
Terms for subject Microsoft containing text | all forms | exact matches only
alt textзамещающий текст (The text string that appears in place of an image when a Web page is loading, when graphics are not being displayed, or when users pause on the image itself with their mouse)
alternative textальтернативный текст (The text string that appears in place of an image when a Web page is loading, when graphics are not being displayed, or when users pause on the image itself with their mouse)
alternative textзамещающий текст
Anchor-textтекст привязки (SharePoint Search 2013 Rori)
automatic declaration text changeавтоматическое изменение текста объявления (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
block of textблок текста (A segment of text that can be selected and acted upon as a whole in an application)
body textосновной текст (The text that forms the major content of a publication. Does not include titles, headlines, pull quotes, and captions, for example)
boilerplate textстандартный текст (Recyclable text; a piece of writing or code, such as an organization's mission statement or the graphics code that prints a software company's logo, which can be used over and over in many different documents)
caption textподпись (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image)
clear-text passwordоткрытый пароль (A password that is not scrambled, thus making it more susceptible to network sniffers)
ClearType Text Tunerсредство настройки текста ClearType (A program that helps make the text on your screen easier to read for long periods of time)
Collapsible Textсвёртываемый текст (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
color grid for selecting text colorтаблица цветов для выбора цвета (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
declaration textтекст объявления (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
declaration text changeизменение текста объявления (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
delimited text fileтекстовый файл с разделителями (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab)
descriptive textпоясняющий текст (Andy)
Draw Text toolсредство добавления примечаний (An annotation tool used to add notes or comments to a slide)
dynamic text fieldдинамичное текстовое поле (A text field that displays changing text, most often used in conjunction with a progress bar in order to indicate progress)
Edit Post Build Event TextТекст "Изменение события после построения" (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
Edit Post-Build Event TextИзменить текст события после построения (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
Edit Pre Build Event TextТекст "Изменение события перед построением" (Visual Studio Windows Azure Tools 1.4 ssn)
Edit Pre-Build Event TextИзменить текст события перед построением (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
event IDs text boxтекстовое поле "Коды событий" (Windows 7 ssn)
event log textтекст журнала событий (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
Explain textтекст описания (Help text displayed when viewing the properties of most Group Policy settings)
fixed-width text fileтекстовый файл с полями фиксированного размера (ssn)
fixed-width text fileтекстовый файл с полями фиксированной ширины
full-text catalogполнотекстовый каталог (A collection of full-text index components and other files that are organized in a specific directory structure and contain the data that is needed to perform queries)
full-text enablingподдержка полнотекстовых запросов (The process of allowing full-text querying to occur on the current database)
full-text filter daemonуправляющая программа полнотекстовой фильтрации (SQL platon)
full-text indexполнотекстовый индекс (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
full-text predicateполнотекстовый предикат (Alex_Odeychuk)
full-text queryполнотекстовой запрос (As a SELECT statement, a query that searches for words, phrases, or multiple forms of a word or phrase in the character-based columns (of char, varchar, text, ntext, nchar, or nvarchar data types). The SELECT statement returns those rows meeting the search criteria)
full-text searchполнотекстовый поиск (A search for one or more documents, records, or strings based on all of the actual text data rather than on an index containing a limited set of keywords)
full-text search indexполнотекстовый индекс (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
Full-Text serviceполнотекстовая служба (The SQL Server component that performs the full-text querying. Rori)
Global text directionНаправление письма во всём тексте
Global text directionНаправление письма во всём тексте (Defines the flow of text in text entry boxes and edit controls. You can choose a left-to-right or right-to-left direction, or base the direction on the context of the first strong character that is detected)
group textгрупповая MMS (A text message thread between a group of people (usually more than 2). It allows you to keep all the replies from people in one thread, so that you can see the whole conversation)
hidden textскрытый текст (Text that does not display in the normal view of a document's content)
Highlight Typed Textвыделять вводимый текст (Office System 2010 Rori)
Highlights the text associated with an comment reference markВыделение текста, связанного со знаком примечания (Word 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
incorrect text declaration syntaxнеправильный синтаксис текстового объявления (Silverlight 4 ssn)
info textинформационный текст (Andy)
info textтекст сообщения (Andy)
Language Preference help textВыбор языка для справки (Artjaazz)
Microsoft text telephoneслужба текстового телефона (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another; Майкрософт)
Microsoft text telephoneслужба текстового телефона (Microsoft)
placeholder textзамещающий текст
plain text filesобычные текстовые файлы (Office System 2013 Rori)
pre-build event textтекст события перед построением (ssn)
recognized textраспознанный текст (Text that appears under your handwriting on the writing pad or in place of the handwritten letter in the character pad)
rich textформатированный текст (ssn)
rich-text boxтекстовое поле в формате RTF (A standard Windows control that is similar to a standard text box, except that it also supports individual character and paragraph properties)
rich-text editorредактор форматированного текста (A text-editing program that lets users create instant messages or blog posts that contain rich text elements, such as text formatting and embedded images)
rich text fieldполе форматированного текста (A field that can show formatting and graphics, such as an embedded object, and not just text)
rich text XML mappingсопоставление XML для форматированного текста (A type of XML mapping that links WordprocessingML content directly to the backing data in the custom XML part)
static text fieldстатическое текстовое поле (A standard Windows control used for instructions, control labels, and all text that the user doesn't need to horizontally scroll, edit, or select. Compare text box)
tab-delimited text fileтекстовый файл с разделением табуляцией (Andy)
Text-Based Designerтекстовый конструктор (A text-based workflow editor that enables users to create and edit workflows by using declarative statements)
text blockблок текста (The text area associated with a shape that appears when you click the shape with the text tool or select it with the pointer tool)
Text Box Linkingсоздание связи с надписью (Word 2013 Rori)
text client drawing effect object is of the wrong typeневерный тип объекта для эффекта рисунка текстового клиента (Windows 8 ssn)
Text CycleТекстовый цикл (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the arrows or flow rather than the stages or steps. Works best with Level 1 text only)
text declarationтекстовое объявление (Silverlight 4 ssn)
text declaration syntaxсинтаксис текстового объявления (Silverlight 4 ssn)
text directionнаправление текста (The direction text is written in a document, for instance left to right, right to left, horizontal or vertical)
Text Display Sizeразмер шрифта (An item on the Edit menu that displays a list of relative text sizes for instant message text)
text documentтекстовый документ (A document that contains alphanumeric information, not just 0s and 1s)
text effectтекстовый эффект (A visual effect that colors, tweaks, or otherwise graphically alters fonts)
text fileтекстовый файл (" A file composed of text characters. A text file can be a word-processing file or a "plain" ASCII file encoded in a format practically all computers can use.")
text flowразмещение текста (The way text is displayed in a document, how it behaves and breaks according to settings)
text formattingформатирование текста (Formatting that controls the appearance of a text. Examples include text alignment, intercharacter spacing, text justification, and text and background colors)
text frameрамка с текстом (An area within a shape that can contain text)
text harvestingпополнение словаря (A process of extending a handwriting recognizer's lexicon by gathering and storing the user's vocabulary)
text labelтекстовая подпись (Descriptive text that you can add to a form, worksheet, chart, or other document)
text messagingобмен текстовыми сообщениями (The process of creating and sending text messages between or to mobile phones and devices using the SMS protocol)
text modeтекстовый режим (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
text-mode Setupустановка в текстовом режиме (The second of the three stages of Setup, where the basic hardware of the computer (CPU, motherboard, hard disk controllers, file systems, and memory) is determined, the base operating system necessary to continue is installed, and specified folders are created)
text notificationтекстовое уведомление (A type of text e-mail reminder that includes a URL and brief instructions for the user about how to log on and view the spam that was sent to that user's address. This text is customizable on the Spam Filter page)
text objectтекстовый объект (An entity containing text in a document, for instance a text box or table cell)
text-only fileтекстовый файл (A document file in ASCII format, containing characters, spaces, punctuation, carriage returns, and sometimes tabs and an end-of-file marker, but no formatting information)
text placeholderзамещающий текст (A symbolic value used instead of a real value which in this case is text)
text predictionпрогнозирование текста (A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing)
text sensitive menuтекстно-зависимое меню (Andy)
text serviceтекстовая служба (A program that enables a user to enter or edit text. Text services include keyboard layouts, handwriting and speech recognition programs, and Input Method Editors (IMEs). IMEs are used to enter East Asian language characters with a keyboard)
Text Sizeразмер текста
Text slideтекстовый слайд (A blank collaborative slide on which participants can type notes or comments)
text streamтекстовый поток (A type of encoded output that can be included in a Smooth Streaming presentation, such as captions)
text suggestionтекстовое предложение (A word that's suggested as users type, which they can select to quickly insert)
text telephoneтекстовый телефон (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another)
text telephonyтекстовая телефония (A feature that enables those who are deaf or speech impaired to use the telephone with a teletypewriter)
text to speechтекст в речь (Artjaazz)
text-to-speechпреобразование текста в речь (Pertaining to technologies for converting textual (ASCII) information into synthetic speech output. Used in voice-processing applications requiring production of broad, unrelated, and unpredictable vocabularies, such as products in a catalog or names and addresses. This technology is appropriate when system design constraints prevent the more efficient use of speech concatenation alone)
text-to-speech engineобработчик преобразования текста в речь (The component of Speech Engine Services that processes text input and produces speech output by synthesizing words and phrases)
Text-To-Speech engineобработчик преобразования текста в речь (Artjaazz)
text trainerсредство улучшения распознавания текста (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user's vocabulary is analyzed in order to "teach" the recognizer which words should be recognized. The text trainer transforms raw user text from text harvesting into a form that can be used by a personalized recognizer)
text variable lengthдлина текстовой переменной (Office System 2010 ssn)
text windowтекстовое окно (A window containing a text document)
text wrappingобтекание текстом (A feature that consists of advanced text wrap functionality, allowing the user to select from various styles to specify how text flows around objects or graphics in a document)
text writerмодуль записи текста (In ASP.NET mobile controls: A mechanism that allows device adapters to write their output through an object. A text writer object is created from the TextWriter base class)
the selected text is not part of a statementВыделенный текст не является частью оператора (Visual Studio 2012)
transaction textтекст проводки (A description for a journal line. Transaction text stays with the journal line until an event causes new transaction text to be added, such as when the transaction is settled)
transaction textтекст операции
Translate the selected text into a different language.Перевод выделенного текста на другой язык. (Office System 2013 Rori)
typed textвведённый текст (Text that you enter by using a keyboard or that your Tablet PC converts from handwriting or speech)
Unchecked checkbox with a text labelне установленный флажок с текстовой подписью (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Video, In Textвидео, в тексте (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
White text on blackбелый текст на черном фоне (Office System 2013 Rori)
WordArt textтекст WordArt (The text of a WordArt object)