
Terms for subject Microsoft containing замена | all forms | exact matches only
горячая заменаhot standby (не путать с warm standby – горячим резервированием microsoft.com bojana)
горячая заменаhot swapping (A feature that allows equipment to be connected to an active device, such as a computer, while the device is powered on)
замена или ремонтbreak-fix (Pertaining to a service agreement which provides for the repair or replacement of multiple types of in-warranty or out-of-warranty broken IT equipment)
Используйте инструкции IF для замены значений NULLUse IF statements to replace NULL values (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
оперативная заменаhot-swapping (The replacement of an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory. Rori)
оперативная заменаhot-swapping (The replacement of an assembly file with a revised assembly file in a running system. In-progress sessions continue to access the original assembly from active memory)
поддержка оперативной заменыhot swap support (microsoft.com bojana)
полная замена файлаfull file replacement
сервер горячей заменыhot standby server (A standby server that can support rapid failover without a loss of data from committed transactions. Rori)
сервер горячей заменыhot standby (A standby server that can support rapid failover without a loss of data from committed transactions)
список слов для заменыalternate list (A list of alternate words that you can use to correct recognition errors on the writing pad)
функция заменыreplacer (A function used for replacing the value of text, digtal etc)