
Terms for subject Microsoft containing комиссия | all forms | exact matches only
Британская комиссия по классификации фильмовPan European Gaming Information, and British Board of Film Classification (A game ratings system for the UK; PEGI/BBFC)
комиссия за международную транзакциюITF (A fee imposed by some financial and banking institutions on international financial transactions; ITF)
комиссия по оценке игрgame ratings board (An organization that establishes age-based game ratings for video game content for different regions and countries)
Федеральная комиссия по связи СШАFederal Communications Commission (The U.S. agency created by the Communications Act of 1934, which regulates interstate and international wire, radio, and other broadcast transmissions, including telephone, telegraph, and telecommunications)
Федеральная комиссия по связи СШАFCC (The U.S. agency created by the Communications Act of 1934, which regulates interstate and international wire, radio, and other broadcast transmissions, including telephone, telegraph, and telecommunications)