)
контроль целостности учётных данныхMandatory Integrity Control (A mechanism for controlling access to securable objects based on integrity levels and mandatory policy in addition to discretionary access control. For example, a process may be required to have an integrity level that is equal to or higher than the integrity level of an object to obtain certain kinds of access to that object)
локальная система контроля использованияLocal Provisioning System (A Windows component that resides in the operating system and enforces pay-as-you-go and subscription metering rules)
локальная система контроля использованияLPS (A Windows component that resides in the operating system and enforces pay-as-you-go and subscription metering rules)
маркер доступа службы контроля учётных записейUAC access token (Rori)
маркер контроляcontrol marker (Andy)
маркер контроля версийversion control marker (Andy)
маркёр доступа службы контроля учётных записейUAC access token (An access token with the least administrative privileges required for the session. It is a restricted access token where all elevated privileges have been filtered out. A filtered access token is created by default for all interactive users that are not standard users, except the built-in administrator)
необходим родительский контрольPG (A game rating symbol developed by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC))
необходим родительский контрольParental Guidance Recommended (A game rating symbol developed by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC))
оценщик совместимости с контролем учётных записейUser Account Control Compatibility Evaluator (A compatibility evaluator used to identify potential compatibility issues due to permission restrictions enforced by User Account Control (UAC), formerly known as Limited User Account (LUA). Rori)
пакет контроля использованияprovisioning packet (An XML packet that is downloaded by the computer enabled by FlexGo technology from the Provisioning Server over the Internet. Provisioning packets contain configuration information such as an end date or number of hours of computer usage time)
подтверждение потери контроля доступаConfirm Access Control Loss (Windows 7 Rori)
политика контроляsupervision policy (A set of e-mail policy settings that can help primary and secondary school administrators comply with some requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Using these policy settings, administrators can control who can send e-mail to and receive e-mail from the users in their organization, and filter and reject e-mail that contains objectionable words)
политика контроля закрытого кампусаclosed campus supervision policy (E-mail policy settings that apply inbound and outbound e-mail restrictions so students can send e-mail to or receive e-mail from addresses inside the organization only. Administrators can set up organization-wide exceptions so e-mail can be sent to or from specific domains and public groups. Administrators can also configure per-user exceptions so students can send e-mail to and receive e-mail from specific addresses outside the organization)
политика контроля запрещённых словbad word supervision policy (" E-mail policy settings that prevent sending and receiving e-mail that has specifically banned content. Administrators can use this policy to reject e-mail that contains profanity or other objectionable words, also known as "bad words".")
политика контроля оскорбительных выраженийanti-bullying supervision policy (" E-mail policy settings that administrators use to prevent a bully from sending e-mail messages to specific people by adding the bully's e-mail address as an entry on the "victim's" supervision list. This functionality supports anti-harassment policies in schools and other organizations.")
правило бюджетного контроляbudget control rule (The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations)
репозиторий проекта в системе контроля версийversion-controlled item (Alex_Odeychuk)
репозиторий решения в системе контроля версийversion-controlled item (Alex_Odeychuk)
родительский контрольParental Controls (A UI element that enables a user to block adult content)
родительский контрольparental controls (Settings that enable parents to restrict what their children see)
с контролем чётностиparity (Pertaining to the resiliency type for a volume that stripes data and parity information across physical disks in a Microsoft Storage Spaces storage pool)
сервер контроля использованияProvisioning Server (The server that creates packets to manage computers enabled by FlexGo technology)
синхронизировать с системой контроля версийsynchronize with the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
служба контроля доступаaccess control service (The Microsoft Azure service that provides federated authentication and rules-driven, claims-based authorization for REST Web services. Rori)
служба контроля использованияProvisioning Service (Part of the Provisioning Server that implements the Provisioning Server's business logic)
Создать меточный файл в системе контроля версийAdd label file to the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
список контроляsupervision list (The list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy)
средство контроля перегрузкиCongestion Controller (A Media Center plug-in that is used for advanced network flow management, and in particular to avoid or limit network congestion)
сфера контроляspan of control (microsoft.com bojana)
элемент списка контроляsupervision list entry (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")