
Terms for subject Microsoft containing С | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическая настройка адресов с сохранением состоянияstateful address autoconfiguration (microsoft.com bojana)
автоматическое связывание с электронной почтойE-mail Auto-linking (A feature that enables the user to automatically store links to e-mails sent to or received from a selected e-mail address)
автоматическое связывание с электронной почтойE-mail Auto-linking (A feature that enables the user to automatically store links to e-mails sent to or received from a selected e-mail address. Rori)
алгоритм с использованием открытых ключейpublic key algorithm (An asymmetric cipher that uses two keys, one for encryption, the public key, and the other for decryption, the private key. As implied by the key names, the public key used to encode plaintext can be made available to anyone. However, the private key must remain secret. Only the private key can decrypt the ciphertext. The public key algorithm used in this process is slow (on the order of 1,000 times slower than symmetric algorithms), and is typically used to encrypt session keys or digitally sign a message)
амортизация с уменьшаемым остаткомreducing balance depreciation (A method of calculating the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed percentage of its net book value at the start of each depreciation period)
Анализируйте свои данные с помощью зрительных образовExplore Your Data with Visualizations (Office System 2010 SP1, SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
аналитик с правами только для чтенияRead-only Analyst (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can view all objects in Configuration Manager)
архитектура с линейной адресациейlinear addressing architecture
архитектура с сегментной адресациейsegmented addressing architecture
архитектура NUMA с согласованным кэшемcache-coherent NUMA (A NUMA architecture that provides cache coherency across nodes)
аспект, связанный с ресурсамиresource-related aspect (Alex_Odeychuk)
атака с заманиваниемluring attack (An attack in which the client is lured to voluntarily connect to the attacker)
атака с целью сбора действующих адресовdirectory harvest attack (An attempt to collect valid e-mail addresses from a particular organization so that the e-mail addresses can be added to a spam database)
Атрибут имеет составной ключ и не может быть обновлён с использованием данного синтаксиса обратной записиthe attribute has a composite key and cannot be updated using this writeback syntax. (SQL Server 2012)
атрибут, разрешающий вызовы с неполным довериемAllow Partially Trusted Callers Attribute (An attribute that tells the CLR to remove the implicit LinkDemands. By default, strongly named, fully trusted assemblies are given an implicit LinkDemand for FullTrust on every public and protected method of every publicly visible class. Essentially, any code that someone outside of your assembly could use as an entry point into your code is protected with this demand)
Аудиовизуальный профайл с обратной связьюAudio-Visual Profile with Feedback (Himera)
аутентификация с использованием службы .NET Passport.NET Passport authentication (удалена в Windows Server 2008 и IIS 7.0 Alex_Odeychuk)
аффинное преобразование с матричным представлениемaffine matrix transformation (A transformation consisting of any combination of linear transformations (rotation, scaling, or skew) followed by a translation)
бессрочное рамочное cоглашение между Microsoft и заказчиком, которое подписывается перед или вместе с заключением соглашений Enterprise Agreement, Enterprise Agreement Subscription, Select, Service Provider License Agreement SPLA, Independent Software Vendor ISV или соглашения о поддержке Microsoft. MBSA определяет базовые условия, применимые ко всем соглашениям, подписанным под ним.MBSA (Microsoft Business and Service Agreement felixina)
бессрочное рамочное соглашение между Microsoft и заказчиком, которое подписывается перед или вместе с заключением соглашений Enterprise Agreement, Enterprise Agreement Subscription, Select, Service Provider License Agreement SPLA, Independent Software Vendor ISV или соглашения о поддержке Microsoft. MBSA определяет базовые условия, применимые ко всем соглашениям, подписанным под ним.Microsoft Business and Service Agreement (felixina)
бизнес-процесс с запуском вручнуюon-demand workflow (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
блокировать взаимодействие с пользователемblock user interaction (Alex_Odeychuk)
блокировка с помощью учётных данныхcredentials lock (A type of device lock in Windows Mobile that requires the user to enter credentials to gain access to phone resources)
быстрый запуск с образцом данныхExpress Startup with Sample Data (Outlook with Business Contact Manager 2007 Rori)
быть созданным с нуляbe built from the ground up (Alex_Odeychuk)
в связи с большим числом элементов на диаграмме показаны совокупные значенияBecause there are a large number of items, aggregate values are shown in the chart. (Office System 2010 Rori)
вакцина с анатоксинами дифтерии и столбнякаdiphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against diphtheria and tetanus)
Вводимые с учётом регистра пароли не совпадаютthe case-sensitive passwords do not match. (System Center Operations Manager 2012 SP1)
веб-сервер с балансировкой нагрузкиload-balanced Web server (One of a group of Web servers that make up a server farm and are published by the same publishing rule)
ведение журнала с сохранением сообщенийenvelope journaling (A type of message journaling in which the original unaltered message is included as an attachment in the journal report)
взаимодействие с пользователемuser experience (User's perception about the utility usability and desirability of a product as they integrate it into their lives and their family system. The user experience will be the differentiator that drives adoption and use of hardware software and services)
вид с высоты птичьего полётаBird's eye (An option in Microsoft Virtual Earth that allows the user to view an object in a 45-degree angle from above in bird's eye view)
виртуальная машина с идентификаторомvirtual machine with ID (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
виртуальная машина с истёкшим сроком действияexpired virtual machine (A virtual machine that can no longer be managed by the self-service user who owns it because the virtual machine's expiration date has passed)
виртуальный рабочий стол с поддержкой RemoteFXRemoteFX-enabled virtual desktop (A virtual desktop on which RemoteFX can be run)
вкладка с дополнительными параметрамиadvanced tab (Windows Live Movie Maker Wave 5 Rori)
вкладка с прокруткойScroll tab (A tab that supports scrolling)
Включает функцию, которая предоставляет пользователю возможность отслеживать кредит-ноты с исходной накладной для расчётов с поставщикамиEnables the functionality that allows to the user the tracking of the credit notes with the original invoice in accounts payable. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Включение многопроцессорного MSBuid для параллельного построения проектов решения, если это возможно, с помощью всех процессоров сервера построенияEnable MSBuid Multi-proc to build your solutions' projects in parallel, when possible, using all available processors on the build server (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
возвратный платёж с кредитной картыCredit Card Chargeback (Microsoft Online Services (MOS) – Commerce Platform (OCP) Wave 14 GA – June 2011 Rori)
Войти с состояниемSign in as (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
вопрос с несколькими вариантами ответаmultiple choice question (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must select a response from a set of pre-defined options)
восстановление окна с полного экранаRestore Down (Andy)
встроенная поддержка операций с наблюдаемыми объектамиbuilt-in support for working with observables (русс. перевод термина "observable" как "наблюдаемый объект" взят из кн.: Пабло Дилеман "Изучаем Angular 2" Alex_Odeychuk)
встроенная поддержка работы с наблюдаемыми объектамиbuilt-in support for working with observables (русс. перевод термина "observable" как "наблюдаемый объект" взят из кн.: Пабло Дилеман "Изучаем Angular 2" Alex_Odeychuk)
выноска с определениямиdefinitions callout (A callout that is invoked through contextual UI to display reference data, such as definitions and synonyms, for the word selected)
выполнено с предупреждениямиcompleted with warnings (Rori)
выполнять поточную передачу данных с сервераstream data from the server (Alex_Odeychuk)
выполнять слияние изменений с главной веткой кода посредством запросов на включение измененийmerge changes into the main branch with pull requests (Alex_Odeychuk)
выход из режима ожидания с подключениемconnected standby exit (Windows 8 ssn)
Горизонтальная иерархия с подписямиHorizontal Labeled Hierarchy (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical relationships progressing horizontally and grouped hierarchically. Emphasizes heading or level 1 text. The first line of Level 1 text appears in the shape at the beginning of the hierarchy, and the second and all subsequent lines of Level 1 text appear at the top of the tall rectangles)
Город с большим населением, обычно управляется мэром или городским советом.an incorporated town with a large population, usually governed by a mayor or council. (Office System 2010 Rori)
график с накоплениемstacked line (rusputin)
групповой звонок с задержкойdelayed group call (A group call that first rings the group owner, and then after a specified number of seconds rings the call group in addition to the group owner)
данные, полученные с использованием маршрутов приложенияroute data (Alex_Odeychuk)
диагностика API шифрования и работы с цифровой подписьюCrypto API Diagnostics (A utility that can only be enabled by an administrator and which logs events associated with an applications use of certificates)
диаграмма с областямиarea chart (A type of chart that displays the trend of values over time or categories. By displaying the sum of the plotted values, an area chart also shows the relationship of parts to a whole)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM для Microsoft Office Outlook с доступом вне сетиMicrosoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access (The laptop client version of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
Доступ с ограниченными возможностямиAccess your computer with reduced functionality (Windows Vista Rori)
доступ с проверкой подлинностиauthenticated access (A user access option that you specify at the default Web site level or Application level in IIS. Authenticated access requires a user to have a valid account and password to access the site)
доступ с проверкой подлинностиauthenticated access (A user access option that you specify at the default Web site level or Application level in IIS. Authenticated access requires a user to have a valid account and password to access the site. Rori)
доступно для заказа с учётом производстваcapable to promise (The portion of product output from available operations resources and available input product required to fulfill a specific customer requirement; CTP)
доход от приложения с момента последнего платежаapp proceeds since last payment (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
драйвер, поставляемый с Windowsin-box driver (A driver contained in the default Windows installation)
завершено с предупреждениямиcompleted with warnings (Rori)
загрузка с DVDDVD boot (The process of starting a computer from the retail product DVD and then installing Windows on the hard disk by using Windows Setup)
загрузка с компакт-дискаCD boot (The process of starting a computer from the retail product CD-ROM and then installing Windows on the hard disk using the Setup program on the CD)
загрузка с параметрами из реестраregistry boot (The default boot option used by most Windows DNS servers. When registry boot is used, DNS is started and initialized using DNS parameters and their values as they are stored in the Windows registry. You can use a Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) boot file as an alternative to this method of boot configuration for DNS)
задача с высоким приоритетомhigh priority task (Andy)
задача с задержкойlate task (Office System 2010 SP1 ssn)
запрос с параметрамиparameter query (A type of query that, when you run it, prompts for values (criteria) to use to select the records for the result set so that the same query can be used to retrieve different result sets)
Запросы с небольшим числом переходов по ссылкамQueries With Low Clickthrough (Office System 2010 Rori)
запуск веб-сервера с профилированиемlaunching web server with profiling (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
запустить с повышенными правамиRun Elevated (Option on a right-click menu of a program icon that, when selected, allows the program to run with full administrator privileges)
захват с камерыcamera capture (A Windows 8 feature that allows developers to use the webcam for communication and still image capture without calling complex APIs. The camera capture API allows for devices to expose capture controls, a preview window, and the ability to specify resolution and codecs for audio/video capture)
API захвата с камерыCamera Capture API (The API that allows for devices to expose capture controls, a preview window, and the ability to specify resolution and codecs for audio/video capture)
звонок с помощью ComminicatorCommunicator call (A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call that is routed to all of a contact's devices that are running Office Communicator 2007. A contact can receive a Communicator call on his or her computer or on a telephony device that is configured for Office Communicator 2007)
зоны DNS, интегрированные с Active DirectoryActive Directory-Integrated DNS Zones (microsoft.com bojana)
игра с отсчётом времениtimed game (Windows 7 ssn)
идентификатор с разделителемdelimited identifier (An object in a database that requires the use of special characters (delimiters) because the object name does not comply with the formatting rules of regular identifiers)
иерархия с несколькими первичными сайтамиmulti-primary site hierarchy (microsoft.com bojana)
Иерархия с подписямиLabeled Hierarchy (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical relationships progressing from top to bottom and grouped hierarchically. Emphasizes heading or level 1 text. The first line of Level 1 text appears in the shape at the beginning of the hierarchy, and all subsequent lines of Level 1 text appear to the left of the tall rectangles)
измерение с форматированиемformatting dimension (The dimension that numeric formatting is applied to)
изображения, связанные с объявлениямиdeclaration-related images (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
именованные каналы с ориентацией на подключенияconnection-oriented named pipes (Windows 10 Rori)
индексироваться с нуляbe indexed starting from zero (Alex_Odeychuk)
инструмент Groove для работы с документамиGroove Documents Tool (A tool in Groove for storing and sharing files; primary use is intended to be as connection to SharePoint (via Site Client). Rori)
интеграция с OutlookOutlook integration (Connectivity between Lync or Office Communicator, and Outlook where Lync or Office Communicator receives data from Outlook to make the functions of Lync or Office Communicator work)
интеграция с бухгалтерской программойFinancial Integration (A feature that enables the user to access information from an accounting system from within Business Contact Manager for Outlook)
интеграция с программой автоматизации бухгалтерского учётаAccounting Integration (A feature that enables the user to access information from an accounting system from within Business Contact Manager for Outlook)
интеграция с телефономphone integration (A process that enables the user to integrate their PBX phone with Lync or Communicator, so they can place and receive calls from these products)
интенсивность прохождения заданий, не связанных с вводом-выводом, через пул потоков обработкиrate of non-I/O jobs through the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
использование областей с административным ограничениемadministrative scoping (microsoft.com bojana)
Использовать интерфейс MDI с вкладкамиUse MDI tabbed interface (Visual Studio 2008 ssn)
Используйте эту страницу для доступа к контенту с сайта приложенияUse this page to access content from app web. (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
Исправление проблем с совместимостьюTroubleshoot Compatibility (win8start.ru bojana)
кадров / сFps (The number of video frames displayed per second. Higher frame rates generally produce smoother movement in the picture)
камера с обзором 360° для конференц-связиround table camera (Denis Tatyanushkin)
карта с отметкамиmarker map (A map that displays a marker at each location (for example, cities) and varies marker color, size, and type)
карточка с ключом продуктаproduct key card (A physical card on which a product key is printed)
карточка связи с банкомbank interface card (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 ssn)
карточки с мешалкойmixer tile (In Purble Place, a type of tile that when matched will jumble all the tiles on the board)
Каталог является сетевым ресурсом или устройством, сопоставленным с сетевым ресурсом.the directory is on a network share or drive mapped to a network share. (Visual Studio 2012)
Кбит / сkilobits per second (Data transfer speed, as through a modem or on a network, measured in multiples of 1,024 bits per second)
клиент с поддержкой защиты доступа к сетиNAP-capable client (A Windows-based client that supports Network Access Protection. Rori)
клиентский компьютер с поддержкой защиты доступа к сетиNAP-capable client computer (NAP – Network Access Protection microsoft.com bojana)
клиентское ПО для работы с теневыми копиямиshadow copy client software (ssn)
кнопка с многоточиемellipsis button (Andy)
код с поздним связываниемlate-bound code (A code that defers the assignment of a meaning to an identifier (such as a variable) until runtime)
количество бездействующих потоков в пуле потоков обработки, выделенных для заданий, не связанных с вводом-выводомnumber of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
количество заданий, не связанных с вводом-выводом, в очереди пула потоков обработкиnumber of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
количество потоков, выполняющих задания, не связанные с вводом-выводом, в пуле потоков обработкиnumber of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
коллекция действий с бизнес-даннымиBusiness Data Actions Gallery (The site collection level gallery of XML metadata files that defines business data actions. Rori)
коллекция действий с бизнес-даннымиBusiness Data Actions Gallery (The site collection level gallery of XML metadata files that defines business data actions)
командная строка с повышенными привилегиямиelevated command prompt (A command prompt that is run in a privileged administrator security context that allows actions that would normally be restricted. Without elevation, command prompts in Windows Client and Windows Server run in a restricted state)
коммутатор с поддержкой стандарта 802.1X802.1X-capable switch (A network access server that adheres to both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X and the Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) standards, and that is deployed in networks to enforce 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet access)
Компания, которая связана с проводкой по накладнойthe company that is associated with the invoice transaction (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
компонент с квалификаторомqualified component (" A method of identifying a component in an MSI database indirectly by a pair "component category GUID, string qualifier" instead of identifying it directly by the component identifier.")
компонент с потоковым подразделениемapartment-threaded component (A COM component that resides on a single thread of execution. Apartment-threaded components rely on COM to synchronize calls to them. All COM objects created with Visual Basic are apartment threaded)
компьютер с SQL ServerSQL Server computer (A computer running Microsoft SQL Server with a configured database)
компьютер с повременной оплатойpay-as-you-go computer (Andy)
компьютер с повременной оплатойprepaid computer
компьютер с повремённой оплатойpay-as-you-go computing (A model in which a solution provider offers a computer to the customer for a low initial payment, and the customer adds time to the computer by purchasing blocks of computer usage time. Once an agreed-upon amount of usage time is purchased, the customer has unlimited access to the computer and no longer needs to pay for computer usage time)
компьютер с повремённой оплатойprepaid computer (A computer running Windows for Prepaid Computers)
компьютер с трёхзонной конфигурациейthree-homed computer (Термин используется для обозначения компьютера подключенного с трем сетям при наличии трёх сетевых адаптеров iliy)
контакты с неопределённым состояниемStatus Unavailable Contacts
контакты с неопределённым состояниемStatus Unavailable Contacts (The default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts for whom no status information is available)
контур с поздней вершинойlate-peak contour (A contour that slopes up gradually, peaks near the end of the curve, and then drops off)
контур с ранней вершинойearly-peak contour (A contour that peaks near the beginning of the curve and then slopes downward more gradually)
конференция с передачей данныхdata conferencing (A method of real-time communication wherein participants share and collaborate on several data and document types. The session can be hosted on an in-house server, an Internet-based service, or both)
конференц-связь с телефонным подключениемdial-in conferencing (A feature that merges public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Voice over IP (VoIP) conferences, which allows participants to dial in to a conference from anywhere as an authenticated user without having to be on the corporate network. Typically, a local number is provided to avoid long-distance fees)
конфигурация с двумя межсетевыми экранамиback-to-back configuration (vp_73)
копировать с дискаrip (To copy digital media content from an audio CD. Content may be converted to a different format during the ripping process)
корневой дескриптор удержания с покупателяreverse charge root descriptor (Dynamics AX 7.0 ssn)
корпорация с отдельным налогообложениемC corporation (An United States tax law designation given to any corporation that is a unique entity apart from and taxed separately from its owners; тип C)
корпорация с совместным налогообложениемS corporation (An United States tax law designation given to any corporation that elects to pass corporate income, losses, deductions, and credit through to shareholders for federal tax purposes; тип S)
корректировка с округлениемrounding adjustment (An adjustment to an amount made to enable balancing of a balance sheet despite rounding differences. Rori)
критический с точки зрения безопасностиsecurity-critical (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can only be used by fully trusted code. | Security-critical operations are actions that affect code access security, such as elevation of privilege through suppression of code access security checks by using the Assert method, calling unsafe managed code, and so forth.)
линейчатая диаграмма с группировкойclustered bar chart (A bar chart subtype that compares values across categories)
Линейчатая диаграмма с накоплениемStacked Bar Chart (LisAnieL)
линейчатая диаграмма с накоплениемstacked bar chart (A bar chart subtype that shows the relationship of individual items to the whole)
мастер установки связи с источниками данныхLink Data Sources Wizard
менеджер по работе с партнёрамиaccount manager (A Microsoft employee who is the primary contact for the business relationship between the OEM and Microsoft)
метод базового интерфейса с реализацией по умолчаниюbase interface's default method (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
метод интерфейса с реализацией по умолчаниюdefault interface method (InfoWorld, 2021: Default interface methods are methods in an interface that contain concrete implementations. If the class that extends the interface doesn't implement the method, the default implementation of the method will be used from the interface. This is a useful feature as it helps developers add methods to future versions of an interface without breaking the existing functionality, i.e., the existing implementations of that interface. Alex_Odeychuk)
метод линейной амортизации с уменьшаемым остаткомstraight-line service life remaining depreciation method (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period. There will be a difference in the depreciation amount calculated between straight-line service life remaining and straight-line service life when there is an adjustment posted to the asset)
метод оболочки для использования с пулом потоковwrapper method for use with thread pool (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Метод оплаты клиента и поставщика с банковских счетов оплатыCustomer and vendor method of payment bank accounts (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
миграция с одного формата данных на другойtransition from one format to another (Alex_Odeychuk)
мобильный телефон с поддержкой веб-доступаweb-enabled mobile phone (A mobile phone that can view web content by connecting directly to the Internet. Rori)
модель восстановления с неполным протоколированиемbulk-logged recovery model (A database recovery mode that minimally logs bulk operations, such as index creation and bulk imports, while fully logging other transactions. Bulk-logged recovery increases performance for bulk operations, and is intended to be used an adjunct to the full recovery model)
модель леса с ограниченным доступомrestricted access forest model (в среде Active Directory microsoft.com bojana)
модель с одним лесомsingle forest model (microsoft.com bojana)
набор средств Visual Studio Tools для работы с приложениямиVisual Studio Tools for Applications (A family of Microsoft Visual Studio add-in software that allows developers to use Visual Basic and Visual C to develop and customize applications built on the Microsoft .NET Framework)
набор средств Microsoft Visual Studio Tools для работы с приложениямиMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications (A family of Microsoft Visual Studio add-in software that allows developers to use Visual Basic and Visual C to develop and customize applications built on the Microsoft .NET Framework)
Настраиваемые свойства, связанные с ячейкамиCustom properties linked to cells (Office System 2010 Rori)
Начните создание веб-сайта с коллекции веб-приложенийJump Start your Web Site from Web Application Gallery (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Rori)
НДС, удерживаемый с покупателяreverse charge VAT (A value-added tax (VAT) on products that is owed by the customer that receives the product, not by the vendor that delivers the product: With reverse charge VAT, it's the responsibility of the customer, rather than the supplier, to charge VAT and report it on the VAT return. )
Невозможно согласовать сортировку с журналом транзакций.Sort cannot be reconciled with transaction log. (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Невозможно удалить базу данных "%1!s!" распространителя. Эта база данных распространителя связана с Издателемcould not drop the distribution database '%1!s!'. This distributor database is associated with a Publisher (SQL Server 2012)
невыполненная поставка с наложенным платежомcash on delivery outstanding
невыполненная поставка с наложенным платежомCOD outstanding (Undelivered and unpaid cash-on-delivery transaction)
невыполненная поставка с наложенным платежомC.O.D. outstanding
нельзя ввести пустую запись. Удалите запись с помощью команды "Удалить"you cannot input a blank entry Please use Remove to delete the entry (Exchange Server 2007)
неполадки с системными ресурсамиsystem resource problems (ssn)
Непредвиденная ошибка на сервере при сопоставлении с рабочим процессомUnexpected error on server associating the workflow (Office System 2010 Rori)
неструктурированный файл с разделителямиdelimited flat file (A data file that contains one or more records separated by a record delimiter. Each delimited record contains one or more fields separated by a common field delimiter)
Нормированная диаграмма с областями и накоплением100% Stacked Area Chart (Выводит несколько рядов данных в виде областей с накоплением. Совокупное соотношение каждого элемента всегда составляет 100 % от оси Y. LisAnieL)
Нормированная линейчатая диаграмма с накоплением100% Stacked Column Chart (Выводит несколько рядов данных в виде гистограмм с накоплением. Совокупное соотношение каждого элемента всегда составляет 100 % от оси Y. LisAnieL)
Нормированная линейчатая диаграмма с накоплением100% Stacked Bar Chart (Выводит несколько рядов данных в виде линеек с накоплением. Совокупное соотношение каждого элемента всегда составляет 100 % от оси Y. LisAnieL)
оборудование с обратной связьюforced hardware (Andy)
обход контента с привязкойAnchor Crawl (Office System 2010 Rori)
общая база данных с многопользовательским режимом доступаmultiuser shared database (ssn)
Объёмная гистограмма с накоплением3D Stacked Column Chart (LisAnieL)
Объёмная линейчатая диаграмма с накоплением3D Stacked Bar Chart (LisAnieL)
Объёмная нормированная гистограмма с накоплением3D 100% Stacked Column Chart (LisAnieL)
Объёмная нормированная линейчатая диаграмма с накоплением3D 100% Stacked Bar Chart (LisAnieL)
Обычная с учётом времениStandard timed (Windows 7 ssn)
ограничение в соответствии с корпоративными стандартамиethical wall (A zone of non-communication between distinct departments of a business or organization to prevent conflicts of interest that might result in the inappropriate release of sensitive information)
одновременная работа с несколькими репозиториями кодаmulti-repository experience (Alex_Odeychuk)
ожидание с подключениемconnected standby (Windows 8 ssn)
окно с рекламойad window
окно с фокусом клавиатурного вводаthe window with keyboard focus (Alex_Odeychuk)
операции с билетами службыService Ticket Operations (Windows 10 Rori)
Операции с уникальным ключом, используемые для выполнения периодических физических разносок в главную книгуUnique key vouchers, used when posting periodic physical postings in the ledger (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
операция с журналом событийevent log operation (ssn)
основное лицензионное соглашение OEM с корпорацией МайкрософтMicrosoft OEM Master Licensing Agreement (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
основное лицензионное соглашение OEM с корпорацией МайкрософтMicrosoft OEM master licensing agreement (ssn)
основные сведения об использовании компьютера с повременной оплатойPrepaid Computing Essentials
основные сведения об использовании компьютера с повремённой оплатойPrepaid Computing Essentials (A printed card that includes important information about using and getting support for prepaid computing. A Prepaid Computing Essentials card is included with each new prepaid computer)
отключено с удалением полезных файловdisabled with payload removed (Новое состояние компонентов системы и ролей сервера, появившееся в Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012 MasterK)
открыть папку с полученными файламиOpen Received Files (An item on the File menu that opens files that the user has received via Communicator conversations)
отношение доверия с проверяющей сторонойrelying party trust (A trust object created to maintain the relationship with a Federation Service or application that consumes claims from this Federation Service)
отношение с клиентомopportunity relationship (In a relationship role, a relationship between a customer (account or contact) and an opportunity)
отношения доверия с проверяющей сторонойrelying party trust (microsoft.com bojana)
отправка с экспедированиемExpedited shipment (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Отправлено с моего Windows PhoneSent from my Windows Phone (A tagline or signature added to all email that's sent from a Windows Phone)
отчёт с дополнительной информациейclickthrough report (A report that displays related report model data when you click data within a rendered Report Builder report)
отчёт с исключёнными даннымиexception report (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report)
отчёт с исключёнными даннымиexception report (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report. Rori)
отчёт с предложениями наиболее подходящих элементовBest Bet Suggestions report (A Web analytics report that identifies terms that should become Best Bets)
отчёт с условным содержимымconditional report (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
очередь автоотчётов с оповещениемsignoff queue (A queue type that is used for reports that the user has not seen before. It is utilized when a user is not to be notified when the event occurs, but is to be notified prior to reporting the event. Rori)
Очистка всех изменений, произведённых с момента последнего сохраненияClears any changes made since last save (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
панель мониторинга с фокусомfocused dashboard (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
панель с переносомwrap panel (A layout container that arranges its child elements in a single vertical or horizontal row, creating a new row if needed to display the overflow from the previous row)
панель стыковки с вкладкамиtabbed docking bar (The host control for a group of dockable windows. Once docked, each window changes form, becoming a tab)
параметр "Хранение с изменённой темой"Modify Subject storage option (The option on the Policy Filter page for delivering spam e-mail messages to the recipient with an identifying word or phrase in the subject line. Rori)
параметр "Хранение с изменённой темой"Modify Subject storage option (The option on the Policy Filter page for delivering spam e-mail messages to the recipient with an identifying word or phrase in the subject line)
параметр хранения с X-заголовкомX-Header storage option (The option that adds an X-Header to the Internet header of spam messages. Information contained in this X-Header is specified by administrators in the Administration Center. Rori)
параметры соединения с удалённым серверомremote server connection options (SQL platon)
переключение с помощью "звёздочки"star out (A function that is available to callers when they are dialed into Unified Messaging Auto Attendant but they want to be able to get to Outlook Voice Access to access their e-mail and voice mail. The caller presses the star (*) key per the voice prompt, which takes them to Outlook Voice Access)
печать с учётом сетевого расположенияlocation aware printing (ssn)
печать с учётом сетевого расположенияLocation Aware Printing (A feature that automatically configures the default printer based on the user's network location. When a mobile user changes network locations, the default printer also changes to the correct one for that network, as defined by the user)
платформа Windows Azure для партнёров с Cloud EssentialsWindows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partners (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
поддержка одновременной работы с несколькими репозиториями кодаmulti-repository support (Alex_Odeychuk)
поддержка операций с наблюдаемыми объектамиsupport for working with observables (русс. перевод термина "observable" как "наблюдаемый объект" взят из кн.: Пабло Дилеман "Изучаем Angular 2" Alex_Odeychuk)
поддержка работы с наблюдаемыми объектамиsupport for working with observables (русс. перевод термина "observable" как "наблюдаемый объект" взят из кн.: Пабло Дилеман "Изучаем Angular 2" Alex_Odeychuk)
поддержка режима ожидания с подключениемconnected standby support (Windows 8 ssn)
подключение с помощью кабеляcable connection
подключение с частичным использованием DSNDSN-less connection (A type of data connection that is created based on information in a data source name (DSN), but is stored as part of a project or application)
подписка на платформу Windows Azure для партнёров с оплатой по мере использованияWindows Azure Platform Consumption for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels, calculated on the actual amount of services used)
подписка на платформу Windows Azure с оплатой по мере использованияWindows Azure Platform Consumption (A Windows Azure Platform package rate that is calculated on the actual amount of services used)
подписка с токеномtoken subscription (A subscription that can only be paid with a prepaid card. Rori)
Подсвечивает выбранное окно с помощью мигающей границыHighlights selected window by flashing its border (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
подсчёт числа уникальных приложений с каждым из заданных состояний совместимости приложенияcounting the number of unique applications with each application compatibility status (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
поле с набором значенийenumerated field (sonnerbergsson)
поле с нулевым значениемnull field
поле с ограничениямиconstrained field
поле с прокручивающимся спискомscrolling combo box (A standard Windows control that combines the characteristics of a text box with a scrolling list box)
поле с указателем на функциюfunction pointer field (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
построитель выражений с подстановочными знакамиWild Card Expression Builder (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Rori)
построитель выражений с шаблонамиWild Card Expression Builder (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
потребление с пищейdietary intake (A set of guidelines for the daily intake of vitamins, protein, fats and fiber that include recommended daily allowances)
Правила CSS с префиксомCSS rules (harser)
предложение с расценкамиquotation
предложение с расценкамиquote
предложение с расценкамиestimate (A formal offer for products or services, proposed at specific prices and related payment terms)
предложение с расценкамиprice quote (A formal offer for products or services, proposed at specific prices and related payment terms)
представитель по связям с общественностьюcommunity representative (A role that is similar to the customer service role, with the addition of being able to manage public conversations enabled and with the following permissions: organization read, BU append, BU append to, and user delete)
представление с одной областьюsingle-pane view (A window in which only one view appears, such as the Task Sheet, Network Diagram view, Resource Graph view, or Calendar view)
представление с разделениемsplit view (ssn)
приведённый в соответствие с фирменным стилемbranded (microsoft.com bojana)
привязка с шифрованиемcryptobinding (A procedure that creates an object which can later be authenticated)
привязка с шифрованиемcrypto-binding (A procedure that creates an object which can later be authenticated)
приложение для работы с содержимымcontent application (An application that is used to create content, such as a graphic design application, a computer-aided design application, or an industry-specific content generating application. Rori)
приложение с архитектурой на основе служб gRPCgRPC application (Alex_Odeychuk)
приложение с веб-интерфейсом пользователяApplication with a Web user interface (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
приложение с включённым кэшемcache-enabled application (An application that uses the Windows Server AppFabric cache client to store data in cache on the cache cluster)
приложение с включённым кэшемcache-enabled application (An application that uses the Windows Server AppFabric cache client to store data in cache on the cache cluster. Rori)
приложение с высоким уровнем доверияhigh-trust app (An app that uses the server-to-server (S2S) protocol, where the app is responsible for creating the user portion of the access token, and therefore is trusted to assert any user identity)
приложение с поддержкой Office для SharePointOffice-enabled app for SharePoint (An app that has both an Office and a SharePoint component)
приложение с разделениемsplit app (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
приложение с собственным сервером gRPCself-hosted gRPC application (Alex_Odeychuk)
приложение с управляемым кодомmanaged application (Alex_Odeychuk)
Приступая к работе с мастером образцов данныхGetting Started with the Sample Data Wizard (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
проблемы с производительностьюPerformance issues (Exchange Server 2007 Rori)
проблемы с совместимостьюapplication compatibility issues (ssn)
проблемы с совместимостью приложенийapplication compatibility issues (ssn)
проверить связь с устройствомPing device (The action of testing a particular device on the network for troubleshooting purposes using the ping utility)
проверка подлинности с помощью пароляpassword authentication
проверка подлинности с сопоставлением сертификата клиентаclient certificate mapping authentication (microsoft.com bojana)
проверка подлинности с сопоставлением SSL-сертификатов клиентовSSL client certificate mapping authentication (A method of authentication where certificates are used on the client and a mapping is made on the server (or possibly on the Active directory domain controller) to determine which client certificates should be allowed access to the site)
прозрачный с точки зрения безопасностиsecurity-transparent (Pertaining to a type or member that is partially trusted and that cannot expose access to any protected resources or functionality. Rori)
просмотр веб-страниц с использованием вкладокtabbed browsing (A function of some Web browsers that allows users to surf and view multiple pages by loading Web sites into sections (or tabs) of one page, rather than multiple pages)
Просмотр процесса создания отчёта с точки зрения конечного пользователяView how the report process will appear to the end user of this report (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
протокол настройки адресов с ведением базы данныхstateful address configuration protocol (microsoft.com bojana)
протокол IP с проверкой подлинности, AuthIPAuthIP (A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements)
протокол IP с проверкой подлинностиAuthenticated IP (A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements)
протокол IP с проверкой подлинностиAuthenticated Internet Protocol (A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements)
протокол IP с проверкой подлинностиAuthenticated Internet Protocol (A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements. Rori)
Windows 8 Профессиональная с Media CenterWindows 8 Pro with Media Center (An edition of Windows 8 Pro that contains Windows Media Center)
процент запросов с нулевым числом выбранных рекламных объявленийpercentage of queries with zero clickthrough (Office System 2010 Rori)
процесс с идентификаторомprocess ID (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
процесс, связанный с документооборотомhuman workflow (ssn)
процесс, связанный с документооборотомdocument-centric workflow (ssn)
прямой доступ к памяти DMA с распределением / сборкойscatter/gather DMA (A form of direct memory access (DMA) in which data is transferred to and from noncontiguous ranges of physical memory)
прямой доступ к памяти с распределением / сборкойscatter/gather direct memory access (A form of direct memory access (DMA) in which data is transferred to and from noncontiguous ranges of physical memory.)
работа с асинхронными потоками данныхdealing with asynchronous streams of data (Alex_Odeychuk)
работа с атрибутами дискаmanipulate disk attributes (Windows 8 Rori)
Работа с диаграммамиChart Functionality (Office System 2010, Excel 2013 Rori)
работа с образами дисковimaging (The process of capturing an installation of Windows for deployment to one or more destination computers)
InstantGo работает только с компьютерами, поддерживающими режим ожидания с подключением.InstantGo works only with computers designed for Connected Standby
работать с кодом в локальной функциональной веткеwork with a local feature branch (Alex_Odeychuk)
рабочий процесс, связанный с документооборотомdocument-centric workflow (ssn)
разметка с несколькими колонкамиMulti-Column Layout (A Windows feature that allows designers and developers to lay out a single column of HTML content in multiple parallel columns of equal width and height. This layout style allows designers to make better use of available display space, and is common to newspapers and magazines in both the print and digital world)
разметка с несколькими колонкамиmulti-column layout (ssn)
Разрешить взаимодействие с рабочим столомAllow service to interact with the desktop (Windows 8 Rori)
рамка с текстомtext frame (An area within a shape that can contain text)
растровое изображение, совместимое с устройствомcompatible bitmap (Alex_Odeychuk)
расчёты с клиентамиaccounts receivable (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts customers owe for services or sales made on credit)
расчёты с поставщикамиaccounts payable (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts owed to suppliers or creditors for goods, supplies, or services purchased on credit)
Расширить функциональность с помощью надстроекExtend functionality with Add-ins (Windows Small Business Server Colorado Rori)
режим интеграции с SharePointSharePoint integrated mode (SQL platon)
режим ожидания с подключениемconnected standby (The state that enables a PC to turn on instantly and have tiles and other services update even when the screen is off)
режим ожидания с подключениемconnected standby (Windows 8 ssn)
Режим ожидания с подключением был отключён из-за несовместимости оборудованияConnected Standby has been disabled due to non-compliant hardware (Windows 8 ssn)
режим работы с клавиатуройlaptop mode (A mode on a convertible Tablet PC that enables you to type comfortably on the keyboard while viewing the screen)
режим работы с ТСОПPSTN usage records (Public switched telephone network (PSTN) usage records specify a class of call (such as internal, local, or long distance) that can be made by various users or groups of users in an organization)
Режим разметки не совместим с закреплением областей.Page Layout View is not compatible with Freeze Panes. (Office System 2010 Rori)
режим с повышенными правамиelevated mode (microsoft.com bojana)
Рекомендуется следовать этому совету, чтобы пользователи Интернета не путали веб-узел удалённого доступа с общедоступным веб-узлом.we recommend that you follow this practice so that Internet users do not confuse your remote access Web site with your public Web site. (Rori)
репликация с несколькими хозяевамиmulti-master replication (microsoft.com bojana)
репликация с несколькими хозяевамиmultimaster replication (Multimaster replication simply means that you can make changes to directory data on any AD LDS instance. microsoft.com bojana)
репликация с одним хозяиномsingle-master replication (blogspot.com bojana)
ресурс с максимальным превышением порогаheaviest resource (The resource call or calls that exceeded its threshold more than other resources)
решение BCS с поддержкой SharePointSharePoint Enabled BCS Solution (A package containing a set of external lists for offlining, along with associated business data actions and task panes)
решения по работе с даннымиdata solutions (stachel)
рисунок, связанный с даннымиdata graphic
роль автора с дополнительными правамиAdvanced Author role (A collection of rights that allows the user to view, add, and change pages, documents in libraries, discussion boards, themes, and borders, as well as manage tasks and recalculate links. A default role)
роль "Администраторы Exchange с правами на просмотр"Exchange View-Only Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have read-only access to the entire Exchange organization tree in the Active Directory configuration container, and read-only access to all Windows domain containers that have Exchange recipients)
с аффилированной компаниейintercompany (Relating to interactions between two or more internal companies)
с ведением базы данныхstateful (тип автонастройки адреса microsoft.com bojana)
с внесёнными изменениямиwith the applied changes (Use the git cherry-pick operation to apply changes to another branch. A new topic branch will be created with the applied changes, and then you will be prompted to create a pull request to the target branch. Alex_Odeychuk)
с высоким DPIhigh-DPI (Pertaining to a DPI setting with more than 96 DPI)
с высотыBird's eye (A feature in Bing Maps that provides high-resolution aerial imagery of locations photographed from north, south, east, and west, providing four actual views of a point)
Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 с Диспетчером контактовMicrosoft® Office Outlook® 2007 with Business Contact Manager (Microsoft supplemental software that adds small-business contact management capabilities to Office Outlook 2007. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
Microsoft Outlook 2010 с Диспетчером контактовMicrosoft Outlook 2010 with Business Contact Manager (A version of Microsoft Outlook that includes small-business contact management capabilities. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
Project Online с Project Pro для Office 365Project Online with Project Pro for Office 365 (An online service for teams, departments and organizations that need a flexible portfolio and project management (PPM) solution including full project management capabilities on the desktop with Project Pro for Office 365)
Microsoft Project Online с Project Pro для Office 365Microsoft Project Online with Project Pro for Office 365 (An online service for teams, departments and organizations that need a flexible portfolio and project management (PPM) solution including full project management capabilities on the desktop with Project Pro for Office 365)
с использованием образаimage-based (установка Windows microsoft.com bojana)
с использованием собственной лицензииbring-your-own-license (ssn)
с использованием технологии AJAXAJAX-enabled (для обмена данными браузера с веб-сервером используются асинхронные запросы Alex_Odeychuk)
с использованием функционального подходаwith the functional approach (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
с контролем чётностиparity (Pertaining to the resiliency type for a volume that stripes data and parity information across physical disks in a Microsoft Storage Spaces storage pool)
с которымwith which (The foreground window is the window with which the user is currently working. anutka-nezabutka)
с назначенным системой именемSystem Named (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
с написанием справа налевоRTL (Pertaining to keyboard settings, document views, user interface objects, languages, etc. for which text is displayed in a right-to-left direction)
с несколькими скоростямиMBR
с несколькими скоростямиmultiple bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the same content is encoded at several different bit rates in oder to optimize content delivery)
с нулевой ставкойzero-rated (Denotes products for which the buyer pays no value-added tax (VAT) and for which the seller can recover the cost of the input tax levied on the sale)
с нулевым потреблением питания при простоеzero power optical disk drive (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
с нулевым потреблением питания при простоеZPODD (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
с нулевым потреблением питания при простоеzero power ODD (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
Internet Explorer с ограниченными правамиLow-rights IE (A mechanism for running Internet Explorer processes in a restricted security context to protect the system against malware and viruses that depend on IE running in elevated privilege on a users machine)
с отслеживанием состоянияstateful (In the streaming context, pertaining to, or characteristic of, streaming protocols used by Windows Media Services that require an interactive connection between the server and client during the streaming session. Streaming data in a stateful connection cannot be cached for reuse by other clients (that is, the data is not cacheable))
с очень высокой степенью достоверностиa very high degree of certainty (Alex_Odeychuk)
с платформенно-ориентированным кодомnative (Alex_Odeychuk)
с поддержкой кабельного цифрового ТВDigital Cable Ready (Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a High Definition Television (HDTV) that conforms to the plug-and-play digital cable TV standard; thus, removing the need for a separate set-top box)
с поддержкой макросовmacro-enabled (Pertaining to a file format that allows for VBA code. Examples of file extensions for macro-enabled formats are .docm, .pptm, .xlsm)
с поддержкой многоадресной рассылкиmulticast-enabled (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
с помощью таблицы настройте столбцы для спискаUse the grid to configure columns for the list. (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
с помощью функционального подходаwith the functional approach (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
с правильным форматомwell-formed (Pertaining to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document that is syntactically correct)
с предварительным умножением альфа-каналаalpha premultiplied (Pertaining to the technique of scaling the three color components of a sample by alpha before storing their values. This saves many mathematical steps when alpha blending two images. For the PMARGB32 pixel format, all color values are alpha premultiplied)
с привязкой к конфигурацииconfiguration-binding (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
GUID с разделителями-дефисамиhyphen-separated GUID (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
GUID с разделителями-дефисами, заключённый в фигурные скобкиhyphen-separated GUID, enclosed in braces (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
с разрешения родителейParental Guidance (BBFC)
Works с рекламойWorks with ads (A version of Works, aka Works SE, that includes advertising)
с роликами подачиscroll-fed (Of, pertaining to, or descriptive of an optical output device (such as a scanner, copier or printer) whose sheets of paper to process are loaded one-by-one using a roller pickup)
с типизацией по столбцуtyped by column (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
с тонкой подготовкойthin-provisioned (Of, pertaining to, storage that allows thin provisioning)
с точки зрения архитектурыfrom an architecture point of view (Alex_Odeychuk)
с точностью до битаbit-for-bit (ssn)
с учётом использованияusage-based (stachel)
с учётом особенностейdue to the specifics of (чего-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
с учётом спецификиdue to the specifics of (чего-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
с учётом специфики вашего проектаdue to the specifics of your project (Alex_Odeychuk)
с фиксированной датой окончания срока действияend date-based (Pertaining to a computer running FlexGo technology that meters computer usage until a defined usage expiration date. The usage expiration date can be extended by days or months, on a recurring basis. Rori)
с цифровой подписьюdigitally signed (Having a digital signature)
с цифровой подписьюdigitally sign (To add a digital signature to a macro or file)
с чертойbar tab (Word 2016 Rori)
сверка с аффилированной компаниейintercompany reconciliation (The elimination of intercompany transactions during preparation of a consolidated balance sheet or income statement. Such transactions can include, for example, intercompany loans or investments between parent and subsidiary)
Связать ошибку с имеющимся тестовым случаемLink Bug to Existing Test Case (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
связи с событиямиevent associations (Windows 8 ssn)
связь с записьюLink to Record (A button, located in the Business Contact Manager group, that enables the user to link an item to a record)
связь с серверомserver connectivity (Andy)
связь с ТСОПPSTN connectivity (Connectivity with the public switched telephone network (PSTN) through integration with an audio conferencing provider)
сеанс с несколькими подключениямиMultiple Connected Session (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
сеанс с несколькими подключениямиMCS (A feature that allows multiple TCP/IP connections from the initiator to the target for the same iSCSI session)
символ с диакритическим знакомaccented character
синхронизация с карманным ПКPocket PC synchronization (A function that allows the user to synchronize Address Book and Calendar information with a PC)
синхронизация с проверкой согласованностиsynchronization with consistency check (A feature that enables the user to check for and correct inconsistencies between a protected volume and its replica. Rori)
синхронизация с проверкой согласованностиsynchronization with consistency check (A feature that enables the user to check for and correct inconsistencies between a protected volume and its replica)
синхронизировать с системой контроля версийsynchronize with the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
синхронный с установлением соединенияsynchronous connection-oriented (Pertaining to a Bluetooth data link type which is a symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to-point connection between a master device and a subordinate device, primarily used for voice traffic)
синхронный с установлением соединенияSCO (Pertaining to a Bluetooth data link type which is a symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to-point connection between a master device and a subordinate device, primarily used for voice traffic)
система доступа к элементам управления с клавиатурыKeyboard Access System (A set of accelerator keys with associated icons)
система защиты цифрового содержимого, передаваемого по каналам с высокой пропускной способностьюHigh-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (An encryption and authentication specification created by Intel for Digital Video Interface (DVI) devices such as digital cameras, high-definition televisions, and video disk players. HDCP is designed to protect transmissions between DVI devices from being copied)
скорость бит/сbaud rate (The speed at which a modem can transmit data, measured by the number of events, or signal changes, that occur in one second. Rori)
слайд с диаграммойchart slide (A slide in PowerPoint containing a chart)
слияние с электронной почтойE-mail Merge
словарь извлечений с совпадением словword extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched to exact words in the content in a case-insensitive way. For example, the entry "anchor" will match "anchor" and "Anchor," but not "anchorage.")
словарь извлечений с совпадением частей словword part extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched anywhere in the content in a case-insensitive way. For example, the entry "anchor" will match "anchor," "Anchor," and "anchorage.")
словарь извлечений с точным совпадением словexact word extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched to exact words in the content in a case-sensitive way. For example, the system matches "anchor" to "anchor," but not to "Anchor" or "Anchorage.")
словарь извлечений с точным совпадением частей словexact word part extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched anywhere in the content in a case-sensitive way. For example, the system matches "anchor" and "anchorage," but not "Anchor.")
служба конференций с обменом мгновенными сообщениямиIM Conferencing service (A service that runs on a Lync Server or Office Communications Server front-end server to mix and manage inputs from multiple clients in a multiparty instant messaging (IM) session. Rori)
Служба Xbox LIVE представляет собой игровую службу в интернете, позволяющую пользователям со всего мира играть в игры и общаться друг с другом.Xbox LIVE is an online gaming service that allows people from around the world to play games and interact with each other online. (Xbox 360, Xbox Dash)
служба с отслеживанием состоянияstateful service (A service that has state and achieves reliability through replication between multiple replicas on other nodes in the cluster. If a node on which a replica of this service is active goes down, another replica is started on another node. Rori)
служба с пользовательским веб-интерфейсомservice with a web user interface (Visual Studio Windows Azure Tools 1.4 Rori)
службы, связанные с рабочим процессомworkflow services (Alex_Odeychuk)
снимать с эксплуатацииretire (Internet Explorer 11 has retired as of June 15, 2022. В.И.Макаров)
событие, в связи с которым выражается соболезнованиеcondolatory event (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 ssn)
соглашение с поставщиком приложенияapplication provider agreement (An agreement that describes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the application provider and the organization offering a particular service with regards to the application. Rori)
соединитель для работы с содержимымAuthoring Connector (A Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) feature that enables users to author, edit, and submit content from a Microsoft Word document to an MCMS Web site)
Создание корпоративного вики-сайта с категориями и макетами страниц.Create a large-scale wiki with categories and page layouts. (Office System 2010 Rori)
создание связи с надписьюText Box Linking (Word 2013 Rori)
создание файла с использованием пользовательских настроекCreates a file using custom settings (Office System 2010 Rori)
сообщение об ошибке с указанием электронной почты службы поддержкиsupport email error message (microsoft.com bojana)
сообщение с приглашениемinvitation message (Andy)
Сопоставить проводки для одного счета ГК с проводками для того же или другого счета ГК.Settle transactions on one ledger account with transactions on the same or another ledger account. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
сопоставить с документомAssociate a document (An option that allows the user to associate an existing document with a Project To Do)
сопоставить с другим документомAssociate a different document (An option that allows the user to replace the document currently attached to the To Do with another document that has already been saved)
сопоставить с другой веб-ссылкойAssociate a different Web site link (An option that allows the user to replace the Web link attached to the To Do with a different web link. Rori)
сопоставить с другой задачей WorksAssociate a different Works task (An option that allows the user to change the document associated with the active To Do by selecting a different Works template to serve as the basis for a new associated item. Rori)
сопоставить с другой задачей WorksAssociate a different Works task (An option that allows the user to change the document associated with the active To Do by selecting a different Works template to serve as the basis for a new associated item)
сопоставить с контактомAssociate to Contact (In a conference, this command associates a participant or phone number with a contact on the user's contact list)
сопоставление с образцомpattern matching (Alex_Odeychuk)
сопоставление строк с учётом регистраCase-sensitive string match (Andrey_Koz)
состояние виртуальной машины с идентификаторомstate of virtual machine with ID (ssn)
сохранённое состояние виртуальной машины с идентификаторомsaved state of virtual machine with ID (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
список разделённых точкой с запятой путейlist of paths, separated by semicolons (Windows 10 ssn)
список связей с банкомbank interface list (ssn)
Сплайн-диаграмма с областямиSpline Area Chart (An Area chart that plots a fitted curve through each data point in a series. LisAnieL)
способность к взаимодействию с неуправляемым кодомnative interoperability (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
среда выполнения с параллелизмомConcurrency Runtime (A concurrent programming framework for C++ that simplifies parallel programming and helps developers write robust, scalable, and responsive parallel applications)
среда средств развёртывания и работы с образамиDeployment and Imaging Tools Environment (The shortcut used to open a command prompt that includes predefined system variables for Windows ADK tools. Rori)
средства для оценки и устранения проблем с совместимостьюtools to evaluate and mitigate application compatibility issues (ssn)
средства для оценки и устранения проблем с совместимостью перед развёртыванием новой версии Windowstools to evaluate and mitigate application compatibility issues before deploying a new version of Windows (Windows 8.1 ssn)
средства для оценки и устранения проблем с совместимостью приложенийtools to evaluate and mitigate application compatibility issues (ssn)
средство обмена сообщениями с нулевой загрузкойZero Download Messenger (A Web-based tool that enables mail recipients to decrypt and reply to encrypted e-mail messages that are sent from the Hosted Encryption service)
средство работы с календарём GrooveGroove Calendar Tool (A tool that lets the user mark important dates and build collaborative schedules with other members of a workspace)
средство устранения проблем с воспроизведением звукаPlay Sound troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems that prevent your computer or audio devices from playing sound)
средство устранения проблем с записью звукаRecord Sound troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps find and fix problems that prevent your computer or devices from recording sound)
средство устранения проблем с обслуживаниемMaintenance troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that performs common maintenance tasks in Windows, such as cleaning up unused files and shortcuts)
средство устранения проблем с производительностьюPerformance troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps optimize performance settings in Windows)
средство устранения проблем с совместимостью программProgram Compatibility troubleshooter (An easy-to-use troubleshooter that helps find and fix program compatibility issues)
средство устранения проблем с совместимостью программProgram Compatibility Troubleshooter (win8start.ru bojana)
средство чтения с экранаscreen reader (An app that reads what is displayed on a screen and converts the input for presentation by means of non-visual output devices)
стандартная карта с отметкамиbasic marker map (A map that displays a marker at each location (for example, cities) and varies marker color, size, and type)
стек с масштабированиемstack scale (Office System 2010 Rori)
страница с выделенным кодомcode-behind page (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
строка с именем классаclass-name string (Alex_Odeychuk)
строка с именем собственного типа данныхstring name of the native data type (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
строка с кодом TSIDtransmitting station ID string
строка с указанием интерфейсаinterface string (ssn)
строка с учётом регистраCase Sensitive String (Andrey_Koz)
строковый литерал с двухбайтовыми символамиwide character string literal (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
строковый литерал с расширенными символамиwide character string literal (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Ступенчатая диаграмма с областямиStep Area Chart (LisAnieL)
Сумма валового дохода, полученная от проводки с недвижимостьюthe amount of Gross proceeds from the real estate transaction (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
Существуют расхождения книги продаж с расчётами с бюджетом по НДС.A sales book amount is in imbalance with a VAT payable account. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
тарифный план с оплатой за трафикmetered data plan (A mobile broadband or other network or data plan that bills according to data use, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
текстовый файл с полями фиксированного размераfixed-width text file (ssn)
текстовый файл с полями фиксированной шириныfixed-width text file
текстовый файл с разделением табуляциейtab-delimited text file (Andy)
текстовый файл с разделителямиdelimited text file (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab)
тексты песен с выражениями умеренно бранного характераMild Lyrics (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
Типы: классы с реализациями интерфейсовTypes: classes with interface implementations (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
торговое соглашение с клиентомcustomer trade agreement (A fixed-price agreement that a company enters into with one or more customers in relation to sales prices or discounts for costs associated with the completion of a project (labor, expenses, and fees))
транзакция с аффилированной компаниейintercompany transaction (A transaction that contains distributions to another company within the same legal entity)
транзакция с несколькими пакетамиmulti-package transaction (A single transaction that spans multiple packages)
троян с функцией "звонок домой"call-home Trojan (A type of Trojan malware that connects to a remote server through a stealth connection and that notifies the server that the malware has been installed)
турбина с приводом от двигателяmotor driven turbine (Office System 2010, Visio 2007 Rori)
Удалить производственные заказы с повторяющимися кодами складских проводокDelete production orders with a duplicate inventory transaction id (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
управление организацией с правами только на просмотрView-Only Organization Management (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
управление отношениями с клиентамиcustomer relations management (The business area related to managing a company's interactions with its customers, including sales, service, and delivery of product. Software solutions are designed and implemented specifically to manage this business area)
CRM, управление отношениями с клиентамиCRM (The process of building profitable customer relationships through the delivery of highly targeted interactions at all customer touch points by aligning marketing, sales and service functions and systems)
управление отношениями с клиентамиcustomer relationship management
Управляемая данными диаграмма с областямиD3 Area Chart (LisAnieL)
условия лицензионного соглашения с корпорацией Майкрософт для потребителейMicrosoft License Terms for Consumers (Applications in Windows Store are distributed with user-based licensing model. Windows runtime and application model will only allow applications that are for user-based license as well as signed by Windows Store to be installed/run on Windows 8)
установка с использованием образаimage-based setup (A process that uses installation technologies that install Windows images (.wim files))
установка с использованием образаIBS (A process that uses installation technologies that install Windows images (.wim files))
установка с незначительным участием пользователяlite touch installation (microsoft.com bojana)
устранение неполадок, связанных с системойtroubleshoot system related problems (Windows 8 ssn)
устройство, с которого выполняется звонокcalling device (Equipment, telephone or computer, used to place a call)
устройство с поддержкой OfficeOffice enabled device (A removable storage device that has been configured with Office applications using the Office To-Go Device Manager. Rori)
файл данных с разделителями-запятымиCSV-файл (ssn)
файл данных с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated values file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл данных с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated value file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл значений с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated value file
файл с выделенным кодомcode-behind file (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
файл с данными о совместимости для OfficeOffice compatibility definition file (A file that stores information about compatibility issues and workarounds and makes it available to the Office Telemetry Log and Office Telemetry Dashboard)
файл с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл с разделителями-запятымиcomma-delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл с разделителями-запятымиcomma delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
ферма серверов AD FS с одним узломsingle-node AD FS farm (microsoft.com bojana)
форма с окном сообщенияmessage box form (Access 2013 ssn)
формат с плавающей запятой двойной точностиdouble-precision floating-point format (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point. Rori)
формат с плавающей запятой двойной точностиdouble-precision floating-point format (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point)
фотографии в табличном формате с подписямиPhoto Grid with Captions (Office System 2010 Rori)
Хеш-код архивированного сертификата с ключомArchived Key Cert Hash (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
хранение на месте с учётом времениTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period. Rori)
хранение на месте с учётом времениTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
число с плавающей точкойfloat
шаблон формы с поддержкой веб-браузераbrowser-enabled form template (A browser-compatible form template that has been published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services, and that has been browser-enabled so that users can both display and fill out the form in a Web browser. Rori)
шаблон формы с поддержкой веб-браузераbrowser-compatible form template (A form template that is designed in InfoPath by using a specific compatibility mode. A browser-compatible form template can be browser-enabled when it is published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services. Rori)
шифрование с открытым ключомpublic key encryption (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
Щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши для работы с группойRight-click to interact with this group (Windows Live Messenger Wave 5 Rori)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, экспресс-выпуск с дополнительными службамиMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services (A Microsoft relational database design and management system for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, экспресс-выпуск с инструментамиMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools (A free, easy-to-use version of the SQL Server Express data platform that includes the graphical management tool: SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS) Express)
элемент управления с заголовкомheadered control (A control that includes a child element that labels the control. Headered controls can either include content (headered content control), or a collection of items (headered items control))
элемент управления с привязкой к даннымdata bound control (An ASP.NET control that can be bound to a data source control to make it easy to display and modify data in your Web application)
Эффективный способ работы с почтойA powerful way to interact with your mail (Windows Live Mail W4M4 Rori)
язык с полной локализациейfully localized language (A language in which 100 percent of Windows resources have been translated. Fully localized languages are always included in full language packs. Rori)
язык с частичной локализациейpartially localized language (A language which contains 100 percent of the resources for that language and locale, but not all of the resources are translated in the language pack. Partially localized languages are installed on top of a fully localized language pack. For example, Arabic (Saudi Arabia) is a partially localized language pack and contains 80 percent of the language resources localized in Arabic. The remaining 20 percent of the language resources can be in either English or French. Both English and French are fully localized languages)
ячейка с верхним колонтитулом таблицыTable header cell (Office System 2010 Rori)
ячейка с точечным сопоставлениемsingle-mapped cell (A cell that has been linked to a non-repeating element in an XML map)
ячейки с форматированиемcells with cell formatting (Publisher 2013 Rori)
Showing first 500 phrases