
Terms for subject Microsoft containing slide | all forms | exact matches only
Broadcast Slide Showшироковещательное слайд-шоу (A feature that enables presenters in the rich client to broadcast a slide show to remote viewers watching in a Web browser. Throughout the presentation, the remote attendees will see the current slide being shown by the presenter)
build slideслайд сборки (Powerpoint Samura88)
chart slideслайд с диаграммой (A slide in PowerPoint containing a chart)
collaborative slideслайд для совместной работы (A slide on which all meeting participants can make freehand notes and drawings, type text, conduct polls, show screen shots, or display Web pages)
cross-slideскольжение по диагонали (A touch-optimized technique for selecting or moving an item within a content area that is pannable in one direction only)
divider slideразделитель (вид слайда в презентации Ремедиос_П)
divider slideразделительный слайд (Ремедиос_П)
divider slideслайд-разделитель (Ремедиос_П)
End of slide show, swipe forward to exit.Показ слайдов завершён. Чтобы выйти, проведите пальцем вперёд. (PowerPoint 2013 Rori)
no Last Slide Viewedбез последнего показанного слайда (PowerPoint 2007)
Poll slideслайд опроса (A resource slide that displays a poll question to which all participants can respond)
Record Slide Showзапись слайд-шоу (A feature that enables presenters to capture all the elements of a live presentation, including narration, slides, mouse clicks, A/V playback, and laser pointer highlights. The user can select which presentation aspects to record)
Sharing slideобщий доступ к слайду (A slide on which a presenter can show a shared application or desktop to other meeting participants)
slide downпровести вниз (To place a finger on the screen, move the finger down, and then take the finger off of the screen to power off the phone)
slide gestureжест перетаскивания (A gesture represented by placing a finger on the screen, moving the finger in one or more directions, and then taking the finger off the screen)
Slide Libraryбиблиотека слайдов (A folder where a collection of PowerPoint slides is shared)
Slide Masterобразец слайдов (в Microsoft PowerPoint foxsub)
Slide Navigatorнавигатор слайдов (A feature that enables the user to visually browse for and navigate to other slides without leaving Slide Show view)
Slide open combo boxesСкольжение при раскрытии списков (Windows 8 Rori)
slide-title master pairпара "образец слайда – образец титульного слайда" (The slide master and title master for a given design template that you have applied to a presentation. Rori)
slide transitionсмена слайдов (Jespa)
slide two fingersпровести двумя пальцами (To slide two fingers on a touchpad or similar device at the same time and with a relatively short distance between each other)
slide upсдвиньте вверх (The text displayed at the bottom of a locked phone screen during an incoming call)
Snapshot slideснимок слайда (A slide that displays a static image of a presenter's desktop or the portion of the desktop captured in a Snapshot frame)
Text slideтекстовый слайд (A blank collaborative slide on which participants can type notes or comments)
Web slideслайд веб-страницы
Whiteboard slideслайд доски